1 |
61 |
Elementary differential equations / William E. Boyce, Richard C. DiPrima
2001 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
QA371 |
B77 2001 |
2 |
76 |
The book of the general lawes and libertyes concerning the inhabitants of the Massachusets : reproduced in facsimile from the unique 1648 edition in the Huntington library / edited with an introd. by Thomas G. Barnes
1975 |
Genaral Book |
2 |
KFM2429 |
B724 1975 |
3 |
140 |
Taking sides : clashing views on controversial issues in world politics / edited, selected, and with introductions by John T. Rourke
1991 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
D860 |
T357 1991 |
4 |
141 |
Taking sides : clashing views on controversial issues in world politics / edited, selected, and with introductions by John T. Rourke
1992 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
D860 |
T357 1992 |
5 |
189 |
Strengthening ASEAN integration : lessons from the EU's rule of law / edited by Apirat Petchsiri...[et al.]
c2001 |
Genaral Book |
2 |
HF3790.8.A46 |
S77 2001 |
6 |
225 |
Environmental problems as conflicts of interest / edited by Peter B. Sloep and Andrew Blowers
1995 |
Genaral Book |
2 |
GE170 |
E618 1995 |
7 |
226 |
The politics of international environmental management / edited by Arild Underdal
c1998 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
GE170 |
P769 1998 |
8 |
230 |
Public policy : perspectives and choices / Charles L. Cochran, Eloise F. Malone
1995 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
H97 |
C6 |
9 |
263 |
The political economy of competitiveness : essays on employment, public policy and corporate performance / Michael Kitson and Jonathan Michie
2000 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
HC256 |
K58 |
10 |
265 |
Global economy, global justice : theoretical objections and policy alternatives to neoliberalism / George DeMartino
2000 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
HB72 |
D46 |
11 |
457 |
Fundamentals of business law / Roger LeRoy Miller, Gaylord A. Jentz
c2005 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
KF889 |
M53 2005 |
12 |
483 |
คำอธิบายกฎหมายมหาชน การคลังและภาษีอากร : ภาษีบำรุงท้องที่ / ศุภลักษณ์ พินิจภูวดล
2545 |
Genaral Book |
2 |
13 |
648 |
Still artful work : the continuing politics of social security reform / Paul Light
c1995 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
HD7125 |
L535 1995 |
14 |
655 |
Construction management / Daniel W. Halpin and Ronald W. Woodhead
c1998 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
HD9715.U52 |
H324 1998 |
15 |
715 |
Modern politics and government / Alan R. Ball and B. Guy Peters
c2000 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
JA66 |
B29 2000 |
16 |
849 |
Criminal justice / Sue Titus Reid
c1996 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
HV9950 |
R45 1996 |
17 |
850 |
Criminal justice / Freda Adler, Gerhard O.W. Mueller and William S. Laufer
c1994 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
KF9223.A75 |
A237c 1994 |
18 |
851 |
Annual editions : Criminal justice 1997/98
c1994 |
Genaral Book |
2 |
HV8138 |
A67 1997/98 |
19 |
853 |
Police brutality / William Dudley, book editor
c1991 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
HV8141 |
P564 |
20 |
855 |
Criminal investigation / Charles R. Swanson, Neil C. Chamelin, Leonard Territo
c1996 |
Genaral Book |
2 |
HV8073 |
S84 1996 |
21 |
875 |
The police in America : an introduction / Samuel Walker
1992 |
Genaral Book |
2 |
HV8138 |
W3418 1992 |
22 |
878 |
Applied animal ethics / Leland S. Shapiro
c2000 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
HV4708 |
S52 |
23 |
899 |
Addiction : distinguishing between fact and opinion / Bradley Steffens
c1994 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
HV5801 |
S817a 1994 |
24 |
904 |
Criminology 98/99 / edited Mark L. Fisch
1998 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
HV6025 |
C68 1998 |
25 |
905 |
Criminology 97/98
1997 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
HV6025 |
C68 |
26 |
907 |
Crime and criminology / Sue Titus Reid
c1997 |
Genaral Book |
2 |
HV6025 |
R515 1997 |
27 |
908 |
Criminal violence : what direction now for the war on crime? / prepared by the Public Agenda Foundation ; [writer, Keith Melville] ; [editor, Betty Frecker].
c1993 |
Genaral Book |
2 |
HV6789 |
M448 |
28 |
911 |
Child care and maternal employment : a social ecology approach / Kathleen McCartney, editor
c1990 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
HQ778.5 |
C45 |
29 |
913 |
The Stalker affair / John Stalker
1989 |
Genaral Book |
3 |
HV7911.S73 |
A3 |
30 |
924 |
Eco-socialism or eco-capitalism? : a critical analysis of humanity's fundamental choices / Saral Sarkar
c1999 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
HM206 |
S245e 1999 |
31 |
936 |
Gender, violence, and the social order / Jayne Mooney
c2000 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
HV6626 |
M818g 2000 |
32 |
937 |
Online legal research : a guide to accompany 2002 Business law and legal environment texts by Roger LeRoy
c2002 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
KF889 |
M5361 2002 |
33 |
940 |
European foreign exchange movements and financial institutions / John Doukas, Ike Mathur, editors
c1994 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
HG3942 |
E97 |
34 |
2521 |
Workers' compensation : analysis for its second century [electronic resource] / H. Allan Hunt, Marcus Dillender
E-Book |
1 |
35 |
2596 |
Technology management : developing and implementing effective technology licensing programs / Robert C. Megantz
2002 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
KF3145 |
M496t 2002 |
36 |
3146 |
Politics and culture in eighteenth-century Russia : collected essays / by Isabel de Madariaga
1998 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
DK127 |
M178p 1998 |
37 |
3155 |
Asian nationalism / edited by Michael Leifer
2000 |
Genaral Book |
2 |
DS35 |
A815 2000 |
38 |
3480 |
Accounting and taxation for paralegals / Thomas F. Goldman
2002 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
HF5686.L35 |
G619a 2002 |
39 |
3618 |
The legal and regulatory environment of business / Robert N. Corley ... [et al.]
1990 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
KF1600 |
C799l 1996 |
40 |
3621 |
Hospitality law : managing legal issues in the hospitality industry / Stephen C. Barth, David K. Hayes
2001 |
Genaral Book |
2 |
KF2042.H6 |
B284h 2001 |
41 |
3630 |
Introduction to computer law David I. Bainbridge
2000 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
KD667.C65 |
B35 2000 |
42 |
3635 |
Sustainable use of genetic resources under the convention on biological diversity : exploring access and benefit sharing issues / W. Lesser
1998 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
K3488 |
L47s 1998 |
43 |
3636 |
Theory and methods in political science / edited by David Marsh and Gerry Stoker
2002 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
JA71 |
T497 2002 |
44 |
3637 |
Introduction to paralegalism / Rhonda Carlson
1997 |
Genaral Book |
2 |
KF320.L4 |
C284i 1997 |
45 |
3638 |
Political theory in transition / edited by Noël O'Sullivan
2000 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
JA71 |
P6332 2000 |
46 |
3640 |
Green political thought / Andrew Dobson
c2000 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
JA75.8 |
D63 2000 |
47 |
3642 |
Industry self-regulation and voluntary environmental compliance / Al Iannuzzi
2000 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
KF3775 |
I118i 2000 |
48 |
3661 |
Changing Values In Asia : Their Impact on Governance and Development / cedited by Han Sung-Joo
1999 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
JQ24 |
C466 1999 |
49 |
3669 |
Cyberlaw and e-commerce / David Baumer, J.C. Poindexter
2002 |
Genaral Book |
2 |
KF888 |
B347c 2002 |
50 |
3684 |
Taking sides : clashing views on controversial legal issues / edited, selected, and with introductions by M. Ethan Katsh
c1997 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
KF384.A2 |
T33 1997 |
51 |
3689 |
Government in The United States / Richard C. Remy, senior author ; Larry Elowitz, William Berlin
1990 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
JK274 |
R54 1990 |
52 |
3710 |
Organizing for democracy : NGOs, civil society, and the Philippine State / G. Sidney Silliman Silliman and Lela Garner Noble, editors
c1998 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
JQ1416 |
O74 1998 |
53 |
3713 |
Politics and society in the Third World / peter Calvert and Susan Calvert
2001 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
HN980 |
C325 2001 |
54 |
3727 |
The people's representatives : electoral systems in the Asia-Pacific region / Graham Hassall and Cheryl Saunders
1997 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
JQ24 |
P46 1997 |
55 |
3740 |
International human rights, decolonisation and globalisation : becoming human / Shelley Wright
2001 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
K3240 |
W953i 2001 |
56 |
3742 |
Citizenship and democracy in a global era / edited by Andrew Vandenberg
c2000 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
JF801 |
C581 2000 |
57 |
3752 |
Revolution and world politics : the rise and fall of the sixth great power / Fred Halliday
1999 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
JC491 |
H188r 1999 |
58 |
3768 |
Food safety law / Michael S. Schumann ... [et al.]
1997 |
2 |
KF1900 |
S392f 1997 |
59 |
3886 |
Crime, disorder and community safety : a new agenda? / edited by Roger Matthews and John Pitts
2001 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
HV7431 |
C7 |
60 |
3899 |
Business law : Denis Keenan and Sarah Riches
c2002 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
KF889 |
K466 2002 |
61 |
3973 |
Online legal research guide to accompany west's business law eighth edition and west's legal environment of business fourth edition / guide prepared by Roger LeRoy Miller, William Eric Hollowell
2001 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
KF889 |
M5361 2001 |
62 |
4091 |
คำอธิบายกฎหมายคุ้มครองผู้บริโภค (ฉบับชาวบ้าน) / ไพโรจน์ อาจรักษา
2543 |
Genaral Book |
2 |
63 |
4195 |
Human rights and scientific and technological development : studies on the affirmative use of science and technology for the furtherance of human rights / commissioned as a special project by the United Nations University, following a reference to the University by the United Nations Human Rights Commission ; edited by C.G. Weeramantry
c1990 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
Q175.5 |
H86 1990 |
64 |
4449 |
Postmodern theory : critical interrogations / Steven Best, Douglas Kellner
1991 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
PN98.P67 |
B561p 1991 |
65 |
4802 |
How to know the lichens / Mason E. Hale
c1979 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
QK587 |
H25 1979 |
66 |
6875 |
An ecological approach to international law : responding to challenges of climate change / Prue Taylor
c1998 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
K3585.4 |
T245e 1998 |
67 |
7312 |
Natural law theories in the early enlightenment / T.J.Hochstrasser
c2000 |
Genaral Book |
2 |
K455 |
H685n 2000 |
68 |
7325 |
Remedies in international human rights law / Dinah Shelton
c1999 |
Genaral Book |
2 |
K3240 |
S545r 1999 |
69 |
7368 |
Company law and corporate finance / Eilis Ferran
c1999 |
Genaral Book |
2 |
KD2094 |
F372c 1999 |
70 |
7377 |
Modernism and the grounds of law / Peter Fitzpatrick
c2001 |
2 |
K355 |
F559m 2001 |
71 |
7379 |
Discrimination law / Sandra Fredman
c2002 |
Genaral Book |
3 |
K3242 |
F852d 2002 |
72 |
7383 |
Ball & Bell on environmental law : the law and policy relating to the protection of the environment / Stuart Bell and Donald McGillivray
c2000 |
Genaral Book |
2 |
KD3372 |
B35 2000 |
73 |
7396 |
International law in antiquity / David J. Bederman
c2001 |
Genaral Book |
2 |
KZ1242 |
B411i 2001 |
74 |
7400 |
Property law and human rights / Deborah Rook
c2001 |
Genaral Book, Book Not for Loan |
2 |
KD810 |
R777p 2001 |
75 |
7402 |
Philosophy and the law of torts / edited by Gerald J. Postema
c2001 |
Genaral Book |
2 |
K923 |
P568 2001 |
76 |
7430 |
Media law and Human Rights / Andrew Nicol, Gavin Millar and Andrew Sharland
c2001 |
Genaral Book |
2 |
KD4080 |
N634m 2001 |
77 |
7441 |
Environmental law and regulation / John F. McEldowney and Sharron McEldowney
c2001 |
Genaral Book |
2 |
KD3372 |
M141e 2001 |
78 |
7453 |
Advocacy : 2001/2002 Inns of Court School of Law
2001 |
Genaral Book |
2 |
KD7483.Z9 |
A32 2001 |
79 |
7482 |
Family law / Tina Bond, Jill M. Black, A. Jane Bridge
Genaral Book |
2 |
KD750 |
B64 2001 |
80 |
7486 |
Evidence / Inns of Court School of Law
c2001 |
Genaral Book |
2 |
KF8935 |
E92 2001/2002 |
81 |
7499 |
Family law in practice / Inns of Court School of Law
c2000 |
Genaral Book |
2 |
KD750 |
F365 2000 |
82 |
7502 |
Advanced civil litigation : professional negligence in practice / Inns of Court School of Law
2001 |
Genaral Book, Book Not for Loan |
2 |
KD1977 |
A244 2001 |
83 |
7503 |
European Community competition law in practice / Inns of Court School of Law ; [author: Robert McPeake]
c2000 |
Genaral Book |
2 |
KJE6456 |
M35 2000 |
84 |
7941 |
Hotel, restaurant, and travel law : a preventive approach / Norman G. Cournoyer, Anthony G. Marshall, Karen L. Morris
1999 |
Genaral Book |
2 |
KF951 |
C861h 1999 |
85 |
8438 |
Finance and e-commerce : the online legal environment / Roger Leroy Miller, Gaylord A. Jentz
c2003 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
KF889.3 |
M649f 2002 |
86 |
9337 |
Intellectual property system of Thailand / Dhajjai Subhapholsiri
2001 |
Genaral Book |
2 |
K1401 |
D533i 2001 |
87 |
9410 |
รวมบทความทางวิชาการของศาลรัฐธรรมนูญ ชุดที่ ๑ : ศาลรัฐธรรมนูญไทย / สำนักงานศาลรัฐธรรมนูญ
2544 |
Genaral Book |
6 |
JQ1743.A5 |
ร156 2544 ล.1 |
88 |
10333 |
The system of unfair competition prevention in Japan / Christopher Heath
c2001 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
KNX1234 |
H437s 2001 |
89 |
10656 |
Hazard communication : issues and implementation / Sponsored by ASTM Committee E-34 on Occupational Health and Safety, Houston, TX, 11-12 March 1985 ; James E. Brower, editor
1986 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
KF3570.A2 |
H428 1986 |
90 |
11347 |
Authority without power : law and the Japanese paradox / John Owen Haley
c1991 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
KNX120 |
H168a 1991 |
91 |
11558 |
General principles of EC law / John A. Usher
1998 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
KJE947 |
U852g 1998 |
92 |
12980 |
Marketing and e-commerce : the online legal environment / Roger LeRoy Miller, Gaylord A. Jentz
c2002 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
KF889.3 |
M649m 2002 |
93 |
12996 |
Australian legal system & laws / Nigel Foster
2003 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
KJJ68 |
F756a 2003 |
94 |
12999 |
Business law / David Kelly, Ann Holmes and Ruth Hayward
2002 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
KF889 |
K296b 2002 |
95 |
13020 |
E-commerce law : doing business online / Simmons & Simmons
2001 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
KD1629 |
E111 2001 |
96 |
13029 |
EU anti-dumping law : pursuing and defending investigations / Sebastian Farr
c1998 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
KJE7347 |
F239e 1998 |
97 |
13030 |
EU anti-subsidy law & practice / Konstantinos Adamantopoulos and Maria J. Pereyra-Friedrichsen
c2001 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
KJE6437 |
A197e 2001 |
98 |
13031 |
EU biotechnology law & practice : regulating genetically modified & novel food / Brian Sheridan
c2001 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
KJE6755 |
S552e 2001 |
99 |
13033 |
EU communications law / Sebastian Farr and Vanessa Oakley
c2002 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
KJE6964 |
F239e 2002 |
100 |
13034 |
EU distribution law / Joanna Goyder
c2000 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
KJE2079 |
G69e 2000 |
101 |
13036 |
EU technology licensing / Stephen Kinsella
c1998 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
KJE2777 |
K562e 1998 |
102 |
13037 |
EU trade barrier regulation : practices tackling unfair foreign trade practices / Robert M. MacLean and Bettina Volpi
c2000 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
KJE6536 |
M163e 2000 |
103 |
13038 |
European economics & law : competition, single market, trade / edited by John Grayston
c1999 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
KJE6415 |
E896 1999 |
104 |
13039 |
Family law / Frances Burton
2003 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
K670 |
B87f 2003 |
105 |
13043 |
Food safety and product liability / Raymond O'Rourke
c2000 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
KD2405 |
O747f 2000 |
106 |
13050 |
Introduction to French law / Walter Cairns, Robert McKeon
1998 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
KJV233 |
C136i 1998 |
107 |
13292 |
Law and development : facing complexity in the 21st century : essays in honour of Peter Slinn / edited by John Hatchard, Amanda Perry-Kessaris
2003 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
K3820 |
L415 2003 |
108 |
13301 |
Partnership law / Elspeth Deards and Russell Deards
1999 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
KD2051 |
D285p 1999 |
109 |
13325 |
Sourcebook on public international law / Tim Hillier
1998 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
KZ3405 |
H654s 1998 |
110 |
13327 |
Telecommunications : the EU law / Christopher Watson, Tom Wheadon
2001 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
KJE6964 |
W337t 2001 |
111 |
15843 |
The legal system of the People's Republic of China in a nutshell / by Daniel C.K. Chow
c2003 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
KNQ68 |
C552l 2003 |
112 |
15850 |
The German legal system / by Anke Freckmann, Thomas Wegerich
1999 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
KK149 |
F851g 1999 |
113 |
15877 |
Harmonisation of intellectual property in Europe : a case study of patent procedure / by Philip Leith ; edited by Adrian Chandler
1998 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
KJC2732 |
L533h 1998 |
114 |
15881 |
The Indonesian production sharing contract : an investor's perspective / Tengku Nathan Machmud
c2000 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
KNW3366.5 |
M149i 2000 |
115 |
15884 |
Jurisdiction of international tribunals / Chittharanjan F. Amerasinghe
2003 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
KZ4017 |
A512j 2003 |
116 |
15886 |
Government contracts in a nutshell / W. Noel Keyes
2000 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
KF850 |
K49g 2000 |
117 |
15904 |
Law-making in the People's Republic of China / edited by Jan Michiel Otto...[et al.]
c2000 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
KNQ2516 |
L416 2000 |
118 |
15914 |
Learning European law : a primer and vade-mecum / by Tom Kennedy
1998 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
KJE947 |
K363l 1998 |
119 |
15920 |
Legal issues of inter-Korean economic cooperation under the armistice system / Eric Yong-Joong Lee
2002 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
KPA3406 |
L477l 2002 |
120 |
15924 |
Legal rules of technology transfer in Asia / edited by Christopher Heath/Kung-Chung Liu
2002 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
KNC393 |
L496 2002 |
121 |
15927 |
Chinese intellectual property law and practice / edited by Mark A. Cohen, A. Elizabeth Bang and Stephanie J. Mitchell
c1999 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
KNQ1155 |
C539 1999 |
122 |
15928 |
Forms and agreements on intellectual property and international licensing / L. W. Melville
2003 |
Genaral Book |
3 |
KD1269 |
M531f 2003 |
123 |
15931 |
Chinese law / editors, Wang Guiguo and John Mo
1999 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
KNQ68 |
C539 1999 |
124 |
15932 |
Chinese law : towards an understanding of Chinese law, its nature, and development / J. Chen
c1999 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
KNQ68 |
C518c 1999 |
125 |
15934 |
Chinese real estate law / by Patrick A. Randolph Jr. and Lou Jianbo
2000 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
KNQ683 |
R194c 2000 |
126 |
15939 |
Colinvaux & Merkin's insurance contract law / Robert Merkin
2002 |
Genaral Book |
3 |
KD1859 |
M563c 2002 |
127 |
15941 |
Company directors : law and liability / edited by Neil Sinclair, David Vogel and Richard Snowden
2003 |
Genaral Book |
2 |
KD2089 |
C737 2003 |
128 |
15943 |
Competition law and the World Trade Organisation : limits of multilateralism / Kevin C. Kennedy
2001 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
K3850 |
K359c 2001 |
129 |
15945 |
Computer software and information licensing in emerging markets : the need for a viable legal framework / Aunya Sinsangob
c2003 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
K1443.C6 |
S617c 2003 |
130 |
15950 |
Copyright limitations and contracts : an analysis of the contractual overridability of limitations on copyright / by Lucie M.C.R. Guibault
2002 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
K1420.5 |
G944c 2002 |
131 |
15970 |
Due diligence : law and practice / Christopher Davis
2003 |
3 |
KF1440 |
D261d 2003 |
132 |
15971 |
E-Business law of the European Union / by Quinten Kroes
2003 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
KJE2045 |
K932e 2003 |
133 |
15972 |
E.C. and U.K. competition law and compliance : a practical guide / Paul M. Taylor
1999 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
KD2218 |
T245e 1999 |
134 |
15973 |
E.C. anti-dumping law and practice / by Edwin Vermulst and Paul Waer
1996 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
KJE7347 |
V528e 1996 |
135 |
15976 |
Equity & trusts in a nutshell / Angela Sydenham
2000 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
KD674 |
S93e 2000 |
136 |
15977 |
European community law / James Hanlon
2003 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
KJE947 |
H36e 2003 |
137 |
15979 |
Exclusion clauses and unfair contract terms / Richard Lawson
2003 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
KD1563 |
L38e 2003 |
138 |
15980 |
Exploring the law : the dynamics of precedent and statutory interpretation / Colin Manchester, David Salter and Peter Moodie
2000 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
KD695 |
M36e 2000 |
139 |
15982 |
Eyes on the prize : law and economic development in Singapore / Connie Carter
c2002 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
KPP99 |
C323e 2002 |
140 |
15985 |
Mergers & acquisitions in Germany / Droste
1995 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
KK2628 |
D787m 1995 |
141 |
15987 |
Financial regulation in the greater China area : Mainland China, Taiwan and Hong Kong SAR / edited by Joseph J. Norton, C. J. Li and Huang Yangxin
2000 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
KNQ940 |
F491 2000 |
142 |
15988 |
European Union law in a nutshell / by Ralph H. Folsom
1999 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
KJE949 |
F644e 1999 |
143 |
15991 |
French substantive law : key elements / by Christian Dadomo and Susan Farran
1997 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
KJV233 |
D121f 1997 |
144 |
15994 |
Glanville Williams : learning the law / by Glanville Williams
2002 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
KD442 |
W54g 2002 |
145 |
15995 |
Legal accounting : principles and applications / by Douglas C. Michael
1997 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
KF1357.A7 |
M621l 1997 |
146 |
15997 |
Hedge funds : law and regulation / editors by Iain Cullen, Helen Parry
2001 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
KF1078 |
H453 2001 |
147 |
15998 |
Human rights law in the UK / by Edwin Shorts and Claire De Than
2001 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
KD4080 |
S559h 2001 |
148 |
16000 |
Implementation of law in the People's Republic of China / edited by Jianfu Chen, Yuwen Li, and Jan Michiel Otto
c2002 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
KNQ62 |
I613 2002 |
149 |
16006 |
International economic law / by Asif H. Qureshi
1999 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
K3820 |
Q960i 1999 |
150 |
16045 |
Energy and natural resources law in a nutshell / by Jan G. Laitos, Joseph P. Tomain
1992 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
KF2120.Z9 |
L189e 1992 |
151 |
16143 |
Negotiating international business acquisition agreements / Andrew S. Collins and John T. Murphy
1997 |
2 |
KF1477 |
C712n 1997 |
152 |
16144 |
Negotiating international join venture agreements / Stephen Sayer
1999 |
2 |
KD2051 |
S274n 1999 |
153 |
16148 |
Principles of international insolvency / Philip R. Wood
1995 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
K1370 |
W878p 1995 |
154 |
16152 |
Procedural law of the European Union / Koen Lenaerts and Dirk Arts
1999 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
KJE3802 |
L563p 1999 |
155 |
16153 |
Professional indemnity insurance law / W.I.B. Enright
c1996 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
KF1164.3 |
E595p 1996 |
156 |
16154 |
Resolution of disputes between foreign banks and Chinese sovereign borrowers : public and private international law aspects / Yiming Shen
c2000 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
KNQ942.5 |
S546r 2000 |
157 |
16156 |
Jurisprudence legal philosophy in a nutshell / by Surya Prakash Sinha
1993 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
K231 |
S617j 1993 |
158 |
16157 |
The Spanish legal system / by Elena Merino-Blanco
1996 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
KKT68 |
M562s 1996 |
159 |
16158 |
Negotiable instruments and check collection : (the new law) in a nutshell / by Ricahrd E. Speidel, Steven H. Nickles
1993 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
KF957.Z9 |
S742n 1993 |
160 |
16159 |
The law of hazardous wastes and toxic substances in a nutshell / by John G. Sprankling, Gregory S. Weber
1997 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
KF3945.Z9 |
S767l 1997 |
161 |
16163 |
Legal negotiation in a nutshell / by Larry L. Teply
1992 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
KF9084.Z9 |
T314l 1992 |
162 |
16164 |
The TRIPS agreement : drafting history and analysis / Daniel Gervais
2003 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
K1401.A41994 |
G385t 2003 |
163 |
16165 |
UK asylum law and policy : historical and contemporary perspectives / Dallal Stevens
2004 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
KD4142 |
S844u 2004 |
164 |
16217 |
Anti-dumping and other trade protection Laws of the EC / Ivo Van Bael and Jean-Francois Bellis
1996 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
KJE6791 |
V34a 1996 |
165 |
16219 |
Asia Pacific economic intergration and the GATT/WTO regime / by Yoshi Kodama
2000 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
KNC742 |
K769a 2000 |
166 |
16223 |
Biotech patents equivalency and exclusives under European and U.S.patent law / Li Westerlund
2002 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
K1519.B54 |
W526b 2002 |
167 |
16229 |
Business law in the European Union / by Christopher Bovis
1997 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
KJE2045 |
B783b 1997 |
168 |
16231 |
Business law guide to Belgium / Van Bael & Bellis
1993 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
KJK78.B86 |
B979 1993 |
169 |
16234 |
Business law guide to Itary / Maisto & Miscali
1992 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
KKH78.B86 |
B979 1992 |
170 |
16235 |
Business law guide to Poland / Claudia Seibel, general editor
c1996 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
KKP78.B86 |
B979 1996 |
171 |
16245 |
Child and family law : cases & materials / Richard Mays
2001 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
KDC374 |
M474c 2001 |
172 |
16249 |
Chinese banking law and foreign financial institutions / Zhongfei Zhou
2001 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
KNQ942.5 |
Z638c 2001 |
173 |
16255 |
Federal jurisdiction in a nutshell / David P. Currie
1999 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
KF8858.Z9 |
C87f 1999 |
174 |
16258 |
A guide to European Union law : as amended by the treaty of lisbon / by P.S.R.F. Mathijsen
2010 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
KJE947 |
M431g 2010 |
175 |
16265 |
Intellectual property : patents, trademarks, and copyright in a nutshell / Arthur R. Miller and Michael H. Davis
2000 |
4 |
KF2980 |
M647i 2000 |
176 |
17235 |
Mayson, French & Ryan on company law / Stephen W. Mayson, Derek French, Christopher L. Ryan
c2003 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
KD2079 |
M474m 2003 |
177 |
17324 |
EU food law : a practical guide / edited by Kaarin Goodburn
c2001 |
Genaral Book |
2 |
KJE6778 |
E86 2001 |
178 |
17788 |
Evidence : questions & answers / Maureen Spencer
c2003 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
KD8371.Z9 |
S62 2003 |
179 |
17792 |
Employment law in practice
c2002 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
KF3455 |
E55 2002 |
180 |
18451 |
China's legal reforms and their political limits / edited by Eduard B. Vermeer and Ingrid d'Hooghe
2002 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
KNQ470.A67 |
C539 2002 |
181 |
18452 |
Chinese legal reform : the case of foreign investment law / Yan Wang
2002 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
KNQ3202 |
W246c 2002 |
182 |
18457 |
Human rights and gender politics : Asia-Pacific perspectives / edited by Anne-Marie Hilsdon...[et al.]
c2000 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
JC599.A78 |
H918 2000 |
183 |
18458 |
Law and labour market regulation in East Asia / edited by Sean Cooney...[et al.]
2002 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
KNC403 |
L415 2002 |
184 |
18498 |
The Chinese legal system : globalization and local legal culture / Pitman B. Potter
2001 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
KNQ68 |
P868c 2001 |
185 |
19080 |
Essential of intellectual property / Alexander Poltorak, Paul Lerner
2002 |
Genaral Book |
2 |
KF2980 |
P65e 2002 |
186 |
20146 |
Management organisation and ethics in the public sector / edited by Patrick Bishop, Carmen Connors, and Charles Sampford
2003 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
JF1525.E8 |
M36 2003 |
187 |
20202 |
Labor relations and collective bargaining : cases, practice, and law / Michael R. Carrell, Christina Heavrin
c2001 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
KF3408 |
C37l 2001 |
188 |
20831 |
Public school law : teachers' and students' rights / Nelda Cambron-McCabe, Martha M. McCarthy, Stephen B. Thomas
c2004 |
Genaral Book |
2 |
KF4119 |
M38 2004 |
189 |
20842 |
Legal rights of teachers and students / Martha M. McCarthy, Nelda H. Cambron-McCabe, Stephen B. Thomas
c2004 |
Genaral Book |
2 |
KF4199 |
M388l 2004 |
190 |
21556 |
Mass media law / Don R. Pember
2001-2002 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
KF2750 |
P394m 2001 |
191 |
21641 |
Balancing acts : community-based forest management and national law in Asia and the Pacific / Owen J. Lynch and Kirk Talbott
c1995 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
KNC768 |
L96b 1995 |
192 |
21763 |
Business law and the regulatory environment : concepts and cases / Jane P. Mallor ... [et al.]
2001 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
KF888 |
M255b 2001 |
193 |
21939 |
Federal legislation on limiting local government borrowing : impacts on the PARANA URBANO Program and munucipal borrowing / Gian Carlo Guarda , Miryan Kravchychyn and Idelmar Paulikievicz
1999 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
G9141 |
G837f 1999 |
194 |
22078 |
Agrarian change, gender and land rights : a brazilian case study / Julia S. Guivant
2003 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
HD1333.B6 |
G85 2003 |
195 |
22105 |
Institutional capacity-building to deal with the implications of TRIPS for industrial and technological development : case study of India / Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific
2001 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
HG5732 |
.I57 2001 |
196 |
22373 |
Gender relations in a global world / Virginia Guzmàn
c2002 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
K644 |
G89 2002 |
197 |
22423 |
Codex alimentarius : general requirements / Joint FAO/WHO Food and Standards Programme [and] Codex Alimentarius Commission
2000 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
K3626 |
A48 2000 |
198 |
22605 |
Report of the international expert meeting on legislation for equalization of opportunities for people with disabilities 2-6 June 1986 Vienna / Rehabilitation International
1987 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
K637 |
A55 1986 |
199 |
22640 |
2nd Expert meeting on women & justice / Asian women's fund
2002 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
K3243 |
A85 2002 |
200 |
22712 |
The discipline of law / by Lord Denning
1979 |
Genaral Book |
5 |
KD640.A75 |
D46d 1979 |
201 |
22737 |
Selected ASEAN documents on the environment / compiled by K.L. Koh
[1996] |
Genaral Book |
1 |
KNC705 |
S45 1996 |
202 |
22816 |
United Nations convention against transnational organized crime and the protocols thereto / United nations office for Drug control and crime prevention
2002 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
KJE947 |
U58 2002 |
203 |
22828 |
Seafood safety standards (with special reference to HACCP) : review of the import regulations of the U.S. and E.U. and the relevant laws of the South Pacific Region : a report prepared for the Food and Agricultural Organization of the United Nations and the Secretariat of the Pacific Community / Ted L. McDorman
1997 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
K3930 |
M33s 1997 |
204 |
22833 |
Alternative dispute resolution methods : paper written following a UNITAR sub-regional workshop on arbitration and dispute resolution (Harare-Zimbabwe, 11 to 15 September 2000) document no. 14 / United Nations institute for training and research
2001 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
KF9084 |
A473 2001 |
205 |
22839 |
Codex alimentarius : milk and milk products / Joint FAO/WHO Food and Standards Programme [and] Codex Alimentarius Commission
2000 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
K3626 |
A48 2000 |
206 |
22958 |
Assembly of states parties to the Rome statute of the international criminal court : First session (first and second resumptions) New York, 3-7 February and 21-23 April 2003 / United Nations
2003 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
KZ6310 |
A87 2003 |
207 |
22975 |
Report of the Committee of Experts on the Application of Conventions and Recommendations (Article 19, 22 and 35 of the Constitution) Third item on the agenda: information and reports on the application of conventions and recommendations / International Labour Office
2003 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
K1702.I58 |
I616r 2003 |
208 |
23009 |
United Nations convention on independent guarantees and stand-by letters of credit / United Nations
1996 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
K1098.A4 |
A2 1996 |
209 |
23272 |
UNCITRAL model law on electronic commerce, with guide to enactment, 1996 : with additional article 5 bis as adopted in 1998 / United Nations Commission on International Trade Law
1999 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
K1004.4 |
U581u 1996 |
210 |
23273 |
Admission and establishment / United Nations Conference on Trade and Development
1999 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
K1322 |
A936 1999 |
211 |
23296 |
Reversing environmental degradation trends in the south China Sea and Gulf of Thailand / UNEP/GEF
2002 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
K3592.92 |
R452 2002 |
212 |
23297 |
Report of the sixteenth meeting of the coordinating body on the seas of East Asia (COBSEA) on the East Asian Seas action plan / Unep
2001 |
Genaral Book |
2 |
KWX720 |
U566r 2001 |
213 |
23305 |
UNCITRAL model law on electronic signatures with guide to enactment, 2001 / United Nations Commission on International Trade Law
2002 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
K1004.4 |
U534 2001 |
214 |
23337 |
CEVNI : European code for inland waterways / Economic Commission for Europe, Inland Transport Committee, Working Party on Inland Water Transport
2002 |
Genaral Book |
3 |
KJC6939.A5 |
C48 2002 |
215 |
23598 |
Restructured ADR, applicable as from 1 July 2001 : European Agreement Concerning the International Carriage of Dangerous Goods by Road / Economic Commission for Europe, Inland Transport Committee
2001 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
KJC6011.A41957 |
R436 2001 |
216 |
25632 |
Essentials of business law and the legal environment / Richard A. Mann, Barry S. Roberts
c2004 |
Genaral Book |
2 |
KF889 |
M355e 2004 |
217 |
25634 |
Foundations of environmental law and policy / edited by Richard L. Revesz
1997 |
Genaral Book |
2 |
KF3775.A7 |
F68 1997 |
218 |
26533 |
Sexuality, gender, and the law / by William N. Eskridge, Jr., Nan D. Hunter
1997 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
KF9325.A7 |
E84s 1997 |
219 |
26538 |
Fundamentals of federal income taxation : cases and materials / by James J. Freeland ... [et al.].
2002 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
KF6368 |
F69 2002 |
220 |
26539 |
Gellhorn and Byse's administrative law : cases and comments / by Peter L. Strauss, Todd D. Rakoff, Cynthia R. Farina.
2003 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
KF5402.A4 |
G4 2003 |
221 |
27457 |
Intellectual property management : the role of technology-brands in the appropriation of technological innovation / Klaus Jennewein
c2005. |
Genaral Book |
1 |
K1401 |
J541i 2005 |
222 |
27477 |
Family law / Johnathan Herring
2004 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
KD750 |
H47f 2004 |
223 |
27481 |
Federal income taxation of corporations and stockholders in a nutshell / Karen C. Burke
2003 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
KF6465 |
S58f 2003 |
224 |
27523 |
Intellectual property and international trade : the TRIPs agreement / editors, Carlos M. Correa, Abdulqawi A. Yusuf
1998 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
K1401.A41994 |
I611 1998 |
225 |
27716 |
Administrative law / Michael T. Molan
2003 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
K3400 |
M61t 2003 |
226 |
27721 |
Anson's law of contract
2002 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
KD1554 |
A95a 2002 |
227 |
27726 |
Commercial law / D. G. Cracknell
2002 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
KD1629 |
C7c 2002 |
228 |
27727 |
Commercial law / Robert Bradgate and Fidelma White
2004 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
KD1629 |
B73c 2004 |
229 |
27728 |
Commercial law / editor by Roland Fletcher
2002 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
KD1629 |
C66 2002 |
230 |
27729 |
Constitutional justice : a liberal theory of the rule of law / T.R.S. Allan
2003 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
K3171 |
A418c 2003 |
231 |
27773 |
Equity / Sarah Worthington
2003 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
KD674 |
W67e 2003 |
232 |
27774 |
Fundamental perspectives on international law / William R. Slomanson
2003 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
KZ3180 |
S59f 2003 |
233 |
27797 |
Administrative law / Peter Cane
2004 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
KF5425 |
C22a 2004 |
234 |
27798 |
Introduction to comparative law / Konrad Zweigert and Hein Kotz
1998 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
K583 |
Z977i 1998 |
235 |
27840 |
The sale of goods / M.G. Bridge
2003 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
KD1629 |
B66s 2003 |
236 |
27896 |
European union law for the twenty-first century : rethinking the new legal order / edited by Takis Tridimas, Paolisa Nebbia
2004 |
Genaral Book |
2 |
KJE947 |
E877 2004 |
237 |
29003 |
Annual of German & European law : volume I (2003) / edited by Russell A. Miller and Peer C. Zumbansen
2004 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
KK147 |
A56 2004 |
238 |
29004 |
Arbitration law / Robert Merkin
2004 |
Genaral Book |
2 |
KD7645 |
M563a 2004 |
239 |
29008 |
Chinese commercial law / Kui Hua Wang.
2004 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
KNQ78.B87 |
W36c 2000 |
240 |
29009 |
Civil justice in China : representation and practice in the qing / Philip C. C. Huang
1996 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
KNN1572 |
H83c 1996 |
241 |
29010 |
Civil law in qing and republican China / edited by Kathryn Bernhardt, Philip C.C. Huang
c1994 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
KNN1572 |
C58 1994 |
242 |
29019 |
EU internal market law / Gareth Davies
2003 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
KJE6417 |
D38e 2003 |
243 |
29020 |
French criminal justice : a comparative account of the investigation and prosecution of crime in France / Jacqueline Hodgson
2005 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
KJV7982 |
H63f 2005 |
244 |
29021 |
From promise to contract : towards a liberal theory of contract / Dori Kimel
2005 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
K840 |
K56f 2005 |
245 |
29022 |
German civil justice / Peter L. Murray, Rolf Stuerner.
2004. |
Genaral Book |
1 |
KK3655 |
M87g 2004 |
246 |
29024 |
German legal system & laws / Nigel G. Foster, Satish Sule ; foreword by Axel Boetticher
2005 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
KK147 |
F67g 2002 |
247 |
29025 |
German Public Takeover Law : bilingual edition with an introduction to the law / Thomas Stohlmeier
c2002 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
KK2628 |
A28 2002 |
248 |
29029 |
Intellectual property in the new millennium : essays in honour of William R. Cornish / edited by David Vaver and Lionel Bently
2004 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
K1401 |
I611 2004 |
249 |
29034 |
Law and investment in Japan : cases and materials / Yukio Yanagida ... [et al.]
c2000 |
Genaral Book |
2 |
KNX920 |
L378 2000 |
250 |
29045 |
Sourcebook on German law / Raymond Youngs.
2002 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
KK147 |
Y68s 2002 |
251 |
29052 |
Taiwan : business law handbook / International Business Publications
2004 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
KNP7.3.B67 |
T3375 2004 |
252 |
29056 |
The Italian Civil code and complementary legislation / translated by Mario Beltramo, Giovanni E. Longo, John H. Merryman
2005 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
KKH494.31942 |
A52 2005 |
253 |
29212 |
Virtual reality / Lisa Yount
2005 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
QA76.9.V5 |
Y68v 2005 |
254 |
30324 |
The self-determination of peoples : community, nation, and state in an interdependent world / edited by Wolfgang Danspeckgruber
c2002 |
Genaral Book |
2 |
KZ1269 |
S454 2002 |
255 |
30852 |
Rules of the stock exchange of Thailand : governing listed company on the stock exchange of Thailand and the market for alternative investment (mai)
2005 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
K1114 |
S864r 2005 |
256 |
30853 |
Rules of the stock exchange of Thailand : governing members, trading of securities, clearing house, securities depository center and securities registrar / The stock exchange of Thailand
2005 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
K1114 |
S864r 2005a |
257 |
30980 |
Legal reasoning and legal writing : structure, strategy, and style / Richard K. Neumann
2001 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
KF250 |
N48l 2001 |
258 |
31649 |
Intellectual property rights in agricultural biotechnology / edited by F.H. Erbisch and K.M. Maredia
1998 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
K1519.B54 |
I611 1998 |
259 |
31908 |
The basic law of the Hong Kong special administrtive region of the people's republic of China
1990 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
K1066 |
B374 1990 |
260 |
37294 |
Exclusion clauses and unfair contract terms / Richard Lawson
2005 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
KD1563 |
L38e 2005 |
261 |
37299 |
Frustration and force majeure / by Guenter Treitel
2004 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
KD1596 |
T73f 2004 |
262 |
38893 |
中华人民共和国法律全释. 1 : 宪法编国家法编(一)= The comprehensive explanations on laws of the people's republic of China / 江平主编 ; 《中华人民共和国法律全释》编委会[编]
2000 |
Genaral Book |
3 |
KNQ13 |
J536z 2000 v.1 |
263 |
38894 |
中华人民共和国法律全释. 2 : 国家法编(二) 军事法编国际法编= The comprehensive explanations on laws of the people's republic of China / 江平主编 ; 《中华人民共和国法律全释》编委会[编]
2000 |
Genaral Book |
3 |
KNQ13 |
J536z 2000 |
264 |
38895 |
中华人民共和国法律全释. 3 : 行政法编(一)= The comprehensive explanations on laws of the people's republic of China / 江平主编 ; 《中华人民共和国法律全释》编委会[编]
2000 |
Genaral Book |
3 |
KNQ13 |
J536z 2000 |
265 |
38896 |
中华人民共和国法律全释. 4 : 行政法编(二)= The comprehensive explanations on laws of the people's republic of China / 江平主编 ; 《中华人民共和国法律全释》编委会[编]
2000 |
Genaral Book |
3 |
KNQ13 |
J536z 2000 v.4 |
266 |
38897 |
中华人民共和国法律全释. 5 : 行政法编(三) 刑事法编(一)= The comprehensive explanations on laws of the people's republic of China / 江平主编 ; 《中华人民共和国法律全释》编委会[编]
2000 |
Genaral Book |
3 |
KNQ13 |
J536z 2000 |
267 |
38898 |
中华人民共和国法律全释. 6 : 刑事法编(二) 民事法编(一)= The comprehensive explanations on laws of the people's republic of China / 江平主编 ; 《中华人民共和国法律全释》编委会[编]
2000 |
Genaral Book |
3 |
KNQ13 |
J536z 2000 v.6 |
268 |
38899 |
中华人民共和国法律全释. 7 : 民事法编(二) = The comprehensive explanations on laws of the people's republic of China / 江平主编 ; 《中华人民共和国法律全释》编委会[编]
2000 |
Genaral Book |
3 |
KNQ13 |
J536z 2000 |
269 |
38900 |
中华人民共和国法律全释. 8 : 民事法编(三) = The comprehensive explanations on laws of the people's republic of China/ 江平主编 ; 《中华人民共和国法律全释》编委会[编]
2000 |
Genaral Book |
3 |
KNQ13 |
J536z 2000 |
270 |
38901 |
中华人民共和国法律全释. 9 : 民事法编(四) 商事法编(一) = The comprehensive explanations on laws of the people's republic of China / 江平主编 ; 《中华人民共和国法律全释》编委会[编]
2000 |
Genaral Book |
3 |
KNQ13 |
J536z 2000 v.9 |
271 |
38902 |
中华人民共和国法律全释.10 : 商事法编(二) 经济法编(一)= The comprehensive explanations on laws of the people's republic of China/ 江平主编 ; 《中华人民共和国法律全释》编委会[编]
2000 |
Genaral Book |
3 |
KNQ13 |
J536z 2000 v.10 |
272 |
38903 |
中华人民共和国法律全释 = The comprehensive explanations on laws of the People's Repbulic of China / 江平
2000 |
Genaral Book |
3 |
KNQ13 |
J536z 2000 |
273 |
38904 |
中华人民共和国法律全释. 11 : 经济法编(二) / 江平主编 ; 《中华人民共和国法律全释》编委会[编]
2000 |
Genaral Book |
3 |
KNQ13 |
J536z 2000 |
274 |
39037 |
Federal tax research / William A. Raabe, Gerald E. Whittenburg, Debra L. Sanders
c2006 |
Genaral Book |
3 |
KF241.T38 |
R33f 2006 |
275 |
39780 |
Guide to food laws and regulations / Patricia A. Curtis
2005 |
Genaral Book |
2 |
KF3870 |
C87g 2005 |
276 |
39839 |
Conflict of law / D.G. Cracknell, Ian Brown
2002 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
K7040 |
C883c 2002 |
277 |
39850 |
Family law / Mary Welstead, Susan Edward
2006 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
KD750.Z9 |
W347f 2006 |
278 |
39916 |
Evidence / Andrew L-T Choo.
2006 |
Genaral Book |
3 |
KD7499 |
C48e 2006 |
279 |
39920 |
Globalization and law : trade, rights, war / Adam Gearey.
c2005. |
Genaral Book |
1 |
KZ3410 |
G43g 2005 |
280 |
39922 |
Interest in Islamic economics : understanding riba / edited by Abdulkader Thomas
2006 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
KBP868.2 |
I611 2006 |
281 |
40002 |
Risk management and insurance / James S. Treischmann [i.e. Trieschmann], Robert E. Hoyt, David W. Sommer
c2005 |
Genaral Book |
3 |
HG8051 |
T73r 2005 |
282 |
40135 |
The Best test preparation for the LSAT, Law School Admission Test / Robert K. Burdette ... [et al.]
2003 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
KF285 |
B377 2003 |
283 |
40144 |
LSAT Law School Admission Test
2002 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
KF285 |
L73 2000 |
284 |
41700 |
English civil procedure : fundamentals of the new civil justice system / by Neil Andrews
2003 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
KD7325 |
A528e 2003 |
285 |
41701 |
The proceeds of crime : the law and practice of restraint, confiscation, and forfeiture / by Trevor Millington and Mark Sutherland Williams
2003 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
KD8460 |
M55p 2003 |
286 |
41705 |
Criminal law and procedure for the paralegal : a systems approach / by James W.H. McCord and Sandra L. McCord
2006 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
KF9219.3 |
M33c 2006 |
287 |
41706 |
Competition policy and law in China, Hong Kong and Taiwan / Mark Williams.
2005 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
HD41 |
W499c 2005 |
288 |
43652 |
IP and antitrust : an analysis of antitrust principles applied to intellectual property law / Herbert Hovenkamp, Mark D. Janis, Mark A. Lemley
c2006 |
Genaral Book |
2 |
KF3116 |
H68i 2006 |
289 |
43658 |
Law without justice : why criminal law doesn't give people what they deserve / Paul H. Robinson, Michael T. Cahill.
c2006 |
Genaral Book |
2 |
KF9223 |
R62l 2006 |
290 |
43659 |
Le contrat : droit des obligations / Jean-Jacques Aubert
2005 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
KF801 |
A889c 2005 |
291 |
43660 |
Le responsabilite administrative / Michel Paillet
1996 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
KJV5080 |
P35r 1996 |
292 |
43663 |
Lecons d'histoire de la philosophie du droit / Michel Villey
2002 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
K357 |
V5l 2002 |
293 |
43664 |
Legal opinion letters : a comprehensive guide to opinion letter practice / M. John Sterba, Jr., editor.
c2006 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
KF250 |
L172 2003 |
294 |
43665 |
Les grands arrêts de la jurisprudence administrative / Marceau Long...[et al]
2005 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
KJV4669 |
L663g 2005 |
295 |
43666 |
Les grands arrets de la propriete intellectuelle / Michel Vivant
2004 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
KF2980 |
V85g 2004 |
296 |
43676 |
Marine insurance : law and practice / by F.D. Rose
2004 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
HE965 |
R78b 2004 |
297 |
43677 |
Maritime law / Christopher Hill
2003 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
KD1819 |
H54m 2003 |
298 |
43918 |
Financial services and EEC law : materials and cases / Martijn van Empel, general editor
c2006 |
Genaral Book |
7 |
KJE2188 |
F562 2006 |
299 |
43922 |
From hot air to action? : climate change, compliance and the future of international environmental law / by Meinhard Dolle
2005 |
Genaral Book |
2 |
K3593 |
D65f 2005 |
300 |
43932 |
Histoire du droit / Jean Bart
2002 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
KJV334 |
B37 2002 |
301 |
43933 |
Histoire du droit : introduction historique au droit et histoire des institutions publiques / Jean Hilaire
2005 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
KJV252 |
H55h 2005 |
302 |
43934 |
Histoire du droit civil / Jean-Philippe Levy, Andre Castaldo
2002 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
KJV253 |
L487h 2002 |
303 |
43936 |
Implementing strategic environmental assessment / Michael Schmidt, Elsa Joao, Eike Albrecht (eds.)
c2005 |
Genaral Book |
3 |
KJE6245 |
I47 2005 |
304 |
43941 |
Introduction to EU competition law / edited by Peter Willis
2005 |
Genaral Book |
2 |
KJE6456 |
W45 2005 |
305 |
43948 |
Introduction generale au droit / Terre Francois
2006 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
KJV290 |
T47i 2006 |
306 |
43953 |
A practical approach to civil procedure / Stuart Sime
2006 |
Genaral Book |
3 |
KD7325 |
S78p 2006 |
307 |
43968 |
Arbitration of commercial disputes : international and English law and practice / Andrew Tweeddale, Keren Tweeddale
2005 |
Reference Book |
1 |
K2390 |
T84a 2005 |
308 |
43969 |
Arbitration practice and procedure : interlocutory and hearing problems / by D. Mark Cato ; foreword by Lord Mustill
2002 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
KD7645.A7 |
C37a 2002 |
309 |
43973 |
Banks : fraud and crime / edited by Joseph J. Norton and George Walker
2000 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
KD1715.A75 |
B36 2000 |
310 |
43982 |
The modern law of marine insurance. Volume 2 / edited by D. Rhidian Thomas
2002 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
KD1845 |
M689 2002 |
311 |
43989 |
The right to die : the law of end-of-life decisionmaking / Alan Meisel, Kathy L. Cerminara
2006 |
Genaral Book |
2 |
KF3827.E87 |
M452r 2006 |
312 |
43993 |
The UNCITRAL arbitration rules : a commentary / David D. Caron, Lee M. Caplan, Matti Pellonpaa
2006 |
Genaral Book |
2 |
K2400 |
C39u 2006 |
313 |
43998 |
Understanding criminal law / C.M.V. Clarkson
2005 |
Genaral Book |
2 |
KF9219 |
C53u 2005 |
314 |
43999 |
Understanding the law / Geoffrey Rivlin
c2006 |
Genaral Book |
2 |
KD662 |
R58u 2006 |
315 |
44005 |
Critical issues in environmental taxation : international and comparative perspectives / editors, Janet Milne ... [et al.]
[2002?]- |
Genaral Book |
2 |
K3585 |
G59 2002 |
316 |
44008 |
Defining crimes : essays on the special part of the criminal law / edited by R.A. Duff and Stuart P. Green
2005 |
Genaral Book |
2 |
KD7950 |
D44 2005 |
317 |
44010 |
Meetings of stockholders / R. Franklin Balotti, Jesse A. Finkelstein, Gregory P. Williams
2006 |
Genaral Book |
2 |
KF1450 |
B35m 2006 |
318 |
44012 |
New U.S. withholding tax rules : a practical guide / Charles M. Bruce
2002 |
Genaral Book |
3 |
KF6436 |
B78n 2002 |
319 |
44013 |
Dictionnaire de droit administratif / Agathe Van Lang, Genevieve Gondouin, Veronique Inserguet-Brisset
2005 |
Reference Book |
1 |
KJV115 |
L363d 2005 |
320 |
44015 |
Dictionnaire du droit constitutionnel / Michel De Villiers
2005 |
Reference Book |
1 |
KJV115 |
V544d 2005 |
321 |
44022 |
Dahl's law dictionnaire juridique Dahl : French to English / English to French / Henry Saint Dahl
2001 |
Reference Book |
1 |
K52.F7 |
D35d 2001 |
322 |
44025 |
Dictionnaire juridique : francais-anglais = law dictionary : english-french / Benedicte Fauvarque-Cosson
2004 |
Reference Book |
1 |
323 |
44033 |
Drafting limited liability company operating agreements / John M. Cunningham
c1999- |
Genaral Book |
1 |
KF1380 |
C86d 1999 |
324 |
44036 |
Droit civil general / Philippe Bihr
2006 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
K623 |
B537 2006 |
325 |
44037 |
Privity of contract : the impact of the contracts (rights of third parties) act 1999 / edited by Robert Merkin
2000 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
KEM251 |
P77 2000 |
326 |
44038 |
Droit commercial : societes commerciales / Philippe Merle, Anne Fauchon
2005 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
KJV2199 |
D764 2005 |
327 |
44039 |
Procedure in Canadian criminal law / Tim Quigley
2005 |
Genaral Book |
2 |
KE9260 |
Q54p 2005 |
328 |
44040 |
Droit commercial et des affaires / Dominique Legeais
2005 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
KJV2199 |
L433d 2005 |
329 |
44043 |
Droit constitutionnel / Hugues Portelli
2005 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
KJK2070 |
P67d 2005 |
330 |
44044 |
Droit constitutionnel / Bernard Chantebout
2006 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
KJV4077.2 |
C426d 2006 |
331 |
44047 |
Droit constitutionnel contemporain : tome 2 le regime politique francais / Dominique Changnollaud
2005 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
KJV4079 |
C32d 2005 |
332 |
44049 |
Droit constitutionnel et institutions politiques / Jean Paul Jacque
2006 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
KJV4080 |
J32 2006 |
333 |
44050 |
Propriete intellectuelle et mondialisation : La propriete intellectuelle est-elle une marchandise? / Michel Vivant
2004 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
K1401.A6 |
V855p 2004 |
334 |
44052 |
Droit du commerce international / Jacques Beguin, Michel Menjucq
2005 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
K3943 |
B438d 2005 |
335 |
44053 |
Droit du commerce international / Hugues Kenfack
2006 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
K394 |
K46d 2006 |
336 |
44055 |
Restitution and European Community law / Alison Jones ; foreword by Rt. Hon. Lord Slynn of Hadley
2000 |
Genaral Book |
2 |
JX1252 |
J66r 2000 |
337 |
44056 |
E-commerce law & business / Mark E. Plotkin, editor in chief ; Bert Wells, Kurt Wimmer, editors
2003 |
Genaral Book |
2 |
KF390.5.C6 |
E112 2003 |
338 |
44067 |
Ellinger's modern banking law / E.P. Ellinger, Eva Lomnicka, and Richard Hooley
c2006 |
Genaral Book |
2 |
KD1715 |
E45e 2006 |
339 |
44071 |
Enforcement of foreign judgments / edited by Louis Garb and Julian Lew
1995 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
K7683 |
E53 1995 |
340 |
44084 |
EU electronic communications law / Robert Bell and Neil Ray
2004 |
Genaral Book |
2 |
KJE6964 |
B447e 2004 |
341 |
44086 |
Eu taxation law / Laurence Gormley
2005 |
Genaral Book |
2 |
KJE7105 |
G67e 2005 |
342 |
44087 |
Evidence : practice under the rules / Christopher B. Mueller, Laird C. Kirkpatrick
c1999 |
Genaral Book |
4 |
KF8935 |
M845e 1999 |
343 |
44095 |
Securitization of financial assets / edited by Jason H.P. Kravitt
2005 |
Genaral Book |
2 |
KF1030.S43 |
S43 2005 |
344 |
44099 |
Smith & Hogan criminal law / David Ormerod
c2005 |
Genaral Book |
2 |
KD7869 |
O76s 2005 |
345 |
44116 |
The criminal process / Andrew Ashworth and Mike Redmayne
c2005 |
Genaral Book |
2 |
HV9960.G7 |
A74c 2005 |
346 |
44122 |
The handbook of environmental voluntary agreements : design, implementation and evaluation issues / edited by Edoardo Croci
c2005 |
Genaral Book |
3 |
GE170 |
H363 2005 |
347 |
44124 |
The law of chemical and pharmaceutical invention : patent and nonpatent protection / Jerome Rosenstock
1999- |
Genaral Book |
1 |
KF3133.C4 |
R592l 1999 |
348 |
44142 |
Textbook on criminal law / Michael J. Allen
2005 |
Genaral Book |
2 |
KD7869 |
A77t 2005 |
349 |
44152 |
Civil procedure handbook 2006 / Victoria Williams
2006 |
Genaral Book |
3 |
KD7325 |
W554c 2006 |
350 |
44154 |
Code de la fonction publique
2006 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
KJV5030.A311983 |
C6 2006 |
351 |
44158 |
Commercial agents and the law / Severine Saintier, Jeremy Scholes
2005 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
KD2020 |
S25c 2005 |
352 |
44160 |
Competition law in Western Europe and the USA / Martijn Van Empel
2005 |
Genaral Book |
42 |
K3856 |
C66 2005 |
353 |
44163 |
Corporate criminal liabiligy : regulation and compliance / Leonard Orland
2006 |
Genaral Book |
2 |
KF9236.5 |
O75c 2006 |
354 |
44169 |
Crime, punishment, and reform in Europe / edited by Louis A. Knafla
2003 |
Genaral Book |
2 |
HV7921 |
C75 2003 |
355 |
44170 |
Criminal Justice / Steve Uglow
2002 |
Genaral Book |
2 |
KD7876 |
U35c 2002 |
356 |
44171 |
Criminal law statutes 2004/05 / Ian Dennis
2004 |
Genaral Book |
2 |
KD7863.99 |
D46c 2004 |
357 |
44815 |
Principles of European constitutioinal law / edited by Armin Von Boqdandy, Jurgen Bast
2007 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
KJC445 |
P75 2007 |
358 |
45070 |
The legislative power of Thailand : the national legislative assembly / Phicheth Kitisin
2006 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
KTL2070 |
P47l 2006 |
359 |
45128 |
Mass media law / Don R. Pember and Clay Calvert
2005 |
Genaral Book |
2 |
KF2750 |
P394m 2005 |
360 |
45144 |
What is Sarbanes-Oxley? / Guy P. Lander
c2004 |
Genaral Book |
9 |
KF1446 |
L255w 2004 |
361 |
45513 |
Introduction to criminal justice / Robert M. Bohm, Keith N. Haley.
2005 |
Genaral Book |
2 |
HV9950 |
B63i 2005 |
362 |
45768 |
Community care practice and the law / Michael Mandelstam
1999 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
KD3299 |
M26c 1999 |
363 |
45797 |
Basic documents on human rights / edited by Ian Brownlie and Guy S. Goodwin-Gill
2006 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
K3238.A1 |
B311 2006 |
364 |
45815 |
Constitution of the kingdom of Thailand (Interim edition) B.E. 2549 (2006) / Unofficial Translation
2006 |
Genaral Book |
3 |
JQ1743.Z8 |
C66 2006 |
365 |
45852 |
Internet law : text and materials / Chris Reed
2004 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
KD667.C65 |
R44i 2004 |
366 |
45863 |
Principles of the institutional law of international organizations / by Chittharanjan F. Amerasinghe
2005 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
KZ4850 |
A47p 2005 |
367 |
45865 |
Sports law / Simon Gardiner ... [et al.]
2006 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
KD3525 |
S69 2006 |
368 |
45868 |
The regulation of international trade / Michael J. Trebilcock and Robert Howse
2005 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
K3943 |
T72r 1999 |
369 |
45965 |
Human rights in Asia : a comparative legal study of twelve Asian jurisdictions, France, and the United States / edited by Randall Peerenboom, Carole Petersen and Albert H.Y. Chen
2006 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
KM572 |
P44h 2006 |
370 |
45998 |
Multinationals and corporate social responsibility : limitations and opportunities in international law / Jennifer A. Zerk
2006 |
Genaral Book |
2 |
HD60 |
Z47m 2006 |
371 |
46427 |
Legal aspects of midwifery / Bridgit Dimond ; foreword by Robyn Phillips.
2006. |
Genaral Book |
1 |
KD2968.M5 |
D56l 2006 |
372 |
46719 |
Labour relations laws in Asean : a collection of current labour laws in the six Asean states / International Labour Organisation
1987 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
JX4263.L2 |
L32 1987 |
373 |
46770 |
E-commerce law / Paul Todd
2005 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
KD1629 |
T63e 2005 |
374 |
46806 |
Modern intellectual property law / Catherine Colston and Kirsty Middleton
2005 |
Genaral Book |
2 |
KD1269 |
C723m 2005 |
375 |
46815 |
Problems in health care law / Robert D. Miller
c2006 |
Genaral Book |
2 |
376 |
47698 |
The role of a unit-linked insurance policy in the Thai insurance industry / Apiram Udomrattanachai
2004 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
HG8861 |
A640r 2004 |
377 |
47847 |
Business law and the regulation of business / Richard A. Mann, Barry S. Roberts
2005 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
KF889 |
M355b 2005 |
378 |
48036 |
Professional legal ethics : critical interrogations / Donald Nicolson and Julian Webb
1999 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
KD479 |
N53p 1999 |
379 |
48037 |
Legal traditions of the world : sustainable diversity in law / H. Patrick Glenn
2000 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
K559 |
G545l 2000 |
380 |
48038 |
Blackstone's statutes on criminal law 2003/2004 / P. R. Glazebrook
c2003 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
KD7869 |
B631 2003 |
381 |
48039 |
World jury systems / edited by Neil Vidmar
2000 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
K2292 |
W927 2000 |
382 |
48040 |
The law of human rights / by Richard Clayton, Hugh Tomlinson
2003 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
KD4080 |
C57l 2003 |
383 |
48041 |
Vagueness in law / Timothy A.O. Endicott
2000 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
K290 |
E53v 2000 |
384 |
48042 |
Equity & trusts / Alastair Hudson
2005 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
KD674 |
H83e 2005 |
385 |
48043 |
Lawyers' skills / Julian Webb...[et al]
2003 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
KD442 |
L42 2003 |
386 |
48046 |
Corporate finance, mergers & acquisitions / Scott Slorach
c2004 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
KD2094.Z9 |
S62c 2004 |
387 |
48048 |
Conflict of laws / Charles Wild
2005 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
KF411 |
W668c 2005 |
388 |
48049 |
Evidence / Rosamund Reay
2002 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
KF8935 |
R43e 2002 |
389 |
48050 |
Law of international trade / edited by Pamala Sellman and Judith Evans
2002 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
K1005.4 |
L39 2002 |
390 |
48051 |
An introduction to the English legal system / Martin Partington
c2003 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
KD661 |
P37i 2003 |
391 |
48052 |
Learning legal rules : a student's guide to legal method and reasoning / James A. Holland, Julian S. Webb
2003 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
K212 |
H65l 2003 |
392 |
48053 |
Understanding jurisprudence / Denise Meyerson
2007 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
K230.W29 |
M49u 2007 |
393 |
48054 |
The anatomy of corporate law : a comparative and functional approach / Reinier H. Kraakman ... [et al.]
2004 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
K1315 |
K891a 2004 |
394 |
48055 |
Rudden and Wyatt's EU treaties and legislation / edited by Derrick Wyatt
2002 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
KJE916 |
B374 2002 |
395 |
48056 |
Modern banking law / E.P. Ellinger, Eva Lomnicka, and Richard Hooley
2002 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
KD1715 |
E45m 2002 |
396 |
48057 |
International criminal law deskbook / John P. Grant and J. Craig Barker
2006 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
K5013 |
G762i 2006 |
397 |
48058 |
International trade law / Indira Carr ; with contributions on private international law by Peter Stone
2005 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
KD2460 |
C37i 2005 |
398 |
48059 |
Jurisprudence / Raymond Wacks
1999 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
K231 |
W33j 1999 |
399 |
48217 |
Regional trade agreements and the WTO legal system / edited by Lorand Bartels, Federico Ortino
2006 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
K4610 |
R44 2006 |
400 |
48228 |
Trade related aspects of intellectual property rights : a commentary on the TRIPS agreement / Carlos M. Correa
2007 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
K1401.A41994 |
C675t 2007 |
401 |
48248 |
Economics and the law : from Posner to post-modernism / Nicholas Mercuro and Steven G. Medema
2006 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
K487.E3 |
M468e 2006 |
402 |
48261 |
Learning from exporting : new insights, new perspectives / Robert Salomon
c2006 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
HF1414.4 |
S35l 2006 |
403 |
48276 |
The legal-economic nexus / Warren J. Samuels ; with joint authorship by James M. Buchanan ... [et al.]
2007 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
K487.E3 |
S36 2007 |
404 |
48278 |
The world trade organization : law, economics, and politics / Bermanrd M. Hoekman and Petros C. Mavroidis
2007 |
Genaral Book |
4 |
K4610 |
H64w 2007 |
405 |
48422 |
Laws, regulations, and institutions in urban development administration / Grit Permtanjit
B.E.2542 [1999] |
Genaral Book |
1 |
HT169.T5 |
G747l |
406 |
48756 |
A practical approach to criminal procedure / John Sprack
2006 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
KD8329 |
E46 2006 |
407 |
48757 |
Civil litigation / Craig Osborne
2007 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
KD7325 |
C575 2007 |
408 |
48758 |
Company law / Alan Dignam, John Lowry.
2006 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
KD2079 |
L65 2006 |
409 |
48759 |
Comparative income taxation : a structural analysis / principal authors, Hugh J. Ault, Brian J. Arnold ; contributing authors, Guy Gest ... [et al.]
c2004 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
K4505 |
A935c 2004 |
410 |
48760 |
The constitution of the United Kingdom : a contextual analysis / Peter Leyland
2007 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
KD3989 |
L49c 2007 |
411 |
48761 |
Constitutional and administrative law / Neil Parpworth
2008 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
KD3989 |
P37c 2008 |
412 |
48762 |
Constitutional law, administrative law, and human rights : a critical introduction / Ian Loveland.
c2006 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
K3165 |
C59 2006 |
413 |
48763 |
Contract law / Mindy Chen-Wishart
2008 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
KD1554 |
C468c 2008 |
414 |
48764 |
Contract law : an introduction to the English law of contract for the civil lawyer / John Cartwright
2007 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
KD1554 |
C368c 2007 |
415 |
48765 |
Criminal law textbook / Russell Heaton
2006 |
Genaral Book |
2 |
KD7869.4 |
H43c 2006 |
416 |
48766 |
Criminal law : text, cases, and materials / Jonathan Herring
2006 |
Genaral Book |
2 |
KD7869 |
H47c 2006 |
417 |
48767 |
Criminal law : theory and doctrine / A.P. Simester, G.R. Sullivan
2007 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
KD7869 |
S56c 2007 |
418 |
48768 |
EU administrative law / Paul Craig
2006 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
KJE5602 |
C73e 2006 |
419 |
48769 |
Holyoak and Torremans intellectual property law / by Paul Torremans
2006 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
KD1269 |
T67h 2006 |
420 |
48771 |
Intellectual property law in China / by Peter Ganea and Thomas Pattloch ; editor, Christopher Heath
c2005 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
KNQ1155 |
G355i 2005 |
421 |
48772 |
International crimes and the ad hoc tribunals / Guenael Mettraux
2006 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
K5301 |
M595i 2006 |
422 |
48773 |
International tax law / edited by Andrea Amatucci ; with the colloraboration of Eusebio Gonzalez, Christoph Trzaskalik
c2006 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
K4460 |
I573 2006 |
423 |
48774 |
Internationalized criminal courts and tribunals : Sierra Leone, East Timor, Kosovo, and Cambodia / edited by Cesare P.R. Romano, André Nollkaemper, and Jann K. Kleffner
2004 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
KZ6310 |
I584 2004 |
424 |
48775 |
Introduction to United States international taxation / Paul R. McDaniel, Hugh J. Ault, James R. Repetti
c2005 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
KF6441 |
M3i 2005 |
425 |
48776 |
Japanese copyright law : writings in honour of Gerhard Schricker / edited by Peter Ganea, Christopher Heath and Saiko Hiroshi
c2005 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
KNX1160 |
J37 2005 |
426 |
48777 |
Labour Law / Simon Deakin, Gillian S. Morris
2006 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
KD3009 |
D43l 2006 |
427 |
48778 |
Labour law in the courts : national judges and the European Court of Justice / edited by Silvana Sciarra
2001 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
KJC2855 |
L33 2001 |
428 |
48779 |
Labour law : text and materials / K.D. Ewing, Keith Ewing, Aileen AcColgan
2005 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
KD3009 |
C65l 2005 |
429 |
48780 |
Law, rights and discourse : the legal philosophy of robert alexy / edited by George Pavlakos
2007 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
K230 |
L383 2007 |
430 |
48781 |
Legal norms and normativity : an essay in genealogy / Sylvie Delacroix
2006 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
K415 |
D45l 2006 |
431 |
48782 |
Minority rights in Asia : a comparative legal analysis / Joshua Castellino and Elvira Domํnguez Redondo
2006 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
KM558 |
C37m 2006 |
432 |
48784 |
The Oxford handbook of international environmental law / edited by Jutta Brunn้e, Daniel Bodansky, Ellen Hey
2007 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
K3585 |
O96 2007 |
433 |
48785 |
Principles of medical law / edited by Judith Laing, Andrew Grubb
2004 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
KD3395 |
P75 2004 |
434 |
48786 |
Principles of criminal law / Andrew Ashworth
2006 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
KD7869 |
A84p 2006 |
435 |
48787 |
Principles of public international law / by Ian Brownlie
2003 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
KZ3225.B76 |
A37 2003 |
436 |
48788 |
Questions & answers : public law 2007-2008 / Richard Clements, Jane Kay
2007 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
K16 |
C3875q 2007 |
437 |
48790 |
Studies in the history of tax law. Vol. 2 / edited by John Tiley
2007 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
KD5359.A2 |
T39s 2007 |
438 |
48794 |
The concept of law / by H.L.A. Hart ; with a postscript edited by Penelope A. Bulloch and Joseph Raz
1997 |
Genaral Book |
2 |
K237 |
H377c 1997 |
439 |
48795 |
The essentials of Japanese patent law : cases and practice / Hiroya Kawaguchi
c2007 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
KNX1194 |
K379e 2007 |
440 |
48796 |
The french commercial code in English / translated [and edited] by Phillip Raworth
2006 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
KJV2194.31807 |
A5213 2006 |
441 |
48797 |
The general principles of EU law / Takis Tridimas
2006 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
KJE947 |
T75g 2006 |
442 |
48798 |
The law of contract / Janet O' Sullivan & Jonathan Hilliard
2006 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
KD1554 |
O88l 2006 |
443 |
48799 |
The law of human rights / Richard Clayton, Hugh Tomlinson
2008 |
Genaral Book |
2 |
KD4080 |
C622l 2008 |
444 |
48800 |
The law of international watercourses / Stephen C. McCaffrey
2007 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
KZ3686 |
M38l 2007 |
445 |
48801 |
The law of the sea : progress and prospects / edited by David Freestone, Richard Barnes and David M. Ong
2006 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
KZA1145 |
L385 2006 |
446 |
48802 |
The modern law of evidence / Adrian Keane
2008 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
KD7499 |
K43m 2008 |
447 |
48804 |
The refugee in international law / Guy S. Goodwin-Gill and Jane McAdam
2007 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
K3230 |
G66r 2007 |
448 |
48805 |
The proceeds of crime : the law and practice of restraint, confiscation, and forfeiture / by Trevor Millington and Mark Sutherland Williams
2007 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
KD8460 |
M55p 2007 |
449 |
48807 |
The statute of the international court of justice : a commentary / edited by Andreas Zimmermann ...[et al.]
2006 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
KZ6275 |
S733 2006 |
450 |
48811 |
Thai juvenile delinquency justice and its perception by minor offenders / by Alexander Shytov and Boonchoo Na Pomphet
2007 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
HV9069 |
S562t 2007 |
451 |
48813 |
Thai folktales and law / Alexander Shytov
2004 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
KPT449.3 |
S562t 2004 |
452 |
49322 |
Handbook of selected court cases : to accompany / Street Law
1994 |
Genaral Book |
2 |
KF387 |
A73 1994 |
453 |
50110 |
Time of transitions / Jurgen habermas
2006 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
D1058 |
H114t 2006 |
454 |
50112 |
Myanmar's long road to national reconciliation / edited by Trevor Wilson
2006. |
Genaral Book |
1 |
DS530.65 |
M928 2006 |
455 |
50150 |
International politics : enduring concepts and contemporary issues / Robert J. Art, Robert Jervis
2007 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
JZ1242 |
I574 2007 |
456 |
50570 |
Einfuhrung in das Verfassungsgericht / Amt des Verfassungsgerichts
2006 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
KF8742.Z9 |
E63 2006 |
457 |
50714 |
Handbook of citizenship studies / edited by Engin F. Isin and Bryan S. Turner
2002 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
JF801 |
H354 2002 |
458 |
50960 |
Continent, coast, ocean : dynamics of regionalism in Eastern Asia / edited by Ooi Kee Beng, Ding Choo Ming.
2007. |
Genaral Book |
1 |
JQ1499.A38 |
R436 2007 |
459 |
51444 |
Business law / David Kelly, Ann Holmes, Ruth Hayward
2005 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
KD1629.3 |
K45b 2005 |
460 |
51447 |
Cases and materials on criminal law / Janet Dine, James Gobert, William Wilson
2006 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
KD7868 |
D56c 2006 |
461 |
51452 |
Cases and materials on trusts / Mohamed Ramjohn
2004 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
KD1480 |
R36c 2004 |
462 |
51488 |
Criminal law : text and materials / C.M.V. Clarkson, H.M.Keating, S. R.Cunningham
2007 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
KD7869 |
C55c 2007 |
463 |
51496 |
Equity and trusts / Alastair Hudson
2007 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
KD674 |
H83e 2007 |
464 |
51499 |
EU law and the welfare state : in search of solidarity / edited by Grainne de Burca
2005 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
KJE3431 |
E9 2005 |
465 |
51503 |
Euthanasia, ethics and the law : from conflict to compromise / Richard Huxtable
2007 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
K3611.E95 |
H89e 2007 |
466 |
51505 |
The executive and public law : power and accountability in comparative perspective / edited by Paul Craig and Adam Tomkins
2006 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
K3360 |
E97 2006 |
467 |
51506 |
Federal money laundering regulation : banking, corporate, and securities compliance / Steven Mark Levy
c2007 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
KF1030.R3 |
L48f 2007 |
468 |
51508 |
Freedom of speech / Eric Barendt
2005 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
K3254 |
B37f 2005 |
469 |
51509 |
The French Civil Code / Jean-Louis Halp้rin ; translated by Tony Weir
2006 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
KJV447.7 |
H346f 2006 |
470 |
51513 |
ภาษีบริษัทข้ามชาติ = International business taxation / พนิต ธีรภาพวงศ์
2550 |
Genaral Book |
5 |
471 |
51523 |
Human rights and criminal justice / by [general editors] Ben Emmerson and Andrew Ashworth and Alison Macdonald
2007 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
KD7876 |
E48h 2007 |
472 |
51529 |
International criminal law / Ilias Bantekas and Susan Nash
2007 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
K5165 |
B219i 2007 |
473 |
51532 |
International encyclopedia of laws : commercial and economic law / editor, Jules Stuyck ; assistant editor, C. Goemans
2007 |
Reference Book |
5 |
K48 |
I574 2007 |
474 |
51535 |
Introduction to critical legal theory / Ian Ward
2004 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
K230.W357 |
A34 2004 |
475 |
51538 |
Law and the state : a political economy approach / edited by Alain Marciano, Jean-Michel Josselin.
c2005 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
K487.P65 |
L394 2005 |
476 |
51539 |
Legal English / Rupert Haigh
2007 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
K94 |
H35l 2007 |
477 |
51541 |
Legal writing / Lisa Webley
2005 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
KD404 |
W42l 2005 |
478 |
51551 |
Constitution of the kingdom of Thailand B.E. 2550 (2007) / managed by Constitution Drafting Commission, Constituent Assembly, Bureau of Committee 3, The Secretariat of the House of Representatives
2007 |
Genaral Book |
5 |
JQ1742 |
K39 2007 |
479 |
51552 |
The negligence liability of public authorities / Cherie Booth, Danl Squires
2006 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
KD1994 |
B66n 2006 |
480 |
51553 |
Neo-liberal globalism and social sustainable globalisation / edited by Eva Nieuwenhuys
2006 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
JZ1318 |
N455 2006 |
481 |
51577 |
Public choice and public law / edited by Daniel A. Farber
c2007 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
K3150 |
P83 2007 |
482 |
51582 |
Report of the roundtable on the relationship among research, policy and practice in higher education Tokyo, September 3-5, 1997 / Center for Research and Development of Higher Education, The University of Tokyo, UNESCO
1997 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
LB2301 |
R38 1997 |
483 |
51584 |
Framework for the UN DESD international implementation scheme / UNESCO
2006 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
JX1907.U5 |
F738 2006 |
484 |
51596 |
The world trade organization : law, practice, and policy / Mitsuo Matsushita, Thomas J. Schoenbaum, and Petros C. Mavroidis
2006 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
K4610.A31994 |
M38 2006 |
485 |
52633 |
Cosmetic regulation in a competitive environment / edited by Norman F. Estrin, James M. Akerson.
c2000 |
Genaral Book |
3 |
KF3896 |
C674 2000 |
486 |
52817 |
Understanding medical insurance : a step-by-step guide / Jo Ann C. Rowell
1996. |
Genaral Book |
1 |
HG9396 |
R881u 1996 |
487 |
52911 |
The state legal guide to nursing / Alternative Link Systems, Inc.
2001 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
KF2915.N8 |
S73 2001 |
488 |
53084 |
Thailand in transition : challenges and opportunities for democracy and development / distributed by Governmant Spokesman Bureau The Secretariat of the Prime Minister
2008 |
Genaral Book |
3 |
DS3.A2 |
T52 2008 |
489 |
53301 |
The legal environment today : business in its ethical, regulatory, e-commerce, and international setting / Roger LeRoy Miller, Frank B. Cross
c2007 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
KF889 |
M536l 2007 |
490 |
53327 |
The Blackwell companion to globalization / edited by George Ritzer
2007 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
JZ1318 |
B615 2007 |
491 |
53360 |
Public governance / edited by Mark Bevir.
2007. |
Genaral Book |
4 |
JF1351 |
P8213 2007 |
492 |
53642 |
Legal terminology / S. Whittington Brown
c2006 |
Genaral Book |
2 |
KF240 |
B767l 2006 |
493 |
53684 |
Paths to international justice : social and legal perspectives / edited by Marie-B้n้dicte Dembour, Tobias Kelly
2007 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
K2100 |
P297 2007 |
494 |
53693 |
Comparative politics : a global introduction / Michael Sodaro
c2008 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
JF51 |
S547c 2007 |
495 |
53745 |
The theory and reality of democracy : a case study in Iraq / Suman Gupta.
2007 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
JC423 |
G9243t 2007 |
496 |
54210 |
The rule of law and the separation of powers / edited by Richard Bellamy
c2005. |
Genaral Book |
1 |
K3173 |
R935 2005 |
497 |
54216 |
Online legal research : a guide to accompany 2006-2007 business law and legal environment texts by Roger LeRoy Miller, Gaylord A. Jentz, Frank B. Cross / guide prepared by Roger LeRoy Miller, William Eric Hollowell
c2006 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
KF889 |
M5361 2006 |
498 |
54944 |
Aviation and the law / Laurence E. Gesell and Paul Stephen Dempsey
c2005 |
Genaral Book |
3 |
KF2439 |
G47a 2005 |
499 |
54974 |
Fundamentals of aviation law / Raymond C. Speciale.
c2006 |
Genaral Book |
2 |
KF2439 |
S68f 2006 |
500 |
55001 |
The world intellectual property organization : resurgence and the development agenda / Christopher May
2007 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
K1404 |
M466w 2007 |
501 |
56478 |
Handbook of globalization and the environment / Khi V. Thai, Dianne Rahm, Jerrell D. Coggburn [editors]
c2007 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
GE170 |
H3663 2007 |
502 |
57433 |
Foreign exchange control in China / Tu Hong
2004 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
KNQ3538 |
T8f 2004 |
503 |
57434 |
Guide to the acquisition of companies listed in China
2007 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
KNQ1148 |
S567 2007 |
504 |
57489 |
Medical malpratice : understanding the law, managing the risk / S. Y. Tan
c2006 |
Genaral Book |
2 |
505 |
57551 |
Global regulatory issues for the cosmetics industry. volume 1 / edited by C.I. Betton
c2007 |
Genaral Book |
6 |
K3649 |
G58 2007 |
506 |
58234 |
Forensic biology / Richard Li
c2008 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
QH313.5.F67 |
L5f 2008 |
507 |
58248 |
Environmental regulatory calculations handbook / by Leo Stander and Louis Theodore.
c2008 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
KF3775 |
S73e 2008 |
508 |
58250 |
Forensic science : an introduction to scientific and investigative techniques / edited by Stuart H. James, Jon J. Nordby
c2005 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
HV8073 |
F5835 2005 |
509 |
58367 |
International law / edited by Beth A. Simmons
2008 |
Genaral Book, Book Not for Loan |
12 |
KZ3410 |
I5753 2008 |
510 |
59782 |
Answering for crime : responsibility and liability in the criminal law / R. A. Duff
2007 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
K5018 |
D855a 2007 |
511 |
59796 |
Regulating labour in the wake of globalisation : new challenges, new institutions / edited by Brian Bercusson and Cynthia Estlund
2008 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
K1705 |
R344 2008 |
512 |
59797 |
Religious freedom, religious discrimination, and the workplace / Lucy Vickers
2008 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
K1771.5 |
V637r 2008 |
513 |
59803 |
Boundaries and frontiers of labour law : goals and means in the regulation of work / edited by Guy Davidov and Brian Langille
2006 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
K1704.8 |
B765 2006 |
514 |
60381 |
The multi-cultural family / edited by Ann Laquer Estin.
c2008 |
Genaral Book |
2 |
K3242 |
M85 2008 |
515 |
60445 |
Subject Siam : family, law, and colonial modernity in Thailand / Tamara Loos
2006, c2002 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
KPT540 |
L66s 2002 |
516 |
61189 |
Criminal law / Joel Samaha
c2008 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
KF9218 |
S26c 2008 |
517 |
61192 |
West's federal taxation : corporations, partnerships, estates and trusts / general editors, William H. Hoffman, Jr., William A. Raabe, ...[et al.]
c2008 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
KF6335 |
W47 2008 |
518 |
61216 |
Evidence management for the paralegal / Stacey Hunt, Ellen Sheffer
2008 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
KF8935.Z9 |
H86e 2008 |
519 |
61285 |
Legal analysis and writing / William H. Putman
c2009 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
KF250 |
P87l 2009 |
520 |
61730 |
The internationalization of environmental protection / edited by Miranda A. Schreurs and Elizabeth Economy
1997 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
K3585.6 |
I585 1997 |
521 |
61943 |
American jurisprudence 2d : a modern comprehensive text statement of American law state and federal / publisher Matthew J. Canavan
2005 |
Book Not for Loan |
1 |
KF154 |
A4475m 2005 |
522 |
61945 |
American jurisprudence 2d : a modern comprehensive text statement of American law state and federal / publisher Matthew J. Canavan
2004 |
Book Not for Loan |
1 |
KF154 |
A4475m 2004 |
523 |
61946 |
American jurisprudence 2d : a modern comprehensive text statement of American law state and federal / publisher Matthew J. Canavan
2002 |
Book Not for Loan |
1 |
KF154 |
A4475m 2002 |
524 |
61947 |
American jurisprudence 2d : a modern comprehensive text statement of American law state and federal / publisher Matthew J. Canavan
2005 |
Book Not for Loan |
3 |
KF154 |
A4475m 2005 |
525 |
61948 |
American jurisprudence 2d : a modern comprehensive text statement of American law state and federal / publisher Jean E. Maess
2007 |
Book Not for Loan |
1 |
KF154 |
A4475m 2007 |
526 |
61949 |
American jurisprudence 2d : a modern comprehensive text statement of American law state and federal / publisher Jean E. Maess
2007 |
Book Not for Loan |
1 |
KF154 |
A4475m 2007 |
527 |
61950 |
American jurisprudence 2d : a modern comprehensive text statement of American law state and federal / publisher Jean E. Maess
2008 |
Book Not for Loan |
1 |
KF154 |
A4475m 2008 |
528 |
61951 |
American jurisprudence 2d : a modern comprehensive text statement of American law state and federal / publisher Jean E. Maess
2007 |
Book Not for Loan |
1 |
KF154 |
A4475m 2007 |
529 |
61952 |
American jurisprudence 2d : a modern comprehensive text statement of American law state and federal / publisher Jean E. Maess
2007 |
Book Not for Loan |
1 |
KF154 |
A4475m 2007 |
530 |
61953 |
American jurisprudence 2d : a modern comprehensive text statement of American law state and federal / publisher Jean E. Maess
2007 |
Book Not for Loan |
1 |
KF154 |
A4475m 2007 |
531 |
61954 |
American jurisprudence 2d : a modern comprehensive text statement of American law state and federal / publisher Jean E. Maess
2009 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
KF154 |
A4475m 2009 |
532 |
61955 |
American jurisprudence 2d : a modern comprehensive text statement of American law state and federal / publisher Matthew J. Canavan
2006 |
Book Not for Loan |
6 |
KF154 |
A4475m 2006 |
533 |
61956 |
American jurisprudence 2d : a modern comprehensive text statement of American law state and federal / publisher Jean E. Maess
2009 |
Book Not for Loan |
1 |
KF154 |
A4475m 2009 |
534 |
61957 |
American jurisprudence 2d : a modern comprehensive text statement of American law state and federal / publisher Jean E. Maess
2009 |
Book Not for Loan |
1 |
KF154 |
A4475m 2009 |
535 |
61958 |
American jurisprudence 2d : a modern comprehensive text statement of American law state and federal / publisher Jean E. Maess
2009 |
Book Not for Loan |
1 |
KF154 |
A4475m 2009 |
536 |
61959 |
American jurisprudence 2d : a modern comprehensive text statement of American law state and federal / publisher Matthew J. Canavan
2000 |
Book Not for Loan |
1 |
KF154 |
A4475m 2000 |
537 |
61960 |
American jurisprudence 2d : a modern comprehensive text statement of American law state and federal / publisher Matthew J. Canavan
2000 |
Book Not for Loan |
1 |
KF154 |
A4475m 2000 |
538 |
61961 |
American jurisprudence 2d : a modern comprehensive text statement of American law state and federal / publisher Matthew J. Canavan
2000 |
Book Not for Loan |
1 |
KF154 |
A4475m 2000 |
539 |
61962 |
American jurisprudence 2d : a modern comprehensive text statement of American law state and federal / publisher Matthew J. Canavan
2000 |
Book Not for Loan |
1 |
KF154 |
A4475m 2000 |
540 |
61970 |
American jurisprudence 2d : a modern comprehensive text statement of American law state and federal / publisher Matthew J. Canavan
1998 |
Book Not for Loan |
1 |
KF154 |
A4475m 1998 |
541 |
61971 |
American jurisprudence 2d : a modern comprehensive text statement of American law state and federal / publisher Matthew J. Canavan
1998 |
Book Not for Loan |
2 |
KF154 |
A4475m 1998 |
542 |
61972 |
American jurisprudence 2d : a modern comprehensive text statement of American law state and federal / publisher Matthew J. Canavan
2004 |
Book Not for Loan |
1 |
KF154 |
A4475m 2004 |
543 |
61973 |
American jurisprudence 2d : a modern comprehensive text statement of American law state and federal / publisher Matthew J. Canavan
2004 |
Book Not for Loan |
1 |
KF154 |
A4475m 2004 |
544 |
61974 |
American jurisprudence 2d : a modern comprehensive text statement of American law state and federal / publisher Matthew J. Canavan
2004 |
Book Not for Loan |
1 |
KF154 |
A4475m 2004 |
545 |
61975 |
American jurisprudence 2d : a modern comprehensive text statement of American law state and federal / publisher Matthew J. Canavan
2004 |
Book Not for Loan |
3 |
KF154 |
A4475m 2004 |
546 |
61976 |
American jurisprudence 2d : a modern comprehensive text statement of American law state and federal / publisher Matthew J. Canavan
2005 |
Book Not for Loan |
1 |
KF154 |
A4475m 2005 |
547 |
61977 |
American jurisprudence 2d : a modern comprehensive text statement of American law state and federal / publisher Jean E. Maess
2008 |
Book Not for Loan |
1 |
KF154 |
A4475m 2008 |
548 |
61978 |
American jurisprudence 2d : a modern comprehensive text statement of American law state and federal / publisher Jean E. Maess
2008 |
Book Not for Loan |
1 |
KF154 |
A4475m 2008 |
549 |
61979 |
American jurisprudence 2d : a modern comprehensive text statement of American law state and federal / publisher Matthew J. Canavan
2003 |
Book Not for Loan |
1 |
KF154 |
A4475m 2003 |
550 |
61980 |
American jurisprudence 2d : a modern comprehensive text statement of American law state and federal / publisher Matthew J. Canavan
2003 |
Book Not for Loan |
1 |
KF154 |
A4475m 2003 |
551 |
61981 |
American jurisprudence 2d : a modern comprehensive text statement of American law state and federal / publisher Matthew J. Canavan
2002 |
Book Not for Loan |
1 |
KF154 |
A4475m 2002 |
552 |
61982 |
American jurisprudence 2d : a modern comprehensive text statement of American law state and federal / publisher Jean E. Maess
2008 |
Book Not for Loan |
1 |
KF154 |
A4475m 2008 |
553 |
61983 |
American jurisprudence 2d : a modern comprehensive text statement of American law state and federal / publisher Jean E. Maess
2008 |
Book Not for Loan |
1 |
KF154 |
A4475m 2008 |
554 |
61984 |
American jurisprudence 2d : a modern comprehensive text statement of American law state and federal / publisher Matthew J. Canavan
2004 |
Book Not for Loan |
1 |
KF154 |
A4475m 2004 |
555 |
61985 |
American jurisprudence 2d : a modern comprehensive text statement of American law state and federal / publisher Matthew J. Canavan
2004 |
Book Not for Loan |
1 |
KF154 |
A4475m 2004 |
556 |
61986 |
American jurisprudence 2d : a modern comprehensive text statement of American law state and federal / publisher Matthew J. Canavan
2004 |
Book Not for Loan |
1 |
KF154 |
A4475 2004 |
557 |
61988 |
American jurisprudence 2d : a modern comprehensive text statement of American law state and federal / publisher Jean E. Maess
2008 |
Book Not for Loan |
1 |
KF154 |
A4475m 2008 |
558 |
61989 |
American jurisprudence 2d : a modern comprehensive text statement of American law state and federal / publisher Matthew J. Canavan
2000 |
Book Not for Loan |
1 |
KF154 |
A4475m 2000 |
559 |
61990 |
American jurisprudence 2d : a modern comprehensive text statement of American law state and federal / publisher Jean E. Maess
2008 |
Book Not for Loan |
2 |
KF154 |
A4475m 2008 |
560 |
61991 |
American jurisprudence 2d : a modern comprehensive text statement of American law state and federal / publisher Matthew J. Canavan
2005 |
Book Not for Loan |
1 |
KF154 |
A4475m 2005 |
561 |
61993 |
American jurisprudence 2d : a modern comprehensive text statement of American law state and federal / publisher Cheryl J. Giraulo
2002 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
KF154 |
A4475m 2002 |
562 |
61994 |
American jurisprudence 2d : a modern comprehensive text statement of American law state and federal / publisher Matthew J. Canavan
2002 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
KF154 |
A4475m 2002 |
563 |
61995 |
American jurisprudence 2d : a modern comprehensive text statement of American law state and federal / publisher Jean E. Maess
2007 |
Book Not for Loan |
1 |
KF154 |
A4475m 2007 |
564 |
61996 |
American jurisprudence 2d : a modern comprehensive text statement of American law state and federal / publisher Jean E. Maess
2007 |
Book Not for Loan |
1 |
KF154 |
A4475m 2007 |
565 |
61997 |
American jurisprudence 2d : a modern comprehensive text statement of American law state and federal / publisher Jean E. Maess
2007 |
Book Not for Loan |
1 |
KF154 |
A4475m 2007 |
566 |
62002 |
American jurisprudence 2d : federal taxation / publisher Jean E. Maess
2009 |
Genaral Book |
5 |
KF154 |
A4475f 2009 |
567 |
62004 |
American jurisprudence 2d : a modern comprehensive text statement of American law state and federal / publisher Cheryl J. Giraulo
2001 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
KF154 |
A4475m 2001 |
568 |
62006 |
American jurisprudence 2d : a modern comprehensive text statement of American law state and federal / publisher Cheryl J. Giraulo
2001 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
KF154 |
A4475m 2001 |
569 |
62007 |
American jurisprudence 2d : a modern comprehensive text statement of American law state and federal / publisher Cheryl J. Giraulo
2001 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
KF154 |
A4475m 2001 |
570 |
62008 |
American jurisprudence 2d : a modern comprehensive text statement of American law state and federal / publisher Cheryl J. Giraulo
2001 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
KF154 |
A4475m 2001 |
571 |
62009 |
American jurisprudence 2d : a modern comprehensive text statement of American law state and federal / publisher Matthew J. Canavan
2005 |
Book Not for Loan |
1 |
KF154 |
A4475m 2005 |
572 |
62010 |
American jurisprudence 2d : a modern comprehensive text statement of American law state and federal / publisher Matthew J. Canavan
1999 |
Book Not for Loan |
1 |
KF154 |
A4475m 1999 |
573 |
62011 |
American jurisprudence 2d : a modern comprehensive text statement of American law state and federal / publisher Jean E. Maess
2008 |
Book Not for Loan |
1 |
KF154 |
A4475m 2008 |
574 |
62012 |
American jurisprudence 2d : a modern comprehensive text statement of American law state and federal / publisher Jean E. Maess
2008 |
Book Not for Loan |
1 |
KF154 |
A4475m 2008 |
575 |
62013 |
American jurisprudence 2d : a modern comprehensive text statement of American law state and federal / publisher Jean E. Maess
2008 |
Book Not for Loan |
1 |
KF154 |
A4475m 2008 |
576 |
62014 |
American jurisprudence 2d : a modern comprehensive text statement of American law state and federal / publisher Matthew J. Canavan
2005 |
Book Not for Loan |
1 |
KF154 |
A4475m 2005 |
577 |
62015 |
American jurisprudence 2d : a modern comprehensive text statement of American law state and federal / publisher Matthew J. Canavan
2000 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
KF154 |
A4475m 2000 |
578 |
62016 |
American jurisprudence 2d : a modern comprehensive text statement of American law state and federal / publisher Matthew J. Canavan
2003 |
Book Not for Loan |
3 |
KF154 |
A4475m 2003 |
579 |
62017 |
American jurisprudence 2d : a modern comprehensive text statement of American law state and federal / publisher Jean E. Maess
2007 |
Book Not for Loan |
1 |
KF154 |
A4475m 2007 |
580 |
62018 |
American jurisprudence 2d : a modern comprehensive text statement of American law state and federal / publisher Jean E. Maess
2007 |
Book Not for Loan |
1 |
KF154 |
A4475m 2007 |
581 |
62019 |
American jurisprudence 2d : a modern comprehensive text statement of American law state and federal / publisher Matthew J. Canavan
2002 |
Book Not for Loan |
3 |
KF154 |
A4475m 2002 |
582 |
62020 |
American jurisprudence 2d : a modern comprehensive text statement of American law state and federal / publisher Matthew J. Canavan
2006 |
Book Not for Loan |
1 |
KF154 |
A4475m 2006 |
583 |
62021 |
American jurisprudence 2d : a modern comprehensive text statement of American law state and federal / publisher Matthew J. Canavan
2006 |
Book Not for Loan |
1 |
KF154 |
A4475m 2006 |
584 |
62022 |
American jurisprudence 2d : a modern comprehensive text statement of American law state and federal / publisher Matthew J. Canavan
2005 |
Book Not for Loan |
3 |
KF154 |
A4475m 2005 |
585 |
62023 |
American jurisprudence 2d : a modern comprehensive text statement of American law state and federal / publisher Matthew J. Canavan
2006 |
Book Not for Loan |
1 |
KF154 |
A4475m 2006 |
586 |
62024 |
American jurisprudence 2d : a modern comprehensive text statement of American law state and federal / publisher Matthew J. Canavan
2006 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
KF154 |
A4475m 2006 |
587 |
62025 |
American jurisprudence 2d : a modern comprehensive text statement of American law state and federal / publisher Cheryl J. Giraulo
2000 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
KF154 |
A4475m 2000 |
588 |
62026 |
American jurisprudence 2d : a modern comprehensive text statement of American law state and federal / publisher Cheryl J. Giraulo
2000 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
KF154 |
A4475m 2000 |
589 |
62027 |
American jurisprudence 2d : a modern comprehensive text statement of American law state and federal / publisher Matthew J. Canavan
2006 |
Book Not for Loan |
1 |
KF154 |
A4475 2006 |
590 |
62028 |
American jurisprudence 2d : a modern comprehensive text statement of American law state and federal / publisher Matthew J. Canavan
2006 |
Book Not for Loan |
1 |
KF154 |
A4475m 2006 |
591 |
62029 |
American jurisprudence 2d : a modern comprehensive text statement of American law state and federal / publisher Matthew J. Canavan
1996 |
Book Not for Loan |
1 |
KF154 |
A4475m 1996 |
592 |
62030 |
American jurisprudence 2d : a modern comprehensive text statement of American law state and federal / publisher Matthew J. Canavan
1996 |
Book Not for Loan |
1 |
KF154 |
A4475m 1996 |
593 |
62031 |
American jurisprudence 2d : a modern comprehensive text statement of American law state and federal / publisher Matthew J. Canavan
1996 |
Book Not for Loan |
1 |
KF154 |
A4475m 1996 |
594 |
62033 |
American jurisprudence 2d : a modern comprehensive text statement of American law state and federal / publisher Cheryl J. Giraulo
2000 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
KF154 |
A4475m 2000 |
595 |
62034 |
American jurisprudence 2d : a modern comprehensive text statement of American law state and federal / publisher Cheryl J. Giraulo
2001 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
KF154 |
A4475m 2001 |
596 |
62036 |
American jurisprudence 2d : a modern comprehensive text statement of American law state and federal / publisher Matthew J. Canavan
2004 |
Genaral Book, Book Not for Loan |
2 |
KF154 |
A4475m 2004 |
597 |
62038 |
American jurisprudence 2d : a modern comprehensive text statement of American law state and federal / publisher Matthew J. Canavan
2002 |
Book Not for Loan |
1 |
KF154 |
A4475m 2002 |
598 |
62040 |
American jurisprudence 2d : a modern comprehensive text statement of American law state and federal / publisher Matthew J. Canavan
2002 |
Book Not for Loan |
1 |
KF154 |
A4475m 2002 |
599 |
62041 |
American jurisprudence 2d : a modern comprehensive text statement of American law state and federal / publisher Matthew J. Canavan
2003 |
Book Not for Loan |
1 |
KF154 |
A4475m 2003 |
600 |
62042 |
American jurisprudence 2d : a modern comprehensive text statement of American law state and federal / publisher Matthew J. Canavan
2003 |
Book Not for Loan |
1 |
KF154 |
A4475m 2003 |
601 |
62044 |
American jurisprudence 2d : a modern comprehensive text statement of American law state and federal / publisher Cheryl J. Giraulo
2002 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
KF154 |
A4475m 2002 |
602 |
62046 |
American jurisprudence 2d : a modern comprehensive text statement of American law state and federal / publisher Matthew J. Canavan
1999 |
Book Not for Loan |
1 |
KF154 |
A4475m 1999 |
603 |
62047 |
American jurisprudence 2d : a modern comprehensive text statement of American law state and federal / publisher Matthew J. Canavan
1999 |
Book Not for Loan |
1 |
KF154 |
A4475m 1999 |
604 |
62050 |
คัมภีร์นักปกครอง 2551 / สถาบันดำรงราชานุภาพ สำนักงานปลัดกระทรวงมหาดไทย
2552 |
Genaral Book |
4 |
605 |
62051 |
American jurisprudence 2d : a modern comprehensive text statement of American law state and federal / publisher Matthew J. Canavan
2003 |
Book Not for Loan |
1 |
KF154 |
A4475m 2003 |
606 |
62053 |
American jurisprudence 2d : a modern comprehensive text statement of American law state and federal / publisher Matthew J. Canavan
1999 |
Book Not for Loan |
1 |
KF154 |
A4475m 1999 |
607 |
62056 |
American jurisprudence 2d : a modern comprehensive text statement of American law state and federal / publisher Matthew J. Canavan
2005 |
Book Not for Loan |
1 |
KF154 |
A4475m 2005 |
608 |
62057 |
American jurisprudence 2d : a modern comprehensive text statement of American law state and federal / publisher Matthew J. Canavan
2005 |
Book Not for Loan |
1 |
KF154 |
A4475m 2005 |
609 |
62059 |
American jurisprudence 2d : a modern comprehensive text statement of American law state and federal / publisher Matthew J. Canavan
2005 |
Book Not for Loan |
1 |
KF154 |
A4475m 2005 |
610 |
62060 |
American jurisprudence 2d : a modern comprehensive text statement of American law state and federal / publisher Matthew J. Canavan
1997 |
Book Not for Loan |
3 |
KF154 |
A4475m 1997 |
611 |
62062 |
American jurisprudence 2d : a modern comprehensive text statement of American law state and federal / publisher Matthew J. Canavan
1997 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
KF154 |
A4475m 1997 |
612 |
62064 |
American jurisprudence 2d : a modern comprehensive text statement of American law state and federal / publisher Cheryl J. Giraulo
2001 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
KF154 |
A4475m 2001 |
613 |
62067 |
American jurisprudence 2d : a modern comprehensive text statement of American law state and federal / publisher Cheryl J. Giraulo
2001 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
KF154 |
A4475m 2001 |
614 |
62068 |
American jurisprudence 2d : a modern comprehensive text statement of American law state and federal / publisher Cheryl J. Giraulo
2001 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
KF154 |
A4475m 2001 |
615 |
62071 |
American jurisprudence 2d : a modern comprehensive text statement of American law state and federal / publisher Matthew J. Canavan
2003 |
Book Not for Loan |
2 |
KF154 |
A4475m 2003 |
616 |
62073 |
American jurisprudence 2d : a modern comprehensive text statement of American law state and federal / publisher Matthew J. Canavan
2000 |
Book Not for Loan |
1 |
KF154 |
A4475m 2000 |
617 |
62074 |
American jurisprudence 2d : a modern comprehensive text statement of American law state and federal / publisher Matthew J. Canavan
2003 |
Book Not for Loan |
1 |
KF154 |
A4475m 2003 |
618 |
62075 |
American jurisprudence 2d : a modern comprehensive text statement of American law state and federal / publisher Jean E. Maess
2008 |
Book Not for Loan |
1 |
KF154 |
A4475m 2008 |
619 |
62076 |
American jurisprudence 2d : a modern comprehensive text statement of American law state and federal / publisher Jean E. Maess
2008 |
Book Not for Loan |
1 |
KF154 |
A4475m 2008 |
620 |
62077 |
American jurisprudence 2d : a modern comprehensive text statement of American law state and federal / publisher Matthew J. Canavan
2005 |
Book Not for Loan |
1 |
KF154 |
A4475m 2005 |
621 |
62078 |
American jurisprudence 2d : a modern comprehensive text statement of American law state and federal / publisher Cheryl J. Giraulo
2000 |
Genaral Book |
3 |
KF154 |
A4475m 2000 |
622 |
62079 |
American jurisprudence 2d : a modern comprehensive text statement of American law state and federal / publisher Cheryl J. Giraulo
2001 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
KF154 |
A4475m 2001 |
623 |
62080 |
American jurisprudence 2d : a modern comprehensive text statement of American law state and federal / publisher Cheryl J. Giraulo
2001 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
KF154 |
A4475m 2001 |
624 |
62081 |
American jurisprudence 2d : a modern comprehensive text statement of American law state and federal / publisher Cheryl J. Giraulo
2001 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
KF154 |
A4475m 2001 |
625 |
62082 |
American jurisprudence 2d : a modern comprehensive text statement of American law state and federal / publisher Cheryl J. Giraulo
2001 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
KF154 |
A4475m 2001 |
626 |
62083 |
American jurisprudence 2d : a modern comprehensive text statement of American law state and federal / publisher Jean E. Maess
2007 |
Book Not for Loan |
3 |
KF154 |
A4475m 2007 |
627 |
62085 |
American jurisprudence 2d : a modern comprehensive text statement of American law state and federal / publisher Matthew J. Canavan
2005 |
Book Not for Loan |
1 |
KF154 |
A4475m 2005 |
628 |
62087 |
American jurisprudence 2d : a modern comprehensive text statement of American law state and federal / publisher Matthew J. Canavan
2006 |
Book Not for Loan |
1 |
KF154 |
A4475m 2006 |
629 |
62088 |
American jurisprudence 2d : a modern comprehensive text statement of American law state and federal / publisher Cheryl J. Giraulo
2002 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
KF154 |
A4475m 2002 |
630 |
62089 |
American jurisprudence 2d : a modern comprehensive text statement of American law state and federal / publisher Matthew J. Canavan
2002 |
Book Not for Loan |
1 |
KF154 |
A4475m 2002 |
631 |
62091 |
American jurisprudence 2d : a modern comprehensive text statement of American law state and federal / publisher Matthew J. Canavan
2002 |
Book Not for Loan |
1 |
KF154 |
A4475m 2002 |
632 |
62093 |
American jurisprudence 2d : a modern comprehensive text statement of American law state and federal / publisher Matthew J. Canavan
2004 |
Book Not for Loan |
1 |
KF154 |
A4475m 2004 |
633 |
62095 |
American jurisprudence 2d : a modern comprehensive text statement of American law state and federal / publisher Matthew J. Canavan
2003 |
Book Not for Loan |
1 |
KF154 |
A4475m 2003 |
634 |
62096 |
American jurisprudence 2d : a modern comprehensive text statement of American law state and federal / publisher Matthew J. Canavan
2003 |
Book Not for Loan |
1 |
KF154 |
A4475m 2003 |
635 |
62097 |
American jurisprudence : a modern comprehensive text statement of American law, state and federal. Table of laws and rules
2008 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
KF154 |
A4475m 2008 |
636 |
62098 |
American jurisprudence : new topic service
2005 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
KF154 |
A4475n 2005 |
637 |
62100 |
American jurisprudence : a modern comprehensive text statement of American law, state and federal. general index
2008 |
Genaral Book |
7 |
KF154 |
A4475m 2008 |
638 |
62101 |
American jurisprudence : a modern comprehensive text statement of American law, state and federal. general index 2009 update
2009 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
KF154 |
A4475m 2009 |
639 |
62131 |
Global legislation for food packaging materials / edited by Rinus Rijk and Rob Veraart
c2010 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
K3626 |
G562 2010 |
640 |
62160 |
Global perspectives in information security : legal, social and international issues / edited by Hossein Bidgoli
c2009 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
KF390.5.C6 |
G562 2009 |
641 |
62451 |
Economic foundations of law / by Steve Spurr
c2010 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
K487.E3 |
S772e 2010 |
642 |
62458 |
Alcohol and entertainment licensing law / Colin Manchester, Susanna Poppleston and Jeremy Allen
2008 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
KD3474 |
M268a 2008 |
643 |
62459 |
Law and the media : the future of an uneasy relationship / Lieve Gies
2008 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
KJC3655 |
G455l 2008 |
644 |
62471 |
International trade law / Indira Carr ; with contributions on private international law by Peter Stone
2009 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
KD2460 |
C311i 2009 |
645 |
62473 |
Contract law in perspective / Linda Mulcahy
2008 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
KD1554 |
M954c 2008 |
646 |
62475 |
The English legal system / Gary Slapper, David Kelly
2010 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
KD661 |
S631e 2010 |
647 |
62500 |
Text, cases, and materials on public law and human rights / Helen Fenwick and Gavin Phillipson
2011 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
KD3930 |
F343t 2011 |
648 |
62501 |
Law and economics of contingent protection in international trade / edited by Kyle W. Bagwell, George A. Bermann, Petros C. Mavroidis
2010 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
K3943 |
B149l 2010 |
649 |
62502 |
The protection of biodiversity and traditional knowledge in international law of intellectual property / by Jonathan Curci
2010 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
K1401 |
C975p 2010 |
650 |
62507 |
The new global law / Rafael Domingo
2010 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
KZ3410 |
D671n 2010 |
651 |
62508 |
Beyond environmental law : policy proposals for a better environmental future / edited by Alyson C. Flournoy, David M. Driesen
2010 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
KF3775 |
B573 2010 |
652 |
62510 |
Wolf and Stanley on environmental law / Susan Wolf and Neil Stanley
2011 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
KD3372 |
W855w 2011 |
653 |
62512 |
Human rights and minority rights in the European Union / Kirsten Shoraka
2010 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
KJE5144.M56 |
S559h 2010 |
654 |
62514 |
The human right to a green future : environmental rights and intergenerational justice / Richard P. Hiskes
2009 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
K3585 |
H673h 2009 |
655 |
62516 |
Foundations of law and economics / edited by Robert D. Cooter and Francesco Parisi
c2009 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
K487.E3 |
F771 2009 |
656 |
62519 |
Customary international law : a new theory with practical applications / Brian D. Lepard
2010 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
KZ1277 |
L592c 2010 |
657 |
62597 |
Law's cosmos : juridical discourse in Athenian forensic oratory / Victoria Wohl
2010 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
KL4115.A75 |
W846l 2010 |
658 |
62681 |
Public international law / Alina Kaczorowska
2010 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
KZ3410 |
K114p 2010 |
659 |
62684 |
Fairness in international climate change law and policy / Friedrich Soltau
2009 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
K3593 |
S691f 2009 |
660 |
62687 |
European labour law / Brian Bercusson
2009 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
KJC2849 |
B486e 2009 |
661 |
62709 |
Freedom of information : the law, the practice, and the ideal / Patrick Birkinshaw
2010 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
KD3756 |
B619f 2010 |
662 |
62713 |
Roman law and the legal world of the Romans / Andrew M. Riggsby
2010 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
KJA147 |
R569r 2010 |
663 |
62716 |
Asylum, welfare and the cosmopolitan ideal : a sociology of rights / Lydia Morris
2010 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
K3268.3 |
M876a 2010 |
664 |
62722 |
Copyright : interpreting the law for libraries, archives and information services / Graham P. Cornish
2009 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
KD1269.3 |
C818c 2009 |
665 |
62747 |
The dynamics of international law / Paul F. Diehl and Charlotte Ku
2010 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
KZ3410 |
D559d 2010 |
666 |
62748 |
Internet jurisdiction and choice of law : legal practices in the EU, US and China / Faye Fangfei Wang
2010 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
K7340 |
W246i 2010 |
667 |
62769 |
Human rights and the protection of privacy in tort law : a comparison between English and German law / Hans-Joachim Cremer
2011 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
KJC1676 |
C915h 2011 |
668 |
62787 |
Sovereignty, emergency, legality / edited by Austin Sarat
2010 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
K3344 |
S243s 2010 |
669 |
62829 |
International refugee law and socio-economic rights : refuge from deprivation / Michelle Foster
2009 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
K3230.R45 |
F756i 2009 |
670 |
62967 |
proceedings of the fortieth colloquium on the law of outer space : international institute of space law of the international astronautical federation October 6-10, 1997 Turin, Italy
1998 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
K4095.4 |
P962 1998 |
671 |
62968 |
proceedings of the forty-first colloquium on the law of outer space : international institute of space law of the international astronautical federation 28 September- 2 October 1998 Melbourne, Australia
1999 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
K4095.4 |
P962 1999 |
672 |
62969 |
proceedings of the forty-second colloquium on the law of outer space : international institute of space law of the international astronautical federation 4 October - 8 October 1999 Amsterdam, The Netherlands
2000 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
K4095.4 |
P962 2000 |
673 |
62970 |
proceedings of the forty-third colloquium on the law of outer space : international institute of space law of the international astronautical federation 2 October - 6 October 2000 Rio De Janeiro, Brazil
2001 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
K4095.4 |
P962 2001 |
674 |
62971 |
proceedings of the forty-fourth colloquium on the law of outer space : international institute of space law of the international astronautical federation 1 October - 5 October 2001 Toulouse, France
2002 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
K4095.4 |
P962 2002 |
675 |
62972 |
proceedings of the forty-fifth colloquium on the law of outer space : international institute of space law of the international astronautical federation 10 October - 19 October 2002 Houston, Texas
2003 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
K4095.4 |
P962 2003 |
676 |
62973 |
proceedings of the forty-fifth colloquium on the law of outer space : international institute of space law of the international astronautical federation 29 September - 3 October 2003 Bremen, Germany
2004 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
K4095.4 |
P962 2004 |
677 |
62974 |
proceedings of the forty-Seventh colloquium on the law of outer space : international institute of space law of the international astronautical federation 4-8 October 2004 Vancouver, Canada
2005 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
K4095.4 |
P962 2005 |
678 |
62975 |
proceedings of the forty-eighth colloquium on the law of outer space : international institute of space law of the international astronautical federation 17-21 October 2005 Fukuoka, Japan
2006 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
K4095.4 |
P962 2006 |
679 |
62976 |
proceedings of the forty-ninth colloquium on the law of outer space : international institute of space law 2-6 October 2006 Valencia, Spain / Editor: Corinne M. Contant Jorgenson
2007 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
K4095.4 |
P962 2007 |
680 |
62977 |
proceedings of the thirty-sixth colloquium on the law of outer space : international institute of space law of the international astronautical federation October 16-22, 1993 Graz, Austria
1994 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
K4095.4 |
P962 1994 |
681 |
62978 |
proceedings of the thirty-fifth colloquium on the law of outer space : international institute of space law of the international astronautical federation August 28-September 5, 1992 Washington, D.C
1993 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
K4095.4 |
P962 1993 |
682 |
62979 |
proceedings of the thirty-seventh colloquium on the law of outer space : international institute of space law of the international astronautical federation October 9-14, 1994 Jerusalem, Israel
1995 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
K4095.4 |
P962 1995 |
683 |
62980 |
proceedings of the thirty-ninth colloquium on the law of outer space : international institute of space law of the international astronautical federation October 7-11, 1996 Beijeing, China
1997 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
K4095.4 |
P962 1997 |
684 |
62981 |
proceedings of the thirty-eighth colloquium on the law of outer space : international institute of space law of the international astronautical federation October 2-6, 1995 Oslo, Norway
1996 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
K4095.4 |
P962 1996 |
685 |
63270 |
Feminist legal studies : critical concepts in law / edited by Joanne Conaghan
2009 |
Genaral Book |
4 |
K349 |
F456 2009 |
686 |
63279 |
Sexuality and the law : feminist engagements / edited by Vanessa E. Munro and Carl F. Stychin
2007 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
KD7975 |
S49 2007 |
687 |
63280 |
Legal responses to domestic violence / Mandy Burton
2008 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
KD7973 |
B87l 2008 |
688 |
63287 |
Modern maritime law and risk management / Aleka Mandaraka-Sheppard
2007 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
KD1833 |
M36m 2007 |
689 |
63288 |
Routledge handbook of international law / edited by David Armstrong ; editorial board, Jutta Brun้e ... [et al.]
2009 |
Genaral Book |
2 |
KZ3410 |
A97 2009 |
690 |
63289 |
Modern land law / Martin Dixon
2009 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
KD833 |
D59m 2009 |
691 |
63290 |
Human rights controversies : the impact of legal form / Luke McNamara
2007 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
K3240 |
M388h 2007 |
692 |
63293 |
Family law 2008- 2009 / D.G.Cracknell
2009 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
KD750 |
C68f 2008 |
693 |
63330 |
Food regulation : law, science, policy, and practice / Neal D. Fortin
c2009 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
KF3875 |
F67f 2009 |
694 |
63421 |
Administrative law and governance in Asia : comparative perspectives / edited by Tom Ginsburg and Albert H.Y. Chen
c2009 |
Genaral Book |
3 |
KNC620 |
A93 2009 |
695 |
63457 |
Smith and Roberson's business law / Richard A. Mann, Barry S. Roberts
c2009 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
KF888 |
M35s 2009 |
696 |
63463 |
Law and society / Steven Vago
2009 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
K370 |
V126l 2009 |
697 |
63466 |
Essentials of business law and the legal environment / Richard A. Mann, Barry S. Roberts
c2010 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
KF889 |
M355e 2010 |
698 |
63612 |
Mergers and acquisitions : a step-by-step legal and practical guide / Edwin L. Miller, Jr.
c2008 |
Genaral Book |
2 |
KF1477 |
M55m 2008 |
699 |
63633 |
Business law : the ethical, global, and e-commerce environment / Jane P. Mallor ... [et al.]
2010 |
Genaral Book |
3 |
KF888 |
B979 2010 |
700 |
63781 |
Copyright act & related laws 2007 / Intellectual Property Office Ministry of Economic Affairs
2007 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
KNP115.2.A31 |
C785 2007 |
701 |
63788 |
Collection of major IPR laws and regulations / Intellectual Property Office Ministry of Economic Affairs
2006 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
K1401 |
C697 2006 |
702 |
64439 |
Data mining and predictive analysis intelligence gathering and crime analysis / [electronic resource] : Colleen McCue.
c2007. |
E-Book |
1 |
HV7936.C88 |
M37 2007eb |
703 |
66052 |
Growing the sheltering tree : protecting rights through humanitarian action
2002 |
Genaral Book |
2 |
JC571 |
G884 2002 |
704 |
66376 |
Family law, gender, and the state : text, cases, and materials / Alison Diduck, Felicity Kaganas
2006 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
KD750 |
D53f 2006 |
705 |
66791 |
Code de juridiction administrative thailandaise
2001 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
KPT2764 |
C669 2001 |
706 |
66911 |
Forensic science laboratory manual and workbook / Thomas A. Kubic, Nicholas Petraco
2009 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
HV8073 |
K75f 2009 |
707 |
66986 |
Forensic accounting / William S. Hopwood, Jay J. Leiner, George R. Young
2008 |
Genaral Book |
2 |
KF8968.15 |
H67f 2008 |
708 |
67190 |
Medical product regulatory affairs : pharmaceuticals, diagnostics, medical devices / John J. Tobin and Gary Walsh
2008 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
709 |
68588 |
Asian yearbook of international law : Volume 13 2007 / edited by B.S. Chimni, Miyoshi Masahiro and Thio Li-ann
2009 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
KZ21 |
A85 2009 |
710 |
68607 |
System criminality in international law / editors, Harmen van der Wilt and André Nollkaemper ; assistant editors, Menno Dolman and Jann Kleffner
2009 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
K5036 |
S995 2009 |
711 |
68614 |
An introduction to comparative legal models of criminal justice / authors, Cliff Roberson, Dilip K. Das
2008 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
K5001 |
R638i 2008 |
712 |
69825 |
EU criminal law / Valsamis Mitsilegas
2009 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
KJE7975 |
M684e 2009 |
713 |
69826 |
European energy law report VI / edited by Ulf Hammer, Roggenkamp Martha
2009 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
KJE6848 |
E896 2009 |
714 |
69828 |
Fundamental social rights in Europe : challenges and opportunities / edited by Edoardo Ales ... [et al.] ; contributors Saskia Klosse ... [et al.]
c2009 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
KJE3275 |
F981 2009 |
715 |
69857 |
The criminal responsibility of senior political and military leaders as principals to international crimes / Héctor Olásolo ; with a foreword by Adrian Fulford, an introduction by Ekaterina Trendafilova and an epilogue by Kai Ambos
2009 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
K5301 |
O524c 2009 |
716 |
70218 |
Principles of supply chain management / by Richard E. Crandall, William R. Crandall, and Charlie Chen
2010 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
HD38.5 |
C73p 2010 |
717 |
70322 |
Law, socialism, and democracy / Paul Q. Hirst
c2010 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
JC421 |
H669l 2010 |
718 |
70326 |
Lawsuit! : reducing the risk of product liability for manufacturers / Randall L. Goodden
c2009 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
KF1296 |
G66l 2009 |
719 |
70705 |
Drug use and ethnicity in early adolescence [electronic resource] / William A. Vega, Andres G. Gil, and associates
c2002 |
E-Book |
1 |
720 |
70708 |
Sociolegal control of homosexuality : a multi-nation comparison [electronic resource] / edited by Donald J. West and Richard Green
c2002 |
E-Book |
1 |
721 |
71582 |
Advances in pharma business management and research. Volume 1 [electronic resource] / edited by Lars Schweizer...[et al.]
2020 |
E-Book |
1 |
722 |
71583 |
The Cambridge handbook of health research regulation [electronic resource] / edited by Graeme Laurie...[et al.]
2021 |
E-Book |
1 |
723 |
71584 |
The future of medical device regulation : innovation and protection [electronic resource] / edited by I. Glenn Cohen...[et al.]
2022 |
E-Book |
1 |
724 |
71586 |
Understanding the rights of nature : a critical introduction [electronic resource] / Mihnea Tanasescu
c2022 |
E-Book |
1 |
725 |
71587 |
Cyber peace : charting a path toward a sustainable, stable, and secure cyberspace [electronic resource] / edited by Scott J. Shackelford, Frederick Douzet and Christopher Ankersen
2022 |
E-Book |
1 |
726 |
71588 |
The idea of progress in forensic authorship analysis [electronic resource] / Tim Grant
2022 |
E-Book |
1 |
727 |
71589 |
Carceral logics : human incarceration and animal captivity [electronic resource] / edited by Lori Gruen and Justin Marceau
2022 |
E-Book |
1 |
728 |
71590 |
Embodied narratives : protecting identity interests through ethical governance of bioinformation [electronic resource] / Emily Postan
2022 |
E-Book |
1 |
729 |
71597 |
Queer migration and asylum in Europe [electronic resource] / edited by Richard C. M. Mole
2021 |
E-Book |
1 |
730 |
71598 |
Grey area : regulating Amsterdam's coffeeshops [electronic resource] / Scott Jacques
2019 |
E-Book |
1 |
731 |
71661 |
Forest governance : Hydra or Chloris? [electronic resource] / Bas Arts
2021 |
E-Book |
1 |
732 |
71688 |
The citizen's guide to climate success : overcoming myths that hinder progress [electronic resource] / Mark Jaccard
2020 |
E-Book |
1 |
733 |
71716 |
Imperial incarceration : detention without trial in the making of British colonial Africa [electronic resource] / Michael Lobban
c2021 |
E-Book |
1 |
734 |
71757 |
Negotiating Mughal law : a family of landlords across three Indian empires [electronic resource] / Nandini Chatterjee
2020 |
E-Book |
1 |
735 |
71791 |
The African Court of Justice and human and peoples' rights in context : development and challenges [electronic resource] / edited by Charles C. Jalloh, Kamari M. Clarke and Vincent O. Nmehielle
2019 |
E-Book |
1 |
736 |
71792 |
Evidence and innovation in housing law and policy [electronic resource] / edited by Lee Anne Fennell and Benjamin J. Keys
2017 |
E-Book |
1 |
737 |
71793 |
Carceral logics : human incarceration and animal captivity [electronic resource] / edited by Lori Gruen and Justin Marceau
2022 |
E-Book |
1 |
738 |
71794 |
Decoupling : gender injustice in China's divorce courts [electronic resource] / Ethan Michelson
2022 |
E-Book |
1 |
739 |
71798 |
The law and practice of the Ireland-Northern Ireland protocol [electronic resource] / edited by Christopher McCrudden
2022 |
E-Book |
1 |
740 |
71799 |
Common law, civil law, and colonial law : essays in comparative legal history from the twelfth to the twentieth centuries [electronic resource] / edited by William Eves ... [et al.]
2021 |
E-Book |
1 |
741 |
71800 |
Buddhism and comparative constitutional law [electronic resource] / edited by Tom Ginsburg and Ben Schonthal
2022 |
E-Book |
1 |
742 |
72550 |
Jurisprudence : theory & context / Brian H. Bix
2009 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
K230.B57 |
B624j 2009 |
743 |
72560 |
Understanding property law / W. T. Murphy and Simon Roberts
2008 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
KD829 |
M978u 2008 |
744 |
73072 |
Anne Orthwood's bastard : sex and law in early Virginia / John Ruston Pagan
2003 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
KFV2967.S3 |
P128a 2003 |
745 |
73073 |
Anti-discrimination law and the European Union / Mark Bell
2002 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
KJE5142 |
B434a 2002 |
746 |
73089 |
Executive policing : enforcing the law in peace operations / edited by Renata Dwan
2002 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
KZ6376 |
E962 2002 |
747 |
73106 |
Foucault's law / Ben Golder and Peter Fitzpatrick
2009 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
K230.F682 |
G618f 2009 |
748 |
73350 |
Australian environmental law : norms, principles and rules / D. E. Fisher
2010 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
KU1507 |
F533a 2010 |
749 |
73351 |
Australian constitutional law and theory : commentary and materials / Tony Blackshield and George Williams
2010 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
KU1750 |
B631a 2010 |
750 |
73667 |
European Union law / Alina Kaczorowska
2009 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
KJE947 |
K114e 2009 |
751 |
73761 |
Family law, sex and society : a comparative study of family law / Peter de Cruz
2010 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
K670 |
D298f 2010 |
752 |
73794 |
Essential law for information professionals / Paul Pedley
2003 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
KD3756 |
P371e 2006 |
753 |
74107 |
Forensic psychology and law / Ronald Roesch, Patricia A. Zapf, Stephen D. Hart
c2010 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
754 |
74509 |
An introduction to international institutional law / Jan Klabbers
2009 |
Genaral Book |
2 |
KZ4850 |
K631i 2009 |
755 |
74533 |
Essential questions in EU law / August Reinisch
c2009 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
KJE949 |
R372e 2009 |
756 |
75451 |
French legal system / Catherine Elliott, Catherine Vernon, Eric Jeanpierre
2006 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
KJV233 |
E464f 2006 |
757 |
75653 |
From Kosovo to Kabul and beyond : human rights and international intervention / David Chandler
c2006 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
KZ6369 |
C455f 2006 |
758 |
76615 |
Facilities management handbook / edited by Frank Booty
2009 |
Genaral Book |
2 |
TS155 |
F141 2009 |
759 |
78273 |
Global health and human rights : legal and philosophical perspectives / edited by John Harrington and Maria Stuttaford
2010 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
K3260.3 |
G562 2010 |
760 |
80002 |
Reluctant restraint : the evolution of China's nonproliferation policies and practices, 1980-2004 / Evan S. Medeiros
2009 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
JZ6009.C6 |
M488r 2009 |
761 |
80003 |
Malaysian foreign policy in the Mahathir era, 1981-2003 : dilemmas of development / Karminder Singh Dhillon
2009 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
DS596.3 |
D534m 2009 |
762 |
80076 |
Forensic science : the basics / Jay A. Siegel, Kathy Mirakovits
c2010 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
HV8073 |
S571f 2010 |
763 |
80097 |
Forensic dentistry / edited by David R. Senn, Paul G. Stimson
c2010 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
764 |
80139 |
Politics of modern China / edited by Zheng Yongnian, Yiyi Lu & Lynn T. White III
Genaral Book |
4 |
JQ1510 |
P769 2010 |
765 |
80140 |
Politics of modern Central Asia / edited by Bhavna Dave
2010 |
Genaral Book |
4 |
JQ1080 |
P769 2010 |
766 |
80146 |
Political developments in contemporary China : a guide / Ian Jeffries
2011 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
DS779.26 |
J472p 2011 |
767 |
80148 |
Political Islam in Central Asia : the challenge of Hizb ut-Tahrir / Emmanuel Karagiannis
2010 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
BP63.A34 |
K181p 2010 |
768 |
80150 |
Politics in Malaysia : the Malay dimension / edited by Edmund Terence Gomez
2007 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
JQ1062.A58 |
P769 2007 |
769 |
80151 |
Ethics in criminal justice : in search of the truth / Sam S. Souryal
c2011 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
HV7419 |
S724e 2011 |
770 |
80159 |
Handbook of public administration / edited by Jack Rabin, W. Bartley Hildreth, Gerald J. Miller
2007 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
JF1351 |
H236 2007 |
771 |
80164 |
India, Pakistan, and democracy : solving the puzzle of divergent paths / Philip Oldenburg
2010 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
JQ281 |
O446i 2010 |
772 |
80169 |
Fundamental perspectives on international law / William R. Slomanson
2011 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
KZ3180 |
S634f 2011 |
773 |
80172 |
Islam and politics in Southeast Asia / edited by Johan Saravanamuttu
2010 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
BP63.A38 |
I821 2010 |
774 |
80209 |
The right to religious freedom in international law : between group rights and individual rights / Anat Scolnicov
2011 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
K3258 |
R571 2011 |
775 |
80212 |
Media and crime / Yvonne Jewkes.
2011 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
P96.C74 |
J596m 2011 |
776 |
80218 |
Legal reforms in China and Vietnam : a comparison of Asian communist regimes / edited by John Gillespie and Albert H.Y. Chen
2010 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
KNC764 |
G478l 2010 |
777 |
80219 |
TV rights and sport : legal aspects / edited by Ian Blackshaw, Steve Cornelius, Robert Siekmann
c2009 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
K4339 |
T968 2009 |
778 |
80399 |
Digest of international cases on the law of the sea / Division for Ocean Affairs and the Law of the Sea, Office of Legal Affairs
2007 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
KZA1123 |
D572 2007 |
779 |
80482 |
Essential mathematics and statistics for forensic science / Craig Adam
2010 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
QA276 |
A193e 2010 |
780 |
80647 |
Police administration / Gary W. Cordner, Robert Sheehan
c2010 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
HV7935 |
C795p 2010 |
781 |
80648 |
Digital media law / Ashley Packard
2010 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
KF2750 |
P119d 2010 |
782 |
80652 |
Freedom of expression in the marketplace of ideas / Douglas M. Fraleigh, Joseph S. Tuman
c2011 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
KF4772 |
F812f 2011 |
783 |
80656 |
Crime prevention : approaches, practices, and evaluations / Steven P. Lab
2010 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
HV7431 |
L112c 2010 |
784 |
80659 |
Public law and human rights statutes 2010-2011 / Paul Behrens
c2011 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
KD3930 |
P976 2011 |
785 |
80660 |
European union legislation 2010-2011 / Jeffrey Kenner
c2011 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
KJE964 |
K365e 2011 |
786 |
80661 |
Criminal investigation : a method for reconstructing the past / James W. Osterburg, Richard H. Ward
c2010 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
HV8073 |
O852c 2010 |
787 |
80664 |
Criminology : explaining crime and its context / Stephen E. Brown, Finn-Aage Esbensen, Gilbert Geis
c2010 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
HV6025 |
B879c 2010 |
788 |
80666 |
The APSAC handbook on child maltreatment / editor, John E.B. Myers
c2011 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
HV6626.5 |
A654 2011 |
789 |
80667 |
Organized crime in our times / by Jay S. Albanese
c2011 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
HV6446 |
A326o 2011 |
790 |
80668 |
Criminal law statutes 2010-2011 / Jonathan Herring
2011 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
KD7869.6 |
H567c 2011 |
791 |
80669 |
Global perspectives on the rule of law / edited by James J. Heckman, Robert L. Nelson, and Lee Cabatingan
2010 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
K3171 |
G562 2010 |
792 |
80818 |
Thailand biomedical engineering consortium / edtorial board Pairash Thajchayapong ... [et al.]
2009 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
KJV5369 |
P148t 2009 |
793 |
80859 |
Taxes in Vietnam : an overview
c2009 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
KPV3550 |
T235 2009 |
794 |
81101 |
Public administration and law / David H. Rosenbloom, Rosemary O'Leary, Joshua Chanin
c2010 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
KF5402 |
R813p 2010 |
795 |
82011 |
Dissecting the hack : the forb1dd3n network / Jayson E. Street ... [et al.].
c2010 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
HV8079.C65 |
S915d 2010 |
796 |
82155 |
Police ethics : the corruption of noble cause / Michael A. Caldero, John P. Crank
c2010 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
HV8138 |
C891p 2010 |
797 |
82230 |
Digital forensics for network, Internet, and cloud computing : a forensic evidence guide for moving targets and data / Terrence V. Lillard ... [et al.] ; technical editor, Jim Murray
c2010 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
HV8079.C65 |
L729d 2010 |
798 |
82700 |
The idea of cultural heritage / Derek Gillman
2010 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
K3791 |
G482i 2010 |
799 |
82833 |
Water regulations in brief / Ray Tricker
2009 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
KD1162 |
T823w 2009 |
800 |
83180 |
Modern land law / Martin Dixon
2010 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
KD833 |
D621m 2010 |
801 |
83181 |
Criminal law / David C. Brody, James R. Acker
c2010 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
KF9219 |
B864c 2010 |
802 |
83184 |
Company law statutes 2010-2011 / Marc Moore
2011 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
KD2074 |
M823c 2011 |
803 |
83187 |
An introduction to the International Criminal Court / William Schabas
2011 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
KZ631 |
S291i 2010 |
804 |
83191 |
Prosecuting international crimes : selectivity and the international criminal law regime / Robert Cryer
2011 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
K5425 |
C957p 2011 |
805 |
83192 |
Modern intellectual property law / Catherine Colston, Jonathan Galloway
2010 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
KD1269 |
C723m 2010 |
806 |
83194 |
The law of estate agency / John Murdoch
2009 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
KD2517.E7 |
M974l 2009 |
807 |
83197 |
Rights, gender and family law / edited by Julie Wallbank, Shazia Choudhry and Jonathan Herring
2010 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
K670 |
R571 2010 |
808 |
83199 |
International human rights and humanitarian law : treaties, cases and analysis / Francisco Forrest Martin ... [et al.].
2011 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
K3240 |
M379i 2011 |
809 |
83200 |
The Paradox of Professionalism : Lawyers and the Possibility of Justice / edited by Scott L. Cummings
2011 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
K117 |
P222 2011 |
810 |
83207 |
Encyclopedia of criminological theory / editors, Francis T. Cullen, Pamela Wilcox
c2010 |
Genaral Book |
2 |
HV6017 |
E564 2010 |
811 |
83209 |
International criminal law practitioner library / Gideon Boas, James L. Bischoff, Natalie L. Reid
2010-2011 |
Genaral Book |
3 |
K5301 |
B662i 2010 |
812 |
83425 |
Legal memorandum 2 : hearsay evidence and international fair trial standards October 2008 / International Commission of Jurists
2010 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
K5481 |
I612l 2010 |
813 |
83426 |
Trial observation : report on the criminal trial and investigation of the enforced disappearance of SomChai Neelapaichit / International Commission of Jurists
2009 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
KPT148 |
I612t 2009 |
814 |
83484 |
Reading between the lines / Angkhana Neelapaichit
2009 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
JC571 |
A588r 2009 |
815 |
83489 |
Thailand's Internal Security Act : risking the rule of law? / [written and researched by Erin Shaw]
2010 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
KPT2490 |
S534t 2010 |
816 |
84426 |
Outline of the Japanese design law / Japanese Patent Office Asia-Pacific Industrial Property Center,JIII
1999 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
KNX68 |
J358o 1999 |
817 |
84428 |
Law and treaties / Japanese Patent Office Asia-Pacific Industrial Property Center,JIII
1999 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
KZ191 |
J358l 1999 |
818 |
84432 |
Product Liability / Susom Supanit
2006 |
Genaral Book |
8 |
KK2423.P73 |
S964p 2006 |
819 |
84853 |
The international law of human trafficking / Anne T. Gallagher
c2010 |
Genaral Book |
2 |
K5258 |
G162i 2010 |
820 |
85756 |
Fundamentals of forensic science / Max M. Houck, Jay A. Siegel
c2010 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
HV8073 |
H835f 2010 |
821 |
85885 |
ASEAN : life after the Charter / edited by S. Tiwari
2010 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
KNE171 |
A816 2010 |
822 |
86232 |
Political economy of tourism : a critical perspective / edited by Jan Mosedale
2011 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
G155.A1 |
P769 2011 |
823 |
86248 |
Child pornography : law and policy / Alisdair A.Gillespie
2011 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
KD8075 |
G478c 2011 |
824 |
86250 |
Doing criminological research / Pamela M. Davies, Peter Francis, Victor Jupp.
2011 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
HV6024.5 |
D257d 2011 |
825 |
86251 |
Family law statutes 2010-2011 / edited by Phil Bates
2011 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
KD750 |
F198 2011 |
826 |
86252 |
Fundamentals of corporate governance / edited by Thomas Clarke and Marie dela Rama
2008 |
Genaral Book |
4 |
HD2741 |
F981 2008 |
827 |
86253 |
Fundamentals of research in criminology and criminal justice / Ronet Bachman, Russell K. Schutt
c2012 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
HV6024.5 |
B124f 2012 |
828 |
86254 |
Healthcare crime : investigating abuse, fraud, and homicide by caregivers / Kelly M. Pyrek
c2011 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
829 |
86256 |
International commercial arbitration : an Asia-Pacific perspective / Simon Greenberg, Christopher Kee, J. Romesh Weeramantry
2011 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
K2400 |
G798i 2011 |
830 |
86257 |
International dispute settlement / J.G. Merrills
2011 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
KZ6010 |
M571i 2011 |
831 |
86258 |
Key ideas in criminology and criminal justice / Travis C. Pratt, Jacinta M. Gau, Travis W. Franklin
c2011 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
HV6025 |
P917k 2011 |
832 |
86259 |
Law and legal institutions of Asia : traditions, adaptations and innovations / edited by E. Ann Black and Gary F. Bell
2011 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
KNC79 |
L415 2011 |
833 |
86260 |
Law and religion / Russell Sandberg
2011 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
KD8600 |
S213l 2011 |
834 |
86261 |
Marxism and world politics : contesting global capitalism / edited by Alexander Anievas
2010 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
HX73 |
M392 2010 |
835 |
86263 |
The impact of international law on international cooperation : theoretical perspectives / edited by Eyal Benvenisti, Moshe Hirsch
2011 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
JZ1318 |
I341 2011 |
836 |
86265 |
The study of violent crime : its correlates and concerns / Scott Mire and Cliff Roberson
c2011 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
HV6791 |
M674s 2011 |
837 |
86416 |
Learning from China? : development and environment in Third World countries / edited by Bernhard Glaeser
2011 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
HC430.E5 |
L438 2011 |
838 |
87276 |
Financial investigation and forensic accounting / George A Manning
2011 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
HV8079.W47 |
M283f 2011 |
839 |
89021 |
Microbial forensics [electronic resource] / Edited by : Bruce Budowle, Steven E. Schutzer, Roger G. Breeze, Paul S. Keim and Stephen A. Morse
c2010 |
E-Book |
1 |
840 |
89031 |
Handbook of digital forensics and investigation [electronic resource] / by Eoghan Casey
2010 |
E-Book |
1 |
841 |
89329 |
Principles of addictions and the law : applications in forensic, mental health, and medical practice [electronic resource] / edited by Norman S. Miller
c 2010 |
E-Book |
1 |
842 |
89454 |
Framing global mathematics the international mathematical union between theorems and politics [electronic resource] / Norbert Schappacher
2022 |
E-Book |
1 |
843 |
89472 |
Achieving access to justice in a business and human rights context : an assessment of litigation and regulatory responses in european civillaw countries [electronic resource] /
2022 |
E-Book |
1 |
844 |
89486 |
The signature in law: from the thirteenth century to the facsimile [electronic resource] / Stephen Mason
2022 |
E-Book |
1 |
845 |
89487 |
Electronic evidence and electronic signatures [electronic resource] / Stephen Mason & Daniel Seng
2021 |
E-Book |
1 |
846 |
89488 |
The clinical legal education handbook [electronic resource] / edited by Linden Thomas and Nick Johnson
2020 |
E-Book |
1 |
847 |
89505 |
Equality within our lifetimes : how laws and policies can close-or widen-gender gaps in economies worldwide / [electronic resource] / Jody Heymann, Aleta Sprague, Amy Raub ; foreword by Hema Swaminathan
2023 |
E-Book |
1 |
848 |
89537 |
International handbook on clinical tax education [electronic resource] / edited by Amy Lawton, Annette Morgan, David Massey & Donovan Castelyn
2023 |
E-Book |
1 |
849 |
90213 |
Digital triage forensics : processing the digital crime scene [electronic resource] / Stephen Pearson and Richard Watson
c2010 |
E-Book |
1 |
850 |
90214 |
Forensic dental evidence : an investigator's handbook [electronic resource] / C. Michael Bowers
c2011 |
E-Book |
1 |
851 |
90215 |
Effective interviewing and interrogation techniques [electronic resource] / Nathan J. Gordon and William L. Fleisher
c2011 |
E-Book |
1 |
852 |
91342 |
Forensic chemistry handbook / edited by Lawrence Kobilinsky
c2012 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
HV8073 |
F715 2012 |
853 |
91621 |
Essential forensic neuropathology / [edited by] Juan C. Troncoso, Ana Rubio, David R. Fowler
c2010 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
854 |
92105 |
From rhetoric to action : implementing the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities / Eilionoir Flynn
2011 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
K637.A42007 |
F648f 2011 |
855 |
92288 |
Medical law and ethics / Bonnie F. Fremgen
c2012 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
856 |
92323 |
Handbook of human rights / edited by Thomas Cushman
2012 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
JC571 |
H236 2012 |
857 |
92900 |
The individual in the international legal system : continuity and change in international law / Kate Parlett
2011 |
Genaral Book |
2 |
KZ3920 |
P252i 2011 |
858 |
93154 |
Essentials of criminal law / Neil C Chamelin; Clinton Andrew Thomas
2012 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
KF9219.85 |
C447e 2012 |
859 |
93482 |
Gender, law and justice in a global market / Ann Stewart
2011 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
K1772 |
S849g 2011 |
860 |
93545 |
Environmental protection and human rights / Donald K. Anton, Dinah L. Shelton
2011 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
K3585 |
A634e 2011 |
861 |
93587 |
Ethics for the public service professional / Aric W. Dutelle
c2011 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
KF4568 |
D975e 2011 |
862 |
94189 |
Juvenile law violators, human rights, and the development of new juvenile justice systems / edited by Eric L. Jensen and Jørgen Jepsen
2006 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
HV9069 |
J97 2006 |
863 |
94193 |
Comparative income taxation : a structural analysis / principal authors, Hugh J. Ault, Brian J. Arnold ; contributing authors, Guy Gest ... [et al.]
c2010 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
K4505 |
A924c 2010 |
864 |
94194 |
Global perspectives on e-commerce taxation law / Subhajit Basu
c2007 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
K4487.E43 |
B327g 2007 |
865 |
94195 |
International tax primer / Brian J. Arnold & Michael J. McIntyre
2002 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
K4542 |
A752i 2002 |
866 |
94196 |
International taxation of permanent establishments : principles and policy / Michael Kobetsky
2011 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
K4550 |
K757i 2011 |
867 |
94197 |
Model tax convention on income and on capital / OECD
2010 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
K4475.4 |
M689 2010 |
868 |
94199 |
OECD transfer pricing guidelines for multinational enterprises and tax administrations / OECD
c2010 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
HD62.45 |
O282 2010 |
869 |
94202 |
Rethinking estate and gift taxation / William G. Gale, James R. Hines Jr., Joel Slemrod, editors
c2001 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
KF6572 |
R438 2001 |
870 |
94205 |
The International tax law concept of dividend / Marjaana Helminen
c2010 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
K4542 |
H479i 2010 |
871 |
94546 |
Vietnam legal, tax and investment guide 2011-2012 / DFDL Mekong (Firm)
2011 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
HG5750.5.A3 |
V666 2011 |
872 |
94573 |
The juvenile justice system : delinquency, processing, and the law / Dean John Champion, Alida V. Merlo, Peter J. Benekos
c2013 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
KF9779 |
C452j 2013 |
873 |
94602 |
Handbook of international law / Anthony Aust
2010 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
KZ3410 |
A932h 2010 |
874 |
94604 |
International dispute settlement / J.G. Merrills
2011 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
JZ6010 |
M571i 2011 |
875 |
94643 |
The Amazon from an international law perspective / Beatriz Garcia.
2011 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
KH642.A46 |
G216a 2011 |
876 |
94645 |
Contracting with sovereignty : state contracts and international arbitration / Ivar Alvik
2011 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
K2400 |
A475c 2011 |
877 |
94647 |
Dispute settlement at the WTO : the developing country experience / edited by Gregory C. Shaffer and Ricardo Mel้ndez-Ortiz
2011 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
K4610 |
D612 2011 |
878 |
94650 |
Greening EU competition law and policy / Suzanne Kingston
2012 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
KJE6456 |
K555g 2012 |
879 |
94652 |
Health systems governance in Europe : the role of European Union law and policy / edited by Elias Mossialos ... [et al.]
2010 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
KJE6206 |
H434 2010 |
880 |
94656 |
International economic law / by Asif H. Qureshi, Andreas R. Ziegler
2011 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
K3820 |
Q96i 2011 |
881 |
94658 |
International environmental law / Ulrich Beyerlin and Thilo Marauhn
c2011 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
K3585 |
B573i 2011 |
882 |
94659 |
The international law on foreign investment / M. Sornarajah
2010 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
K3830.4 |
S714i 2010 |
883 |
94671 |
The prospects of international trade regulation : from fragmentation to coherence / edited by Thomas Cottier, Panagiotis Delimatsis
2012 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
K3943 |
P966 2012 |
884 |
94673 |
Public justice and the anthropology of law / Ronald Niezen
2010 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
K3242 |
N682p 2010 |
885 |
94675 |
Relocating the law of geographical indications / Dev Gangjee
2012 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
K1562 |
G197r 2012 |
886 |
94676 |
Transitional jurisprudence and the European convention on human rights : justice, politics and rights / edited by Antoine Buyse, Michael Hamilton
2011 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
KJC5138 |
T772 2011 |
887 |
94680 |
Land law / by Chris Chang
2012 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
KD829 |
C456l 2012 |
888 |
94682 |
Constitutional and administrative law / by Maureen Spencer, John Spencer
2012 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
KD3989 |
S745c 2012 |
889 |
94683 |
Tort / Vera Bermingham
2011 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
KD1949.6 |
B516t 2011 |
890 |
94686 |
EPC contracts and major projects : (a guide to construction and other project contracts) / Nigel Pritchard, John Scriven
2011 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
KD2435 |
P961e 2011 |
891 |
94687 |
Contract law / by Anne Ruff
2011 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
KD1554 |
R922c 2011 |
892 |
94688 |
Criminal law / by Penny Childs
2011 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
KD7869.6 |
C537c 2011 |
893 |
94689 |
The elements of roman law : with a translation of the Institutes of Justinian / by R.W. Lee
2010 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
KJA2190 |
L479e 2010 |
894 |
94690 |
Human rights / Maureen Spencer and Maureen Spencer
2005 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
KD4080 |
S745h 2005 |
895 |
94691 |
Understanding family law / Michael Freeman
2007 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
KD750 |
F855u 2007 |
896 |
94692 |
The law of finance / Alastair Hudson
2009 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
KD1715 |
H885l 2009 |
897 |
94693 |
Family law / by Rebecca Probert
2007 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
KD750 |
P962f 2007 |
898 |
94697 |
Cretney principles of family law / Judith M. Masson...[et al]
2008 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
KD750 |
C924 2008 |
899 |
94698 |
Understanding law / John N. Adams, Roger Brownsword
2010 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
KD662 |
A214u 2010 |
900 |
94701 |
Land law : text and materials / Nigel P. Gravells
2010 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
KD829 |
G775l 2010 |
901 |
94702 |
Evidence / Michael Stockdale ... [et al.]
2007 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
KD7499 |
S864e 2007 |
902 |
94704 |
Understanding contract law / John N. Adams and Roger Brownsword
2010 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
KD1554 |
A214u 2010 |
903 |
94706 |
Law of international trade : cross-border commercial transactions / by J.C.T. Chuah
2011 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
K3943 |
C559l 2011 |
904 |
94709 |
English for contract and company law / by Marcella Chartrand, Catherine Millar, Edward Wiltshire
2009 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
K94 |
C486e 2009 |
905 |
94710 |
European Union law / by Koen Lenaerts, Piet Van Nuffel ; editors, Robert Bray, Nathan Cambien
2011 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
KJE5076 |
L563e 2011 |
906 |
94712 |
Boundaries, walls and fences / Trevor M. Aldridge
2009 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
KD921 |
A365b 2009 |
907 |
94809 |
Migration and social protection : claiming social rights beyond borders / [edited by] Rachel Sabates-Wheeler and Rayah Feldman
c2011 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
JV6035 |
M636 2011 |
908 |
94815 |
Political analysis : a critical introduction/ Colin Hay
2002 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
JA71 |
H412p 2002 |
909 |
94816 |
Political transformations and political entrepreneurs : Israel in comparative perspective / Assaf Meydani
c2009 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
JQ1830.A95 |
M612p 2009 |
910 |
94819 |
The politics of intellectual property rights and access to medicines / Valbona Muzaka
2011 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
K3260.3 |
M994p 2011 |
911 |
94827 |
Rethinking contemporary feminist politics / Jonathan Dean
2010 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
HQ1236 |
D281r 2010 |
912 |
94828 |
Rethinking multiculturalism : cultural diversity and political theory / Bhikhu Parekh
2006 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
HM1271 |
P227r 2006 |
913 |
94832 |
Science in environmental policy : the politics of objective advice / Ann Campbell Keller
c2009 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
GE170 |
K292s 2009 |
914 |
94837 |
Territory, globalization and international relations : the cartographic reality of space / Jeppe Strandsbjerg
2010 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
JC319 |
S897t 2010 |
915 |
94913 |
Contract law / Neil Andrews
2011 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
KD1554 |
A568c 2011 |
916 |
94914 |
International trade and investment law : multilateral, regional and bilateral governance / Rafael Leal-Arcas
2011 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
K3943 |
L435i 2011 |
917 |
94915 |
International law : cases and materials with Australian perspectives / Donald Rothwell ... [et al.].
2011 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
KU1985 |
I616 2011 |
918 |
94917 |
Research handbook on the economics of property law / edited by Kenneth Ayotte and Henry E. Smith
c2011 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
K720 |
R432 2011 |
919 |
94918 |
Conflict and housing, land and property rights : a handbook on issues, frameworks, and solutions / Scott Leckie, Chris Huggins
2011 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
KZ6785 |
L461c 2011 |
920 |
94919 |
Research handbook on international human rights law / edited by Sarah Joseph, Adam McBeth
c2010 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
K3240 |
R432 2010 |
921 |
94920 |
Constitutional & administrative law / Hilaire Barnett
2011 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
KD3989 |
B261c 2011 |
922 |
94921 |
The modern law of contract / Richard Stone
2011 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
KD1554 |
S879m 2011 |
923 |
94923 |
Climate change liability / edited by Michael Faure, Marjan Peters
c2011 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
K955 |
C639 2011 |
924 |
94924 |
Comparative company law : text and cases on the laws governing corporations in Germany, the UK and the USA / Andreas Cahn and David C. Donald
2011 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
K1315 |
C132c 2011 |
925 |
94925 |
Climate law and developing countries : legal and policy challenges for the world economy / Benjamin J. Richardson...[et al]
2011 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
K3593 |
C639 2011 |
926 |
94967 |
A teacher's guide to education law / Michael Imber and Tyll van Geel
2010 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
KF4119.85 |
I322t 2010 |
927 |
94972 |
Globalisation and natural resources law : challenges, key issues and perspectives / Elena Blanco, Jona Razzaque
c2011 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
K3478 |
M562g 2011 |
928 |
94973 |
Conflict of laws in a globalized world / edited by Eckart Gottschalk...[et al]
2011 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
K7041 |
C748 2011 |
929 |
94974 |
Globalization and the future of labour law / edited by John D.R. Craig, Michael Lynk
2010 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
K1705 |
G562 2010 |
930 |
94975 |
Juvenile crime and justice / general editor, William J. Chambliss
c2011 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
HV9069 |
J97 2011 |
931 |
94976 |
The migration of constitutional ideas / edited by Sujit Choudhry
2010 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
K3165 |
T374 2010 |
932 |
94979 |
Trade law and regulation in Korea / edited by Seung Wha Chang and Won-Mog Choi
c2011 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
KPA3272 |
T763 2011 |
933 |
94981 |
Iran's constitutional revolution : popular politics, cultural transformations and transnational connections / edited by H.E. Chehabi and Vanessa Martin
2010 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
KMH2101 |
I652 2010 |
934 |
94982 |
Multilevel governance of global environmental change : perspectives from science, sociology and the law / edited by Gerd Winter
2011 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
K3585 |
M961 2011 |
935 |
95096 |
ASEAN competition law / edited by Robert Ian McEwin and Kala Anandarajah
2012 |
Genaral Book |
4 |
KNC750 |
A816 2012 |
936 |
95352 |
Courtroom and report skills for social workers / Clare Seymour and Richard Seymour
2011 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
K2100 |
S521c 2011 |
937 |
95446 |
Condorcet : political writings / [edited by] Steven Lukes, Nadia Urbinati
2012 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
JC179 |
C746 2012 |
938 |
95448 |
Corporate social responsibility of multinational corporations in developing countries : perspectives on anti-corruption / Adefolake Adeyeye
2012 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
K1322 |
A233c 2012 |
939 |
95449 |
Environmental discourses in public and international law / edited by Brad Jessup and Kim Rubenstein
2012 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
K3584.8 |
E616 2012 |
940 |
95450 |
European constitutional law / Robert Schützz
2012 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
KJE4445 |
S396e 2012 |
941 |
95453 |
Indigenous rights in the age of the UN declaration / edited by Elvira Pulitano with an afterword by Mililani B. Trask
2012 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
K3247 |
P981i 2012 |
942 |
95455 |
Law against the state : ethnographic forays into law's transformations / edited by Julia Eckert, Brian Donahoe, Christian Strümpell, Zerrin Özlem Biner
2012 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
K564.P83 |
L415 2012 |
943 |
95459 |
New frontiers in the philosophy of intellectual property / edited by Annabelle Lever
2012 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
K1401 |
N532 2012 |
944 |
95509 |
The Constitutional Court rulings ... / Office of the Constitutional Court
2003- |
Genaral Book |
12 |
KPT2066.5 |
C758 2003 |
945 |
95687 |
Environmental and energy law / Edited by Karen E. Makuch, Ricardo Pereira
2012 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
K3981 |
M235e 2012 |
946 |
95723 |
Environmental crime : the criminal justice system's role in protecting the environment / Yingyi Situ, David Emmons
c2000 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
KF3775 |
S623e 2000 |
947 |
95750 |
Global competition : law, markets, and globalization / David J. Gerber
2012 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
K3850 |
G362g 2012 |
948 |
95753 |
Halsbury's laws of Singapore volume 5(3) 2011 reissue : communications
2011 |
Reference Book |
1 |
KPP2.5 |
H196 2011 |
949 |
95757 |
Honeyball & Bowers' textbook on employment law / Simon Honeyball
2012 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
KD3009 |
H772h 2012 |
950 |
95759 |
Human rights law concentrate / Bernadette Rainey
2012 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
KD4080 |
R156h 2012 |
951 |
95762 |
International humanitarian law and international human rights law : pas de deux / edited by Orna Ben-Naftali
2011 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
KZ6471 |
I615 2011 |
952 |
95763 |
Interpreting justice : ethics, politics and language / Moira Inghilleri
2012 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
P306.97.S63 |
I48i 2012 |
953 |
95764 |
Introduction to global politics / Richard W. Mansbach and Kirsten L. Taylor
2012 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
JC319 |
M286i 2012 |
954 |
95766 |
Islamic law and international human rights law : searching for common ground? / edited by Anver M. Emon, Mark S. Ellis, Benjamin Glahn
2012 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
KBP2460 |
I825 2012 |
955 |
95768 |
Law and neuroscience : current legal issues 2010 / edited by Michael Freeman
2011 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
K346 |
L415 2011 |
956 |
95774 |
Making laws for cyberspace / Chris Reed
2012 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
K564.C6 |
R323m 2012 |
957 |
95775 |
Malaysian court practice / LexisNexis Malaysia Sdn. Bhd.
2011 |
Genaral Book |
3 |
KPG3464 |
M239 2011 |
958 |
95780 |
Medical law and ethics / Jonathan Herring
2012 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
959 |
95782 |
National courts and the international rule of law / André Nollkaemper
2012 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
K302 |
N796n 2012 |
960 |
95783 |
National responsibility and global justice / David Miller
2012 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
JZ1308 |
M647n 2012 |
961 |
95785 |
Oil and gas production contracts / Anthony Jennings
2008 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
K3915 |
O392 2008 |
962 |
95788 |
Parties and parliaments in Southeast Asia : non-partisan chambers in Indonesia, the Philippines and Thailand / Roland Rich
2013 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
JQ750.A979 |
R499p 2013 |
963 |
95795 |
Sentencing and punishment : the quest for justice / Susan Easton and Christine Piper
c2012 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
KD8406 |
E138s 2012 |
964 |
95800 |
The 1951 convention relating to the status of refugees and its 1967 protocol : a commentary / edited by Andreas Zimmermann
2011 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
KZ6530 |
N714 2011 |
965 |
95805 |
The European Union and global emergencies : a law and policy analysis / edited by Antonis Antoniadis, Robert Schutze, and Eleanor Spaventa
2011 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
KJE7520.A8 |
E899 2011 |
966 |
95809 |
The family : a liberal defence / David Archard
2010 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
HQ728 |
A669f 2010 |
967 |
95812 |
The idea of private law / Ernest J. Weinrib
2012 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
K600 |
W424i 2012 |
968 |
95813 |
The international law of occupation / Eyal Benvenisti
2012 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
KZ6429 |
B478i 2012 |
969 |
95815 |
The law of contract / Janet O'Sullivan, Jonathan Hilliard
2012 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
KD1554 |
O115l 2012 |
970 |
95816 |
The legal construction of personal work relations / Mark Freedland, Nicola Kountouris
2011 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
KJE2855 |
F853l 2011 |
971 |
95817 |
The legal protection of human rights : sceptical essays / edited by Tom Campbell, K.D. Ewing, and Adam Tomkins
2011 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
K3239.8 |
L496 2011 |
972 |
95820 |
The right to have rights : citizenship, humanity, and international law / Alison Kesby
2012 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
K3240 |
K421r 2012 |
973 |
95822 |
The Statute of the International Court of Justice : a commentary / edited by Andreas Zimmermann, Christian Tomuschat, Karin Oellers-Frahm, Christian J. Tams; assistant editors, Maral Kashgar, David Diehl
2012 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
KZ6275 |
S797 2012 |
974 |
95825 |
Trade in goods : the GATT and the other WTO agreements regulating trade in goods / Petros C. Mavroidis
2012 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
K4600 |
M461t 2012 |
975 |
95888 |
American cultural studies : an introduction to American culture / Neil Campbell and Alasdair Kean
2012 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
E169.1 |
C189a 2012 |
976 |
95889 |
Arbitration of international business disputes : studies in law and practice / William W. Park, Professor of Law, Boston University
2012 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
K2400 |
A664 2012 |
977 |
95891 |
Asian approaches to international law and the legacy of colonialism : the law of the sea, territorial disputes and international dispute settlement / edited by Jin-Hyun Paik, Seok-Woo Lee and Kevin Y.L. Tan
c2013 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
KZ3684.5.A78 |
A832 2013 |
978 |
95892 |
Banking law / by Poh Chu Chai
2011 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
KPG885 |
C434b 2011 |
979 |
95984 |
Public policy : politics, analysis, and alternatives / Michael E. Kraft and Scott R. Furlong
2013 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
H97 |
K892p 2013 |
980 |
95990 |
Blackstone's international human rights documents / edited by Sandy Ghandhi
2012 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
K3238 |
B631 2012 |
981 |
95992 |
Brierly's law of nations : an introduction to the role of international law in international relations / [edited by] Andrew Clapham
2012 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
KZ3225.B75 |
B853b 2012 |
982 |
95996 |
Canon law : a comparative study with Anglo-American legal theory / John J. Coughlin
c2011 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
KB243.C68 |
C854c 2011 |
983 |
95998 |
Cases and materials on equity and trusts / J.D. Heydon, M.J. Leeming
c2011 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
KD1480.A7 |
H615c 2011 |
984 |
96000 |
Challenges to civil rights guarantees in India / A.G. Noorani and South Asia Human Rights Documentation Centre
2012 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
KNS2095 |
C437 2012 |
985 |
96010 |
Competition and innovation in the EU regulation of pharmaceuticals : the case of parallel trade / Claudia Desogus
c2011 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
KJE6201 |
D467c 2011 |
986 |
96011 |
Competition law / Richard Whish, David Bailey
c2012 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
KD2212 |
W576c 2012 |
987 |
96018 |
Constitutional law, administrative law, and human rights : a critical introduction / Ian Loveland
c2012 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
K3165 |
L898c 2012 |
988 |
96019 |
Corporate finance law in the UK and EU / edited by Dan Prentice, Arad Reisberg
2011 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
HV8291.A78 |
C822 2011 |
989 |
96020 |
Corporate security in the Asia-Pacific Region : crisis, crime, fraud & misconduct / Chris Cubbage, David Brooks
2013 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
HV8291.A78 |
C962c 2013 |
990 |
96021 |
Correctional theory : context and consequences / Francis T. Cullen, Cheryl Lero Jonson
c2012 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
HV8665 |
C967c 2012 |
991 |
96023 |
Courts : a text/reader / Cassia Spohn, Craig Hemmens
c2012 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
KF8720 |
S762c 2012 |
992 |
96026 |
Crime and punishment : a concise moral critique / Hyman Gross
c2012 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
HV7419 |
G878c 2012 |
993 |
96027 |
Criminal justice ethics : theory and practice / Cyndi Banks
c2013 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
HV7419 |
B218c 2013 |
994 |
96028 |
Criminal law / Nicola Padfield
c2012 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
HV9346.A5 |
P123c 2012 |
995 |
96032 |
Cross-border bank insolvency / edited by Rosa M. Lastra
2011 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
K1066 |
C951 2011 |
996 |
96034 |
Cross-border insolvency : a commentary on the UNCITRAL model law / general editor Look Chan Ho
c2012 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
K7510 |
C951 2012 |
997 |
96066 |
The law and economics of contingent protection in the WTO / Petros C. Mavroidis, Patrick A. Messerlin, Jasper M. Wauters
2008 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
K4635 |
M461l 2008 |
998 |
96094 |
Development at the World Trade Organization / Sonia E. Rolland
c2012 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
K4610 |
R749d 2012 |
999 |
96098 |
Ellinger's modern banking law / E.P. Ellinger, Eva Lomnicka, and C.V.M. Hare
c2011 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
KD1715 |
E461e 2011 |
1000 |
96099 |
Employment contracts in private international law / Louise Merrett
2011 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
K888 |
M568e 2011 |
1001 |
96100 |
Employment law / David Lewis, Malcolm Sargeant
c2011 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
KD3009.3 |
L673e 2011 |
1002 |
96101 |
Employment law : an introduction / Stephen Taylor, Astra Emir
c2012 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
KD3009 |
T246e 2012 |
1003 |
96105 |
EU administrative law / Paul Craig
c2012 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
KJE5602 |
C886e 2012 |
1004 |
96109 |
2011 collier portable pamphlet / Alan N. Resnick, Henry J. Sommer
2010 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
KF1524 |
T974 2010 |
1005 |
96110 |
2011 collier bankruptcy / Alan N. Resnick, Henry J. Sommer
2010 |
Genaral Book |
2 |
KF1524 |
T974 2010 |
1006 |
96171 |
China and India : the quest for energy resources in the 21st century / Hong Zhao
2012 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
HD9502.C62 |
Z634c 2012 |
1007 |
96176 |
China's civil service reform / Wang Xiaoqi
2012 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
JQ1512 |
W246c 2012 |
1008 |
96198 |
Ethics, law, and policy / Jerome E. Bickenbach
2012 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
HV1568 |
B583e 2012 |
1009 |
96242 |
Internet law in China / Guosong Shao
2012 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
KNQ80.C65 |
S528i 2012 |
1010 |
96384 |
Digital evidence and computer crime : forensic science, computers and the Internet / by Eoghan Casey ; with contributions from Susan W. Brenner ... [et al.]
c2011 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
HV6773.C35 |
C338d 2011 |
1011 |
96391 |
Global governance of the environment : environmental principles and change in international law and politics / Afshin Akhtarkhavari
c2010 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
K3585 |
A315g 2010 |
1012 |
96397 |
Handbook of research on international consumer law / edited by Geraint Howells, Iain Ramsay, Thomas Wilhelmsson ; with David Kraft
c2010 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
K3842 |
H236 2010 |
1013 |
96400 |
Law and development : critical concepts in law / edited by Julio Faundez
2012 |
Genaral Book |
4 |
K561 |
L415 2012 |
1014 |
96403 |
Muslim legal thought in modern Indonesia / R. Michael Feener
2011 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
KNW469 |
F295m 2011 |
1015 |
96409 |
Reconciling trade and climate : how the WTO can help address climate change / Tracey Epps, Andrew Green
c2010 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
K3585.5 |
E645r 2010 |
1016 |
96410 |
Rethinking rape law : international and comparative perspectives / edited by Clare McGlynn and Vanessa E. Munro
2011 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
K5197 |
R438 2011 |
1017 |
96416 |
Transnational corporations and international law : accountability in the global business environment / Alice De Jonge
c2011 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
K1322 |
J799t 2011 |
1018 |
96425 |
The Oxford handbook of comparative constitutional law / edited by Michel Rosenfeld and Andras Sajo
2012 |
Genaral Book |
3 |
K3165 |
O984 2012 |
1019 |
96596 |
Employment law for human resource practice / by David J. Walsh
2013 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
KF3319 |
W224e 2013 |
1020 |
96753 |
Selling tourism services at a distance : an analysis of the EU consumer acquis / Josep Marํa Bech Serrat
c2012 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
KJE6577 |
B391s 2012 |
1021 |
96760 |
Strategic issues in air transport : legal, economic and technical aspects / Ruwantissa Abeyratne
c2012 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
K4095 |
A147s 2012 |
1022 |
96856 |
Banking law and practice / The Hong Kong Institute of Bankers
2013 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
KNQ9323.6 |
B218 2013 |
1023 |
96867 |
Congress and the politics of national security / editors David P. Auerswald, Colton C. Campbell
2012 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
KF4850 |
C749 2012 |
1024 |
96868 |
Consumer credit, debt and investment in Europe / edited by James Devenney and Mel Kenny
2012 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
KJE6577.A8 |
C758 2012 |
1025 |
96890 |
Dissenting voices in American society : the role of judges, lawyers, and citizens / edited by Austin Sarat
2012 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
KF8990.A75 |
D613 2012 |
1026 |
96955 |
Law and the technologies of the twenty-first century : text and materials / by Roger Brownsword, Morag Goodwin
2012 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
K487.T4 |
B885l 2012 |
1027 |
96957 |
Legal pluralism and development : scholars and practitioners in dialogue / edited by Brian Z. Tamanaha, Caroline Sage, Michael Woolcock
2012 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
K236 |
L496 2012 |
1028 |
97006 |
The economic dynamics of law / David M. Driesen
2012 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
K487.E3 |
D779e 2012 |
1029 |
97008 |
The law and politics of WTO waivers : stability and flexibility in public international law / Isabel Feichtner
2012 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
K3943 |
F297l 2012 |
1030 |
97010 |
The law of reputation and brands in the Asia Pacific / edited by Andrew T. Kenyon, Ng-Loy Wee Loon and Megan Richardson
2012 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
K1559 |
L415 2012 |
1031 |
97011 |
The mind of the criminal : the role of developmental social cognition in criminal defense law / Reid Griffith Fontaine
2012 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
KF9242 |
F678m 2012 |
1032 |
97014 |
The politics of modern Central America : civil war, democratization, and underdevelopment / Fabrice Lehoucq
2012 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
F1439.5 |
L524p 2012 |
1033 |
97155 |
Perspectives on the ICRC study on customary international humanitarian law / edited by Elizabeth Wilmshurst and Susan Carolyn Breau
2011 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
KZ6471 |
P467 2011 |
1034 |
97163 |
Justice / edited by Karen A. Hegtvedt, Jody Clay-Warner
2008 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
K370 |
J964 2008 |
1035 |
97168 |
Processes and production methods (PPMs) in WTO law : interfacing trade and social goals / Christiane R. Conrad
2011 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
K3943 |
C754p 2011 |
1036 |
97173 |
Boilerplate clauses, international commercial contracts and the applicable law / edited by Giuditta Cordero-Moss
2011 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
K845.S7 |
B679 2011 |
1037 |
97186 |
Constraints on the waging of war : an introduction to international humanitarian law / Frits Kalshoven, Liesbeth Zegveld
2011 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
KZ6475 |
K148c 2011 |
1038 |
97190 |
Criminal justice in the pre-colonial, colonial and post-colonial eras : an application of the colonial model to changes in the severity of punishment in Nigerian law / Peter O. Nwankwo
c2010 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
KTA3409 |
N992c 2010 |
1039 |
97194 |
Democracy's privileged few : legislative privilege and democratic norms in the British and American constitutions / Josh Chafetz
c2007 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
K3324 |
C433d 2007 |
1040 |
97196 |
Detention in the 'War on Terror' : can human rights fight back? / Fiona de Londras
2011 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
K3240 |
D361d 2011 |
1041 |
97199 |
European comparative company law / Mads Andenas and Frank Wooldridge
2010 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
KJC2432 |
A543e 2010 |
1042 |
97204 |
Gay families and the courts : the quest for equal rights / Susan Gluck Mezey
2009 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
KF4754.5 |
M617g 2009 |
1043 |
97209 |
Human rights in international relations / David P. Forsythe
2012 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
K3240 |
F735h 2012 |
1044 |
97212 |
International authority and the responsibility to protect / Anne Orford
2011 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
KZ6374 |
O67i 2011 |
1045 |
97213 |
International law on the left : re-examining marxist legacies / editor Susan Marks
2010 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
KZ1250 |
I616 2010 |
1046 |
97214 |
Internet co-regulation : European law, regulatory governance and legitimacy in cyberspace / Christopher T. Marsden
2011 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
KJC164.C65 |
M364i 2011 |
1047 |
97221 |
Legal research, analysis, and writing / Joanne Banker Hames, Yvonne Ekern
c2012 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
KF240 |
H215l 2012 |
1048 |
97393 |
Digital media law / Ashley Packard
2013 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
KF2750 |
P119d 2013 |
1049 |
97414 |
Representing justice : invention, controversy, and rights in city-states and democratic courtrooms / Judith Resnik and Dennis Curtis
c2011 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
K2100 |
R434r 2011 |
1050 |
97440 |
Java : a beginner's guide / Herbert Schildt
2012 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
QA76.73.J38 |
S334j 2012 |
1051 |
97441 |
Java programming : a comprehensive introduction / Herbert Schildt, Dale Skrien
c2013 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
QA76.73.J38 |
S334j 2013 |
1052 |
97443 |
Law and ethics in educational leadership / David L.Stader
c2013 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
KF4175 |
S776l 2013 |
1053 |
97538 |
Bureaucracy and democracy : accountability and performance / William T. Gormley, Steven J. Balla
2013 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
JK421 |
G671b 2013 |
1054 |
97898 |
School law and the public schools : a practical guide for educational leaders / Nathan L. Essex
c2012 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
KF4119 |
E788s 2012 |
1055 |
97970 |
The development of international law by the international court / Hersch Lauterpacht
2010 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
JX1971.5 |
D489 2010 |
1056 |
97973 |
The long divergence : how Islamic law held back the Middle East / Timur Kuran
c2011 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
HC415.15 |
K968l 2011 |
1057 |
97989 |
Top 10 rules of ethics for paralegals / Deborah K. Orlik
c2011 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
KF306 |
O719t 2011 |
1058 |
97990 |
Transition from illegal regimes under international law / Yael Ronen
2011 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
KZ4024 |
R772t 2011 |
1059 |
100016 |
Human rights and the environment / edited by Dinah L. Shelton
c2011 |
Genaral Book |
2 |
K3584.8 |
H918 2011 |
1060 |
100021 |
International business law and its environment / Richard Schaffer ... [et al.].
2012 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
K1005.4 |
I612 2012 |
1061 |
100081 |
Research handbook on international environmental law / edited by Malgosia Fitzmaurice, David M. Ong, Panos Merkouris
2010 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
K3585 |
R432 2010 |
1062 |
100141 |
An introduction to EU competition law / Moritz Lorenz
2013 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
KJE6456 |
L869i 2013 |
1063 |
100142 |
Corporate insolvency law : perspectives and principles / Vanessa Finch
2009 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
KD2139 |
F492c 2009 |
1064 |
100144 |
Principles of international environmental law / Philippe Sands and Jacqueline Peel with [contributing authors] Adriana Fabra Aguilar and Ruth MacKenzie
2012 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
K3585 |
S221p 2012 |
1065 |
100145 |
Reconceptualizing children's rights in international development : living rights, social justice, translations / edited by Karl Hanson, Olga Nieuwenhuys
2013 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
K639 |
R311 2013 |
1066 |
100200 |
Globalization and sovereignty : rethinking legality, legitimacy, and constitutionalism / Jean L. Cohen
2012 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
JZ4034 |
C678g 2012 |
1067 |
100500 |
China-ASEAN relations and international law / Zou Keyuan
2009 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
KZ4335 |
Z91c 2009 |
1068 |
100505 |
Piracy and international maritime crimes in ASEAN : prospects for cooperation / edited by R.C. Beckman and J.A. Roach
c2012 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
KZ7212 |
P667 2012 |
1069 |
100619 |
Data mining for intelligence, fraud, & criminal detection : advanced analytics & information sharing technologies / Christopher Westphal
c2009 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
HV7921 |
W537d 2009 |
1070 |
100663 |
A guide to the UNCITRAL arbitration rules / Clyde Croft, Christopher Kee and Jeffrey Waincymer
2013 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
K2400 |
C941g 2013 |
1071 |
100664 |
Collective rights : a legal theory / Miodrag A. Jovanovic
2012 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
K3240 |
J869c 2012 |
1072 |
100665 |
Commercial contract law : transatlantic perspectives / edited by Larry A. DiMatteo, University of Florida; Qi Zhou, University of Sheffield ; S�everine Saintier, University of Sheffield; Keith Rowley, University of Nevada, Las Vegas.
2013 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
K840 |
C734 2013 |
1073 |
100666 |
East Asian labor and employment law : international and comparative context / Ronald C. Brown
2012 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
KNC403 |
B879e 2012 |
1074 |
100667 |
Global legal pluralism : a jurisprudence of law beyond borders / Paul Schiff Berman
2012 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
K236 |
B516g 2012 |
1075 |
100668 |
Hugo Grotius on the law of war and peace / Hugo Grotius ; edited and annotated by Stephen C. Neff
2012 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
KZ2093.A3 |
G881h 2012 |
1076 |
100669 |
Immigration detention : law, history, politics / Daniel Wilsher
2012 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
K3277 |
W746i 2012 |
1077 |
100670 |
International commercial arbitration : different forms and their features / edited by Giuditta Cordero-Moss
2013 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
K2400 |
I612 2013 |
1078 |
100671 |
Judging social rights / Jeff King
2012 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
KF4749 |
K532j 2012 |
1079 |
100672 |
Law and custom in Korea : comparative legal history / Marie Seong-Hak Kim
2012 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
KPA2340 |
K493l 2012 |
1080 |
100673 |
Law, society, and history : themes in the legal sociology and legal history of Lawrence M. Friedman / edited by Robert W. Gordon, Morton J. Horwitz
2011 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
K376 |
L416 2011 |
1081 |
100674 |
Lawyering skills and the legal process / Caroline Maughan and Julian Webb
2006 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
KD474 |
M449l 2006 |
1082 |
100675 |
Migration and refugee law : principles and practice in Australia / John Vrachnas ... [et al.]
2012 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
KU2144 |
M636 2012 |
1083 |
100676 |
Non-state actors, soft law and protective regimes : from the margins / edited by Cecilia M. Bailliet
2012 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
KZ1293 |
N812 2012 |
1084 |
100679 |
Proportionality : constitutional rights and their limitations / Aharon Barak ; translated from the Hebrew by Doron Kalir
2012 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
K3165 |
B224p 2012 |
1085 |
100680 |
The crime of aggression under the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court / Carrie McDougall
Genaral Book |
1 |
KZ6396 |
M137c 2013 |
1086 |
100682 |
The Future of International law : global government / Joel P. Trachtman
2013 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
KZ3410 |
T759f 2013 |
1087 |
100683 |
The international law of the sea / Yoshifumi Tanaka
2012 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
KZA1145 |
T161i 2012 |
1088 |
100685 |
The principles and practice of international commercial arbitration / Margaret L. Moses
2012 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
K2400 |
M911p 2012 |
1089 |
100710 |
'Crimes against peace' and international law / Kirsten Sellars
2013 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
KZ7140 |
S467c 2013 |
1090 |
100714 |
The ethics of preventive war / edited by Deen K. Chatterjee
2013 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
KZ6396 |
E844 2013 |
1091 |
100716 |
The politics of principle : the first South African Constitutional Court, 1995-2005 / Theunis Roux
2013 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
KTL2620 |
R871p 2013 |
1092 |
100743 |
Cooperation in the law of transboundary water resources / Christina Leb
2013 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
K3498 |
L441c 2013 |
1093 |
100745 |
International commercial litigation : text, cases, and materials on private international law / Trevor C. Hartley
2009 |
Genaral Book |
2 |
K1005 |
H332i 2009 |
1094 |
100746 |
International law / Jan Klabbers
2013 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
KZ3410 |
K631i 2013 |
1095 |
100747 |
State responsibility : the general part / James Crawford
2013 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
KZ4080 |
C899s 2013 |
1096 |
100748 |
The extraterritorial application of the human right to water in Africa / Takele Soboka Bulto
2014 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
KQC581 |
B939e 2014 |
1097 |
100749 |
The law and policy of the world trade organization : text cases and materials / Peter Van den Bossche, Werner Zdouc
2013 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
K4610 |
B745l 2013 |
1098 |
100750 |
The WTO dispute settlement procedures : a collection of the relevant legal texts / World Trade Organization
2012 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
K4610.5 |
W958 2012 |
1099 |
100755 |
Governing international rivers : polycentric politics in the Mekong and the Rhine / Tun Myint
c2012 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
KZ3700 |
M996g 2012 |
1100 |
100799 |
Bioethics, medicine and the criminal law. volume 3. medicine and bioethics in the theatre of the criminal process / Margaret Brazier and Suzanne Ost
c2013 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
K3611.G46 |
B827b 2013 |
1101 |
100800 |
Collective actions : enhancing access to justice and reconciling multilayer interests? / edited by Stefan Wrbka, Kyushu University, Japan, Steven Van Uytsel, Kyushu University, Japan, Mathias Siems, Durham University, UK.
2012 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
K2243 |
C697 2012 |
1102 |
100801 |
Human cloning : four fallacies and their legal consequences / Kerry Lynn Macintosh
2013 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
QH442.2 |
M152h 2013 |
1103 |
100802 |
Interdisciplinary perspectives on international law and international relations : the state of the art / edited by Jeffrey L. Dunoff, Temple University, Mark A. Pollack, Temple University
2013 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
KZ3410 |
I611 2013 |
1104 |
100803 |
International law reports / edited by Elihu Lauterpacht, Christopher J. Greenwood, Karen Lee.
2012 |
Genaral Book |
2 |
KZ199 |
I616 2012 |
1105 |
100804 |
Laws and societies in global contexts : contemporary approaches / Eve Darian-Smith.
2013 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
K370 |
D218l 2013 |
1106 |
100805 |
Privatizing war : private military and security companies under public international law / Lindsey Cameron and Vincent Chetail.
c2013 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
KZ6418.5 |
C182p 2013 |
1107 |
100806 |
The role of ethics in international law / edited by Donald Earl Childress
2012 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
KZ1256 |
R745 2012 |
1108 |
100812 |
Law for recreation and sport managers / [edited by] Doyice J. Cotten, John T. Wolohan
c2013 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
KF3989 |
L415 2013 |
1109 |
101097 |
Migration and insecurity : citizenship and social inclusion in a transnational era / edited by Niklaus Steiner, Robert Mason and Anna Hayes
2013 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
JV6342 |
M636 2013 |
1110 |
101125 |
Understanding conflict resolution / Peter Wallensteen
c2012 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
KZ6010 |
W197u 2012 |
1111 |
101290 |
ปัญหากฎหมายตามพระราชบัญญัติศาลเยาวชนและครอบครัวและวิธีพิจารณาคดีเยาวชนและครอบครัว พ.ศ.2553: ศึกษากรณีการจับ และการตรวจสอบการจับ = The legal problems on the Juvenile and family courts act and procedure of the Juvenile and family court, B.E.2553: A case study of arrest and review of arrest / คมสันต์ ศรีทอง
2555 |
Theses |
1 |
1112 |
101305 |
Civil liberties and human rights / Helen Fenwick
2007 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
KD4080 |
F343c 2007 |
1113 |
101306 |
Current problems in the protection of human rights : perspectives from Germany and the UK / edited by Katja S. Ziegler and Peter M. Huber
c2013 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
KJC5132 |
C976 2013 |
1114 |
101308 |
Reflections on the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples / edited by Stephen Allen and Alexandra Xanthaki
2011 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
K3247 |
R332 2011 |
1115 |
101309 |
Restorative justice : ideas, values, debates / Gerry Johnstone
2011 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
HV8688 |
J737r 2011 |
1116 |
101310 |
Shooting to kill : socio-legal perspectives on the use of lethal force / edited by Simon Bronitt, Miriam Gani and Saskia Hufnagel
c2012 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
HV7924 |
S559 2012 |
1117 |
101311 |
Social work, law and ethics / Jonathan Dickens
c2013 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
HV40.35 |
D548s 2013 |
1118 |
101312 |
The impact of EU law on minority rights / Tawhida Ahmed
c2011 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
KJE5144.M46 |
A286i 2011 |
1119 |
101313 |
The right to development and international economic law : legal and moral dimensions / Isabella D Bunn
2012 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
K3820 |
B942r 2012 |
1120 |
101314 |
Understanding law and society / Max Travers
c2010 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
K370 |
T781u 2010 |
1121 |
101543 |
Oxford handbook of legal correspondence / Rupert Haigh
2006 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
KF250 |
H149o 2006 |
1122 |
101983 |
Law and election politics : the rules of the game / edited by Matthew J. Streb
2014 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
KF4886 |
L415 2014 |
1123 |
102480 |
Guide to US food laws and regulations / edited by Patricia A. Curtis
2013 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
KF3870 |
G946 2013 |
1124 |
102726 |
Forensic analytical techniques / Barbara H. Stuart, University of Technology, Sydney, Australia
2013 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
1125 |
102818 |
International human rights : a comprehensive introduction / Michael Haas
2014 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
K3240 |
H112i 2014 |
1126 |
103014 |
World criminal justice systems : a comparative survey / Richard J. Terrill
2013 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
HV7419 |
T326w 2013 |
1127 |
103135 |
Criminal responsibility for the crime of aggression / Patrycja Grzebyk
c2013 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
KZ7075 |
G895c 2013 |
1128 |
103232 |
Patent strategy for researchers and research managers / H. Jackson Knight
2013 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
KF3120.Z9 |
K697p 2013 |
1129 |
103272 |
Global politics of health / Sara E. Davies
2010 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
1130 |
103317 |
Individual rights and the making of the international system / Christian Reus-Smit
c2013 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
K3240 |
R445i 2013 |
1131 |
103511 |
China's legal system / Pitman B. Potter
2013 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
KNQ68 |
P868c 2013 |
1132 |
103534 |
Human trafficking : interdisciplinary perspectives / [edited by] Mary C. Burke
2013 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
HQ281 |
H918 2013 |
1133 |
103536 |
International law for energy and the environment / Patricia Park
Genaral Book |
1 |
K3981 |
P236i 2013 |
1134 |
103545 |
Local government in Europe : the "fourth level" in the EU multi-layered system of governance / edited by Carlo Panara and Michael R. Varney
2013 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
KJE5794 |
L811 2013 |
1135 |
103564 |
Forensic science in court : the role of the expert witness / Wilson Wall
2009 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
K5485 |
W187f 2009 |
1136 |
103574 |
The English legal system / Gary Slapper, David Kelly
2013 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
KD661 |
S631e 2013 |
1137 |
103577 |
Unlocking trusts / Mohamed Ramjohn
2013 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
KD1480 |
R173u 2013 |
1138 |
103580 |
Wrongful convictions and miscarriages of justice : causes and remedies in North American and European criminal justice systems / edited by C. Ronald Huff and Martin Killias
2013 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
HV9960.N7 |
W957 2013 |
1139 |
103581 |
Governing global land deals : the role of the state in the rush for land / edited by Wendy Wolford...[et al]
2013 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
K3534 |
G721 2013 |
1140 |
103758 |
Bioethics, medicine, and the criminal law. volume II . medicine, crime and society / edited by Danielle Griffiths and Andrew Sanders
2013 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
1141 |
103761 |
Diversity and European human rights : rewriting judgments of the ECHR / edited by Eva Brems
2013 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
KJC5132 |
B836d 2013 |
1142 |
103764 |
Global justice and international economic law : three takes / Frank J. Garcia
2013 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
KZ1268 |
G216g 2013 |
1143 |
103782 |
Religion in a liberal state / edited by Gavin D'Costa, Malcolm Evans, Tariq Modood and Julian Rivers
2013 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
K3280 |
R382 2013 |
1144 |
103788 |
The practice and procedure of the Inter-American court of human rights / Jo M. Pasqualucci
2013 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
KDZ579.I58 |
P284p 2013 |
1145 |
103792 |
The UN and human rights : who guards the guardians? / Guglielmo Verdirame
2013 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
K3240 |
V485u 2013 |
1146 |
103794 |
The UNHCR and the supervision of international refugee law / edited by James C. Simeon
2013 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
K3230.R45 |
U579 2013 |
1147 |
103797 |
Transitional justice in post-communist Romania : the politics of memory / Lavinia Stan
2013 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
KKR471 |
S784t 2013 |
1148 |
103841 |
International law in the U.S. supreme court : continuity and change / David L. Sloss, Michael D. Ramsey, William S. Dodge
2012 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
KF358 |
S634i 2012 |
1149 |
103870 |
An introduction to corporate and white-collar crime / Frank J DiMarino, Cliff Roberson
c2013 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
KF9350 |
D582i 2013 |
1150 |
103872 |
Medical law and ethics / Claudia Carr
c2013 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
KD3395 |
C311m 2013 |
1151 |
103897 |
Hong Kong legal principles : important topics for students and professionals / Stephen D. Mau
2013 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
KNQ9313.3 |
M447h 2013 |
1152 |
103919 |
Forensic chemistry / Suzanne Bell
c2014 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
1153 |
103928 |
Legal writing / Lisa Webley
2013 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
KD404 |
W376l 2013 |
1154 |
104432 |
An institutional approach to the responsibility to protect / edited by Gentian Zyberi ; assistant editor Kevin T. Mason
2013 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
KZ4082 |
I597 2013 |
1155 |
104433 |
Chinese justice : civil dispute resolution in contemporary China / edited by Margaret Y. K. Woo, Mary E. Gallagher.
2013 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
KNQ1572 |
W873c 2013 |
1156 |
104434 |
Criminal law, philosophy and public health practice / edited by A. M. Viens, John Coggon and Anthony S. Kessel
2013 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
KJC3770 |
C929 2013 |
1157 |
104435 |
Law and language : effective symbols of community / by Harold J. Berman ; edited by John Witte, Jr.
2013 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
K213 |
B516l 2013 |
1158 |
104436 |
Legal aspects of implementing the Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety / edited by Marie-Claire Cordonier Segger, Frederic Perron-Welch, Christine Frison
2013 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
K3925.B56 |
L496 2013 |
1159 |
104437 |
Making the law of the sea : a study in the development of international law / James Harrison
2013 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
KZA1145 |
H319m 2013 |
1160 |
104438 |
Multilateral environmental agreements : legal status of the secretariats / Bharat H. Desai
2013 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
K3585 |
D441m 2013 |
1161 |
104439 |
Non-governmental organisations in international law / Anna-Karin Lindblom
2012 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
KZ4850 |
L742n 2012 |
1162 |
104440 |
Professional secrecy of lawyers in Europe / compiled by the Bar of Brussels
2013 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
KJC3770 |
P964 2013 |
1163 |
104441 |
Science and the precautionary principle in international courts and tribunals : expert evidence, burden of proof and finality / Caroline E. Foster
2013 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
K3585 |
F754s 2013 |
1164 |
104442 |
Sustainable development, international criminal justice, and treaty implementation / edited by Sebastien Jodoin
2013 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
K3585 |
S964 2013 |
1165 |
104443 |
The future of African customary law / edited by Jeanmarie Fenrich, Paolo Galizzi, Tracy Higgins
2013 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
KQC99 |
F996 2013 |
1166 |
104444 |
The individual in the international legal system : continuity and change in international law / Kate Parlett
2013 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
KZ3920 |
P252i 2013 |
1167 |
104445 |
Threatened island nations : legal implications of rising seas and a changing climate / edited by Michael B. Gerrard, Gregory E. Wannier
2013 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
K3585.5 |
T531 2013 |
1168 |
104446 |
Transition from illegal regimes under international law / Yael Ronen
2013 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
KZ4024 |
R772t 2013 |
1169 |
104447 |
Women's human rights : CEDAW in international, regional, and national law / edited by Anne Hellum and Henriette Sinding Aasen
2013 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
K644 |
W872 2013 |
1170 |
104836 |
Antitrust : the person-centred approach / Abayomi Al-Ameen
2014 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
K3850 |
A316a 2014 |
1171 |
104837 |
Chinese tax law and international treaties / Lorenzo Riccardi
2013 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
KNQ3550 |
R489c 2013 |
1172 |
104839 |
Civil litigation in China and Europe : essays on the role of the judge and the parties / C.H. (Remco) van Rhee, Fu Yulin, editors
[2014] |
Genaral Book |
1 |
KNQ1610 |
C582 2014 |
1173 |
104840 |
Private international law in Commonwealth Africa / Richard Frimpong Oppong.
2013 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
KQC126 |
O623p 2013 |
1174 |
104841 |
Regulation of air transport : the slumbering sentinels / Ruwantissa Abeyratne
[2014] |
Genaral Book |
1 |
K4095 |
A147 2014 |
1175 |
104843 |
Tax reform : a reference handbook / James John Jurinski
c2012 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
KF6289 |
J959t 2012 |
1176 |
104846 |
The delimitation of the continental shelf between Denmark, Germany and the Netherlands : arguing law, practicing politics? / A.G. Oude Elferink
Genaral Book |
1 |
KZA1689 |
O932d 2013 |
1177 |
105069 |
Lawyer's wit and wisdom : quotations on the legal profession, in brief / edited by Bruce Nash, Allan Zullo ; compiled by Kathryn Zullo
c1995 |
Book for Classroom (30 Days) |
5 |
K58 |
L425 1995 |
1178 |
105245 |
A theory of justice / John Rawls
1971 |
Book for Classroom (30 Days) |
5 |
K340 |
R261t 1971 |
1179 |
105308 |
When states go broke : the origins, context, and solutions for the American states in fiscal crisis / edited by Peter Conti-Brown, David Skeel
2014 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
KF1535.S73 |
W567 2014 |
1180 |
105774 |
The multicultural dilemma : migration, ethnic politics, and state intermediation [electronic resource] / edited by Michelle Hale Williams
c2013 |
E-Book |
1 |
1181 |
105795 |
Law and election politics : the rules of the game [electronic resource] / edited by Matthew J. Streb
c2013 |
E-Book |
1 |
1182 |
105820 |
Medical law and ethics [electronic resource] / Claudia Carr
c 2013 |
E-Book |
1 |
1183 |
108250 |
Burden of proof, presumption and argumentation / Douglas Walton
Genaral Book |
1 |
K2263 |
W238b 2014 |
1184 |
108687 |
The United Nations human rights council : a critique and early assessment / Rosa Freedman
2013 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
K3241 |
F853u 2013 |
1185 |
108923 |
Company law in China : regulation of business organizations in a socialist market economy / Jianyu Wang
2014 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
KNQ1040 |
W246c 2014 |
1186 |
108924 |
Comparative constitutional law in Asia / edited by Rosalind Dixon, Tom Ginsburg
2014 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
KNC524 |
C737 2014 |
1187 |
108927 |
Design of constitutions / edited by Stefan Voigt, Director, Institute of Law and Economics, University of Hamburg, Germany
c2013 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
K3165 |
D457 2013 |
1188 |
108939 |
Introduction to Korean law / edited by Korea Legislation Research Institute
2013 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
KPA68 |
I619 2013 |
1189 |
108949 |
Medical law 2011-2012 / by Jonathan Herring
2011 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
1190 |
108952 |
The politics of law and stability in China / edited by Susan Trevaskes Elisa Nesossi, Flora Sapio, Surah Biddulph
2014 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
KNQ440 |
P769 2014 |
1191 |
108953 |
The principles and practice of international aviation law / Brian F. Havel; Gabriel S. Sanchez
Genaral Book |
1 |
K4095 |
H384p 2014 |
1192 |
109137 |
Law and development of middle-income countries : avoiding the middle-income trap / edited by Randall Peerenboom and Tom Ginsburg
2014 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
K3820 |
P375l 2014 |
1193 |
109146 |
Teaching law : justice, politics, and the demands of professionalism / Robin L. West
Genaral Book |
1 |
KF272 |
W519t 2014 |
1194 |
109384 |
Economic and social rights after the global financial crises / edited by Aoife Nolan
2014 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
K3820 |
E194 2014 |
1195 |
109430 |
Rights for others : the slow home-coming of human rights in the Netherlands / Barbara Oomen
2014 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
KKM2460 |
O599r 2014 |
1196 |
109448 |
The status of law in world society : meditations on the role and rule of law / Friedrich Kratochwil
2014 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
K3171 |
K899s 2014 |
1197 |
109488 |
Counter terrorism issues : case studies in the courtroom / James Ottavio Castagnera and Gregory J.W. Urwin
2013 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
KF9430 |
C346c 2013 |
1198 |
109620 |
Constitutionalism in Asia in the early twenty-first century / edited by Albert H.Y. Chen
2014 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
KNC524 |
C758 2014 |
1199 |
109622 |
Transitional justice in the Asia-Pacific / edited by Renee Jeffery and Hun Joon Kim
2014 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
K5250 |
T772 2014 |
1200 |
109705 |
Equity and trusts / Scott Atkins
2013 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
KD674 |
A874e 2013 |
1201 |
109713 |
Miscarriages of justice : actual innocence, forensic evidence, and the law / Brent E. Turvey and Craig M. Cooley
2014 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
K5560 |
T963m 2014 |
1202 |
109720 |
From goods to a good life : intellectual property and global justice / Madhavi Sunder
2012 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
K1401 |
S957f 2012 |
1203 |
109765 |
International and comparative criminal justice : a critical introduction / Mark Findlay, Louise Boon Kuo and Lim Si Wei
2013 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
K5001 |
F494i 2013 |
1204 |
109853 |
The language of law and economics : a dictionary / Francesco Parisi
2013 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
K487.E3 |
P234l 2013 |
1205 |
109894 |
Foreign affairs and the EU constitution : selected essays / Robert Schutze
2014 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
KJE5105 |
S396f 2014 |
1206 |
109903 |
Legal and economic principles of world trade law / edited by Henrik Horn and Petros C. Mavroidis
2013 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
K4600 |
L496 2013 |
1207 |
109931 |
Managing cyber attacks in international law, business, and relations : in search of cyber peace / Scott J. Shackelford.
2014 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
KZ6718 |
S524m 2014 |
1208 |
109932 |
Human rights in the constitutional law of the United States / Michael J. Perry
Genaral Book |
1 |
KF4749 |
P464h 2013 |
1209 |
109940 |
Active citizenship and disability : implementing the personalisation of support / Andrew Power, Janet Lord and Allison DeFranco
2013 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
K637 |
P887a 2013 |
1210 |
110024 |
International human rights law : cases, materials, commentary / Olivier De Schutter
2014 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
K3240 |
S396i 2014 |
1211 |
110145 |
Studies in law, politics, and society: volume 63 / edited by Austin Sarat
2014 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
K18 |
S933 2014 |
1212 |
110245 |
Code pénal / Yves Mayaud, Carole Gayet
2012 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
KJV7974 |
M467c 2012 |
1213 |
110352 |
Maritime law / edited by Yvonne Baatz
2014 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
KD1819 |
M342 2014 |
1214 |
110366 |
Wiley encyclopedia of forensic science / edited by Allan Jamieson and Andre Moenssens
2009 |
Reference Book |
5 |
1215 |
110385 |
Labor and employment law : text and cases / David P. Twomey
2013 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
KF3388 |
T974l 2013 |
1216 |
110466 |
Rule of law dynamics : in an era of international and transnational governance / Edited by Michael Zürn, Andre Nollkaemper and Randall Peerenboom
2012 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
K3171 |
R935 2012 |
1217 |
110504 |
The ethics of armed humanitarian intervention / edited by Don E. Scheid
2014 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
KZ6369 |
E843 2014 |
1218 |
110571 |
Justice through apologies : remorse, reform, and punishment / Nick Smith
2014 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
K346 |
S655j 2014 |
1219 |
110586 |
Chinese civil justice, past and present / Philip C. C. Huang
2012 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
KNQ1572 |
H874c 2012 |
1220 |
110761 |
The new terrain of international law : courts, politics, rights / Karen J. Alter
2014 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
KZ3410 |
A466n 2014 |
1221 |
110884 |
Legal traditions of the world : sustainable diversity in law / H. Patrick Glenn
2014 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
K559 |
G558l 2014 |
1222 |
110963 |
Democratic militarism : voting, wealth, and war / Jonathan D. Caverley
2014 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
KZ6385 |
C381d 2014 |
1223 |
111231 |
Minilateralism : how trade alliances, soft law, and financial engineering are redefining economic statecraft / Chris Brummer
2014 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
K3823 |
B893m 2014 |
1224 |
111241 |
Responsibility for human rights : transnational corporations in imperfect states / David Jason Karp
2014 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
K3240 |
K187r 2014 |
1225 |
111242 |
The history of global climate governance / Joyeeta Gupta
2014 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
K3585.5 |
G977h 2014 |
1226 |
111246 |
Transparency in international law / edited by Andrea Bianchi and Anne Peters
2013 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
KZ4080 |
T772 2013 |
1227 |
111312 |
The acquisition of territory : in international law / R. Y. Jennings
1963 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
JX4088 |
J543a 1963 |
1228 |
111549 |
Getting incentives right : improving torts, contracts, and restitution / Robert Cooter and Ariel Porat
2014 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
KF1250 |
C779g 2014 |
1229 |
111597 |
ความท้าทายทางสิ่งแวดล้อมของอาเซียนกับบทบาทของศาล 15-18 พฤศจิกายน 2556 = ASEAN' s Environmental Challenges and Legal Responses 15 - 18 November 2013 / คณะกรรมการด้านวิชาการเกี่ยวกับกฎหมายสิ่งแวดล้อม ศาลปกครอง
2557 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
1230 |
111620 |
The allocation of regulatory competence in the EU emissions trading scheme / Josephine van Zeben
2014 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
KJE6249 |
Z41a 2014 |
1231 |
111643 |
Walking a tightrope : defending human rights in China / Gert Holmgaard Nielsen
2014 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
KNQ502.4 |
N669w 2014 |
1232 |
112047 |
National security laws & measures : impacts on indigenous peoples / edited by Maria Ima, Carmela L. Ariate and Luchie Maranan
2014 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
K3247 |
N277 2014 |
1233 |
112093 |
International law / Malcolm N. Shaw
2008 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
KZ3275 |
S535i 2008 |
1234 |
112096 |
Blackstone's international law documents / edited by Malcolm D. Evans
2011 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
KZ64 |
B631 2011 |
1235 |
112293 |
Corruption and law in Indonesia [electronic resource] / Simon Butt
2017 |
E-Book |
1 |
1236 |
112297 |
Law and religion in Indonesia : conflict and the courts in West Java [electronic resource] / Melissa Crouch
c 2014 |
E-Book |
1 |
1237 |
112301 |
Law and fair work in China [electronic resource] / Sean Cooney, Sarah Biddulph and Ying Zhu
c 2013 |
E-Book |
1 |
1238 |
113165 |
English for lawyers / lecturer Sattra Keawphang
2015 |
Genaral Book |
2 |
KF250 |
S253e 2015 |
1239 |
113443 |
Text, cases and materials on medical law and ethics / Marc Stauch and Kay Wheat
2015 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
1240 |
113483 |
Materials and sustainable development / Michael F. Ashby
c2016 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
TA403.6 |
A823m 2016 |
1241 |
113661 |
European banking and financial law / Matthias Haentjens and Pierre de Gioia-Carabellese
2015 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
KJC2188 |
H135e 2015 |
1242 |
113662 |
Research handbook on international energy law / [edited by] Kim Talus
2014 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
K3981 |
R432 2014 |
1243 |
113663 |
Gender and international law : critical concepts in law / [edited by] Sari Kouvo and Zoe Pearson
2014 |
Genaral Book |
4 |
KZ1251 |
G325 2014 |
1244 |
113666 |
Juvenile justice : an introduction / John T. Whitehead and Steven P. Lab
2015 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
K639 |
W592j 2015 |
1245 |
113668 |
International child law / Trevor Buck
2014 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
K639 |
B922i 2014 |
1246 |
113670 |
From community to compliance? : the evolution of monitoring obligations in ASEAN / Simon Chesterman
2015 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
KNC742 |
C525f 2015 |
1247 |
113672 |
Children and international human rights law : the right of the child to be heard / Aisling Parkes
2015 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
K639 |
P245c 2015 |
1248 |
113673 |
ASEAN's external agreements : law, practice and the quest for collective action / Marise Cremona, David Kleimann, Joris Larik, Rena Lee and Pascal Vennesson
2015 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
KNE176.6 |
C915a 2015 |
1249 |
113674 |
ASEAN economic cooperation and integration : progress, challenges and future directions / Siow Yue Chia and Michael G. Plummer
2015 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
KNE171 |
C532a 2015 |
1250 |
113675 |
ASEAN as an actor in international fora : reality, potential and constraints / Paruedee Nguitragool and Jürgen Rüland
2015 |
Genaral Book |
2 |
KNE171 |
N576a 2015 |
1251 |
113676 |
Research handbook on international law and migration / [edited by] Vincent Chetail and Céline Bauloz
2014 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
K3275 |
R432 2014 |
1252 |
113678 |
Research handbook on the law of treaties / [edited by] Christian J. Tams, Antonios Tzanakopoulos, Andreas Zimmermann ; assistant editor and Athene E. Richford
2014 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
KZ1301 |
R432 2014 |
1253 |
113679 |
Routledge handbook of international environmental law / [edited by] Shawkat Alam and others
2013 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
K3585 |
R869 2013 |
1254 |
113681 |
The foundation of the ASEAN economic community : an institutional and legal profile / Stefano Inama and Edmund W. Sim
2015 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
KNE171 |
I359f 2015 |
1255 |
113687 |
The foundations and future of financial regulation : governance for responsibility / Mads Andenas and Iris H-Y Chiu
2014 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
K1066 |
A543f 2014 |
1256 |
113690 |
The South China Sea disputes and law of the sea / [edited by] S. Jayakumar,Tommy Koh and Robert Beckman
2014 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
KZA1692 |
S726 2014 |
1257 |
113692 |
The handbook of law and society / [edited by] Austin Sarat and Patricia Ewick
2015 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
K376 |
H236 2015 |
1258 |
113693 |
Comparative administrative law / [edited by] Susan Rose-Ackerman and Peter L. Lindseth
2010 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
K3400 |
C737 2010 |
1259 |
113695 |
War crimes, genocide, and the law : a guide to the issues / Arnold Krammer
2010 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
K5301 |
K896w 2010 |
1260 |
113698 |
International law and the use of force : a documentary and reference guide / Shirley Scott, Anthony John Billingsley, and Christopher Michaelsen
2010 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
KZ6368 |
S429i 2010 |
1261 |
113856 |
Forensics : the anatomy of crime / Val McDermid
2014 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
HV8073 |
M134f 2014 |
1262 |
113920 |
A human rights framework for intellectual property, innovation and access to medicines / Joo-Young Lee
2015 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
K3240 |
L477h 2015 |
1263 |
113921 |
Drug law reform in East and Southeast Asia / edited by Fifa Rahman and Nick Crofts
c2013 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
KB3090 |
D794 2013 |
1264 |
113923 |
Regulating food law : risk analysis and the precautionary principle as general principles of EU food law / Anna Szajkowska
2012 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
KJE6778 |
S996r 2012 |
1265 |
113924 |
The UN Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women : a commentary / edited by Marsha A. Freeman, Christine Chinkin and Beate Rudolf
2013 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
K3243.A4198 |
U541 2013 |
1266 |
113925 |
International criminal procedure : principles and rules / edited by Göran Sluiter...[et al.]
2013 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
KZ7360 |
I612 2013 |
1267 |
113926 |
Letters of credit : the law and practice of compliance / Ebenezer Adodo
2014 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
K1082 |
A239l 2014 |
1268 |
113927 |
Research handbook on international criminal law / edited by Bartram S. Brown
c2011 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
KZ7050 |
R432 2011 |
1269 |
113929 |
The Oxford handbook of United Nations peacekeeping operations / edited by Joachim A. Koops...[et al.]
c2015 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
KZ6376 |
O982 2015 |
1270 |
113930 |
A First Amendment profile of the Supreme Court / edited by Craig R. Smith
c2011 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
KF8742 |
F527 2011 |
1271 |
113931 |
Concubines in court : marriage and monogamy in twentieth-century China / Lisa Tran
2015 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
HQ684 |
T772c 2015 |
1272 |
113932 |
Children's rights in Ghana : reality or rhetoric? / edited by Robert Kwame Ame, DeBrenna LaFa Agbényiga and Nana Araba Apt
c2011 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
HQ789 |
C536 2011 |
1273 |
113933 |
Immigrant children : change, adaptation, and cultural transformation / edited by Susan S. Chuang and Robert P. Moreno
2011 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
HV4005 |
I333 2011 |
1274 |
113934 |
Blackstone's EU treaties & legislation 2015-2016 / Nigel G. Foster
2015 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
KJE916 |
F754b 2015 |
1275 |
113935 |
The practical guide to humanitarian law / Françoise Bouchet-Saulnier
2014 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
KZ6471 |
B753p 2014 |
1276 |
114021 |
The human right to water : significance, legal status and implications for water allocation / Inga T. Winkler
2012 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
K3260 |
W775h 2012 |
1277 |
114051 |
Globalizing human rights : emerging issues and approaches / edited by Charles Anthony Smith
2014 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
K3240 |
G562 2014 |
1278 |
114085 |
Constitutional law for dummies / Glenn C. Smith and Patricia Fusco
c2012 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
K4550 |
S642c 2012 |
1279 |
114318 |
An introduction to international arbitration / Ilias Bantekas
2015 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
K2400 |
B219i 2015 |
1280 |
114320 |
China in the international economic order : new directions and changing paradigms / edited by Lisa Toohey, Colin Picker and Jonathan Greenacre
2015 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
KNQ3405.A67 |
C539 2015 |
1281 |
114337 |
กฎหมายระหว่างประเทศ เล่ม 2 = International law / จุมพต สายสุนทร
2558 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
1282 |
114346 |
คำอธิบายกฎหมายครอบครัว / ประสพสุข บุญเดช
2559 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
1283 |
114350 |
International environmental law / Pierre-Marie Dupuy and Jorge E Viñuales
2015 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
K967 |
D945i 2015 |
1284 |
114849 |
The handbook of juvenile delinquency and juvenile justice / edited by Marvin D. Krohn and Jodi Lane
c2015 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
HV9069 |
H236 2015 |
1285 |
114850 |
Tools of justice : non-discrimination and the Indian constitution : in honour of K.G. Kannabiran / Kalpana Kannabiran
2015 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
KNS2100 |
K164t 2015 |
1286 |
114851 |
Constitutional conventions in Westminster systems : controversies, changes and challenges / edited by Brian Galligan and Scott Brenton
c2015 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
K3161 |
C758 2015 |
1287 |
114852 |
Investment treaty arbitration as public international law : procedural aspects and implications / Eric De Brabandere
2014 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
K3830 |
B795i 2014 |
1288 |
114853 |
An introduction to international institutional law / Jan Klabbers
2015 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
KZ4850 |
K631i 2015 |
1289 |
114854 |
Environmental crime and social conflict : contemporary and emerging issues / edited by Avi Brisman, Nigel South and Rob White
c2015 |
Genaral Book |
1 |
HV6401 |